Place Saint-Étienne à Vienne


© Huntley Film Archives


Place Saint-Stéphane ou Étienne à Vienne

Saint-Stephen’s Cathedral Square at Vienna

GAU 1897 ANG

St. Stephans-Platz in Wien

GAU 1896-1897 ALL


1 Gaumont 26 (60 mm)  
2 n.c.  
3 1896-<16/07/1896.  
4 Autriche-HongrieVienne.  


16/07/1896 Autriche-HongrieSalzbourg, Kurhaus chronophotographe  Szenen aus dem Wiener Straßenleben
[...] Wir sahen Szenen aus dem Wiener Straßenleben, aus dem zoologischen Garten in Paris, die Einfahrt eines Zuges in den Bahnhof, eine Gastgarten-Szene, ein Damenduell, ein bockendes Pferd [...]
Salzburger Volksblatt, Salzbourg, 16 juillet 1896, p. 4
07/11/1896 AustralieSydney James MacMahon  The Stefan Platz, Vienna 
One of the charms of the Cinematographe is that it brings home to the audience the daily life of foreign cities. This phase was illustrated by " The Stefan Platz, Vienna," in which the gaily-moving carriages and the busy throngs who foot it day by day in front of Vienna Cathedral, were vividly portrayed.
The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, lundi 9 novembre 1896, p. 3.
22/04/1897 CubaLa Havane Estrada y Armas Plaza de la Catedral de San Esteban en Viena
21/05/1897 Chili, Iquique Luis Oddó Plaza de San Esteban en Viena

