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- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 16 septembre 2023
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
Trinidad et Tobago est une dépendance britannique située dans la Caraïbe.
El projectograph de Harry J. Daniels (Port-of-Spain/Prince's Building, 7-21 de mayo de 1897)
El día 3 de mayo de 1897, Harry J. Daniels y J. Dowe salen para Trinidad. En cuanto a Edwin Stanton Porter no sabemos si también sale con ellos, ya que su nombre no aparece, pero puede ser un olvido del periódico:
Per D.L.S. Savan for Trinidad, on Monday-Mr. and Mrs Eagle, Messrs. Dowe and Daniels.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Wednesday, May 5, 1897, p. 2.
La inauguración del projectographe tiene lugar el día 7 de mayo en el Prince's Building:
WE again beg to remind our readers of the Projectographe Exhibition which will take place at the Princeis Building to-morrow night, as well as to advise those who would like to attend to book their seats early, as a number of tickets, we understand, are being taken up by those who are desirous of witnessing one of Edison's greatest achievements in electricity. The Phoroscopic Journal says of this invention that even the Kinetograph and Kinetoscope, which are counted among the marvels of the century, sink into insignificance. So real and lifelike are the subjects thrown on the serene made to appear. The prices of admission are very popular, and have been so placed to enable everyone to attend.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 6 de mayo de 1897, p. 4.
Para informar a los lectores, el mismo periódico reproduce un texto publicado en Jamaica Post de Jamaica:
THE following is taken from the Jamaica Post. It bears out all that we have heard of the Exhibition which is to take place tonight:-
As briefly stated in yesterday's Post, the first exhibition of Edison's marvellous invention, the Projectographe, took place in the Town Hall of this city on Monday night last. The short paragraph utterly fails to do justice to the greatest marvel of this marvellous age.
Shortly after 7 p. m. the Exhibition commenced and the first scene depicted on the screen was that of the Farm with the servant girl feeding the cow and the poultry. then came the mounted Police charge. These scene showed a mass coming out until could be seen life-like figures of horses and men. The Black Diamond Express is a scene showing arrival of a train at a station and the dismounting of a passenger from it; the smoke from the engine was distinctly seen dissolving into the air. Starting for the fire showed the fire engines going off to the scene of the fire, the horses galloping the wheels turning. Men were seen leaving the track and a policeman standing on the side walk warning foot passengers of the approaching fire engines. After this came the barn on fire. This showed the flames bursting through a window, then two men rush up. open the barn door and disappear, coming out with a horse each. They return and re-enter the burning building, come out again bringing two half-harnessed horses, return and bring a two-wheeler. The Umbrella Dance was another wonderful scene. When first thrown on the screen an umbrella is seen with four feet below it dancing; a few seconds after the umbrella is thrown up and two girls are seen dancing hand in hand. This process is repeated two or three times. The Hurdle Race was another really good scene. The spectator sees before him a rural scene with a hurdle across the road. Suddenly a two-wheeler passes then another, and then one, two, three horses jump the hurdle, a fourth comes and not being so successful as his predecessors kicks the hurdle away, immediately a man rushes out and picks up the fallen hurdle, and with the assistance of another man quickly replaces it in position.
These are only a few of the representations but these are sufficient to give to the public a faint outline ot he marvellous exhibition which they have now an opportunity of witnessing. No one who can should fail to see the Projectographe, for it is the most marvellous production of its kind.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 7 de mayo de 1897, p. 5.
Las funciones continúan con ciertas interrupciones:
The Projectographic exhibition still continues to attract crowded houses. Las night was in every respect a thorough success, Owing to the Missionery meeting which will be held at the Prince's Building to-morrow evening there will be no show. those who desire to attend to-night's entertainment, in order to save disapointment, should secure their seats early at the Ice Establishment this morning.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 11 de mayo de 1897, p. 3.
