Lord George Sanger's Circus Parading through Inverness

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Lord George Sanger's Circus Parading through Inverness


1 Warwick Trading Company 5789  
2 [John McKenzie]  
3 [30]/07/1900  
On Monday 30th July an excursion train will be run from Wick to Inverness, for the purpose of giving north country people a chance of seeing Lord George Sanger's circus which is to visit Inverness on that day.
Northern times and weekly journal for Sutherland and the North, Golspie, jeudi 26 juillet 1900, p. 2.
4 Grande-Bretagne. Inverness.  
5 Filmoteca de Catalunya 35 mm. Positif. Nitrate. 18 m.


25/09/1900 Grande-Bretagne. Inverness    


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