The Sailor's Wedding
The Sailor's Wedding
The most Beautiful Cinematograph Picture ever produced.
A Subject which will appeal to all Classes.
Teeming with genuine sentiment and dramatic situations.
Nº 124. Length 525 ft. Price £13 2s. 6d.
This picture in 19 Scenes will undoubtedly prove the Greatest Attraction ever Produced, and we would call special attention to the magnificent effects obtained in the coloured sections of the Burning Ship and the rescue from the flames.
The Era, Londres, samedi 14 octobre 1905, p. 29.
La Vie du marin
Sailors Wedding
GRAND SUCCÈS (Recommandé)
Le Mariage ; Le Départ ; L'Incendie du bateau ; Le Sauvetage ; Le Retour au foyer.
GAU 1906
1 | Clarendon 124 | Gaumont 3069 |
2 | n.c. | |
3 | <14/10/1905 | 160 m./525 ft. 320 fr./£13 2s. 6d. Sailor. |
4 | Grande-Bretagne |
06/11-18/12/1905 | France, Paris, Société Française de Photographie | n.c. | La Vie du marin |
31/01/1906 | France, Bourges, Salle des Fêtes | The Stinson Bio | La Vie du marin |
01/03/1906 | France, Saint-Quentin, Cirque | The Royal Spectacle | La Vie du marin |
03/03/1906 | France. Limoges. Cirque Municipal. | René Fossembas | La Vie d'un marin |
20/10/1906 | France, Paris, Les Halles | Cinématographe Automobile | La Vie du marin |
11/12/1906 | France, Saint-Quentin, Cirque | The Stinson Bio | La Vie du marin |