El éxito del projectographe no se desmiente. Por otras parte Daniels piensa organizar algunas funciones en otras ciudades:
THIS truly wonderful exhibition continues to attract large crowds to the Prince's Building. Thursday night's exhibition was greatly enhanced by the exhibit of Mr. Daniel's comic dolls which elicited prolonged rounds of applause from the real comicality and drollery of their acts. We learn that through the courtesy of Mr. Pierre, Stipendiary Justice of Arima, the Manager proposes giving a short series of exhibitions in the Court house of that town, which we would advise the good Arimians not to lose the opportunity of witnessing for they will miss a most delightful and interesting show. We also hear it is not unlikely that the exhibition will be taken to Princestown and San Fernando for the benefit of the good folks in those districts who we are sure will appreciate what it is impossible for the most fertile descriptive writer to do justice to.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 15 de mayo de 1897, p. 5.
La última función en Port-en-Spain tiene lugar el viernes 21 de mayo:
TO-NIGHT is the last exhibition of this wonderful invention at the Prince's Building. It has had a most successful run here and is deserving of it. Prof. Daniels and his talking family are also a great feature. We advise those desirous of attending to book their seats at once as the plan is filling up rapidly. The prices for to-night-reserved seats one shilling and children half price-should draw the largest house of the season.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 21 de mayo de 1897, p. 3.
El projectograph de Harry J. Daniels (Arima/Court House, 22 y 24 de mayo de 1897)
Harry J. Daniels organiza unas funciones en Arima:
We have been requested to inform the Arimians that there will be an exhibition of this wonderful invention on Saturday and Monday nights next in the Court House of the Town of Arima, which, we trust, will be well attended. In the meantime the exhibitions continue to attract crowded houses nightly.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, martes 18 de mayo de 1897, p. 3.
El projectograph de Harry J. Daniels (San Fernando, 27 de mayo de 1897)
Harry J. Daniels organiza unas funciones en San Fernando:
WE have been requested to state that Exhibitions of the Projectographe will be given in San Fernando to-night and Friday evening next, when it is to be hoped that the venture to the Southern borough will prove success ful to all concerned.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, jueves 27 de mayo de 1897, p. 5.
El projectograph de Harry J. Daniels (Port-of-Spain/Prince's Building, 29 de mayo-5 de junio de 1897)
Poco después, Harry J. Daniels está de regreso a Port-of-Spain:
WE are requesed to state that the Projectographe will be exhibited at Prince's Town on Monday evening next when we have not the least doubt it will attract a crowded house.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, sábado 29 de mayo de 1897, p. 3.
El dueño ofrece algunas funciones más:
A LAST opportunity is being offered of seeing the wonders of Edison's projectograph before it leaves the Colony, the proprietors having decided on giving two more performances in the Prince's Building, on Wednesday and Thursday next, on their return from the country.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, domingo 30 de mayo de 1897, p. 3.
Se empiezan a anunciar las últimas funciones:
WE beg to reming our readers that the two late exhibitions of "Living Pictures" by means of the Projectograph will take place at the Prince's Building to-night and to-morrow night. Professor Daniel's Talking Family will also be in attendance.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 2 de junio de 1897, p. 4.
Finalmente, se acaban las funciones en Port-of-Spain, pero Harry J. Daniels organiza otra función en Saint-Joseph:
LAST night was the last exhibition in Port-of-Spain of this truly wonderful invention, and it is needless to say that the public fully appreciated the treat by affording a large audience. We understand that in order to give the people of St. Joseph an opportunity of seeing this Exhibition there will be one in that town on Wednesday night next.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, domingo 6 de junio de 1897, p. 3.
El projectograph de Harry J. Daniels (Saint-Joseph, 9 de junio de 1897)
LAST night was the last exhibition in Port-of-Spain of this truly wonderful invention, and it is needless to say that the public fully appreciated the treat by affording a large audience. We understand that in order to give the people of St. Joseph an opportunity of seeing this Exhibition there will be one in that town on Wednesday night next.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, domingo 6 de junio de 1897, p. 3.
Meses después se anuncia el posible regreso de Harry J. Daniels:
PROFESSOR DANIELS, who met with so much success on the last occasion on which he was here, is expected to return here by the next American steamer, with a full assortment of slides illustrating the Jubilee Festivities. He will exhibit them at the Prince's Building, where he should have a crowded house.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 8 de septiembre de 1897, p. 3.
The Edison's Bioscope (Princes' Building, 17 de septiembre de 1898)
Un bioscope se instala en Port-of-Spain a mediados de septiembre:
WE would remind our readers of the famous Edison's Bioscope Exhibition at the Prince's Building to-morrow night. The testimonials which the Exhibitor has in his possession convinces us that a rich treat is in store for alll who are able to attend.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 16 de septiembre de 1898, p. 4).
La función de inauguración no parece muy alentadora:
A PERFORMANCE by Edison's Bioscope duly came off at the Prince's Building last night. There was a good attendance but the entertainment was not particularly attractive.
Port of Spain gazette, Port-of-Spain, 18 de septiembre de 1898, p. 4.
Répertoire (autres titres): [Saturday night, 17th] Grand Review on 14th July in Paris, Charge of Hussars in Russia, Bathing Scene in Genoa, Dragoons Crossing the Saone Swimming, Ballet Dances in the Grand Opera, Butterfly Dance, Bull Fight (Colours), The Defence of the Standard, The Diamond Jubilee Parade (Port of Spain Gazette, Port-of-Spain, 16 de septiembre de 1896, p. 6).
The Cinematograph del Professor Lumiere (Prince's Building, 26 novembre 1898)
El "Professor Lumiere" organiza unas funciones cinematográficas en el Prince's Building a finales de noviembre:
We would advise our readers not to forget to attend the Exhibition to-morrow night at the Prince's Building of this really wonderful machine, which is the most modern invention of this kind and, naturally, possesses all the improvements which science and experience could bestow. Amongst the wonderful life like pictures exhibited is one showing a bull fight, which is 240 feet in length. this picture is on view to the audience for the space of about five minutes. the price of admission, which is only.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 25 de noviembre de 1898, p. 3.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 25 de noviembre de 1898, p. 6.
Días después se interrumpen las funciones:
There will be no performance of the Cinematograph, as previously stated, on Saturday night, but the proprietors are preparing a grand performance which will shortly be given.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 1º de diciembre 1898, p. 4.
Una función especial se organiza para mediados de diciembre:
On Thursday next the 15th inst. there will be a grand performance of the Cinematograph at the Princes Building. A very large number of scenes are to be shown and we would advise everybody who has not seen this entertainment to go as it is really good and not at all inferior to similar entertainments in Europe. There will be a musical accompaniment and a bar will be provided at the Buildings. Tickets are front seats 2/-; children halfprice, and the rest of the building 1/-.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 8 de diciembre de 1898, p. 4.
Un nuevo anuncio se publica poco después:
We would draw the attention of the public to the Exhibition of the Cinematograph which comes off at the Prince's Building on Thursday night next. From all we have heard this exhibition will be the finest of its kind yet shown in Trinidad, and we might mention that there will be an additional attraction in the shape of the Police Band which will be present for the purpose of discoursing sweet music. This is a chance and should not be missed by all who have the means.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 13 de diciembre de 1898, p. 3.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 13 de diciembre de 1898, p. 6.
La función especial tiene lugar el día 15 de diciembre:
A PERFORMANCE of the cinematograph takes place at the Prince's Building to night. The programme will be found in another column. this entertainment is really good, as all who have witnessed it testify, and we would advise everybody to attend.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 15 de diciembre de 1898, p. 4.
Venta de un Cinematógrafo (25 de enero de 1899)
En enero se anuncia la venta de un cinematógrafo. Tal vez sea el del "professor Lumiere":
THE latest instrument manufactured with all up-to-date improvements and accessories for immediate exhibition. Thirty pictures of various interesting subjects. Also in conjunctive with above.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 25 de enero de 1899, p. 1.
El Cinematograph del "Professor Lumiere" ( Arouca Government School House, 3 de febrero de 1899)
Una función cinematográfica se organiza en el Arouca Government School House a principios de febrero:
A VARIETY Entertainment in which the Cinematograph will take given by the Greyfriars Young Men's Entertainment Committe of Port-of-Spain, at the Arouca Government School House, on Friday night next. Prices of tickets 2/ and 1/.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, miércoles 1º de febrero de 1899, p. 3.
Otro artículo completa la información:
PROFESSOR LUMIERE presents his compliments to the editor of the "Port-of-Spain Gazette," and begs to state, that he has no connection whatever with the Greyfriars young men, who are to play at Arouca. Professor Lumiere's Cinematograph represents life size people, and pictures seventeen feet high quite distinctly at a distance of forty five feet, as was successfully exhibited at the Prince's Building, in December; and the same instruments are being used at all the music Halls in London.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 4 de febrero de 1899, p. 3.
The Projectographe de Harry J. Daniels (Port-of-Spain, 24 de mayo de 1899)
Harry J. Daniels está de vuelta con su projectographe y organiza funciones en el Prince's Building de Port-of-Spain:
We would particularly draw attention to Professor Daniel's exhibition to-night which will include in its attractions the recent famous Prize fight between Sharkey, the champion and "Kid" McCoy, the ex-champion. It is estimated that over 10,000 people witnessed the ten rounds of these pugilists. to be reproduced to-night and all its details.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 24 de mayo de 1899, p. 3.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 24 de mayo de 1899, p. 6.
Les annonces sont reproduites le lendemain.
The Projectographe de Harry J. Daniels (Arouca/Sangre Grande, 17 de junio de 1899)
Harry J. Daniels organiza una función en Arouca/Sangre Grande en junio:
WE would draw the attention of the folks of Sangre Grande to the grand treat in store fort them to night by the exhibition of the Projectographe. We hope none of them, if possible, will not miss this opportunity.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 17 de junio de 1899, p. 3.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, sábado 17 de junio de 1899, p. 6.
Una reseña aporta una serie de informaciones con relación a la colaboración con el fotógrafo William Henry Whiteman:
As we anticipated, Prof. Daniel's Projectograph as managed by Mr. W. H. Whiteman, the Photographer, has proved to be quite a success. With the exception of the dolls, the entertainment is just as good as ever. Mr. Whiteman renders the songs very fairly indeed and his articulation, is so distinct that it is quite easy to follow the illustrations thrown in the screen, which is the chief consideration in the successful rendering of these songs.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 18 de junio de 1899, p. 7.
El Cinématographe Lumière de Giuseppe Filippi (Prince's Building, 23 de junio-6 de julio de 1899)
Procedente de Venezuela, Giuseppe Filippi organiza sus primeras funciones en junio:
We are promised a treat at the Prince's Building on Friday evening by Prof. Filippi, who will exhibit the luminous cinematograph with the greatest possible success, judging from newapaper reports Prof. Filippi gave any exhibition of his animated photographs before His Holiness Leo XIII at the Papal Court, in the grand hall of the Vatican and evoked the greatest praise from the venerable Pontiff. In other cities of Italy as well as in Venezuela. Prof. Filippi scored equally. We therefore hope that he will meet with due patronage here. Look out for advertisement in to-morrow's issue.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, jueves 22 de junio de 1899, p. 3.
Sin embargo, surgen algunos problemas en la exhibición y la presentación se tiene que aplazar un poco:
PROFESSOR FILIPPI called on yesterday evening and begged us to express to the public the great disappointment he felt in being able to carry out the programme, which he had placed before the public the last night. Unfortunately the machinery & c., was only landed yesterday; and he was unable to have a [...] of the light first and last night it was found that the force of light was insufficient. Mr. Baird of the Electric light has however promised to take in matter in hand to-day; and this evening the Professor will try the light and on MONDAY EVENING he will give his FIRST PERFORMANCE. The tickets which have been already purchased can be used for Monday night Professor Filippi assures us that in Trinidad public will not be disappointed at this performance.
The Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 24 de junio de 1899, p. 5.
La dificultad se debe, principalmente, a la fuente eléctrica que no es sufiente para hacer funcionar el cinematógrafo:
TO MORROW evening the public may expect the deferred treat in the shape of Prof. Filippi's exhibition of Lumiere's Cinematograph at the Prince's Building. the Electric light having being adapted to suit the machine which, as we stated, is muche larger than Prof. Daniel's, the representations will satisfy the most fastidious. A representative of this paper was present along with many others at the trial last night. He says that to see the "Bull Fight" or the "Raising of Lazarus" would repay the price of admission. It is therefore to be hoped than there will be a big house. The programme is most attractive and interesting.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 25 de junio de 1899, p. 4.
Finalmente, las proyecciones se efectúan correctamente y con éxito:
LAS NIGHT Prof. Filippi's excellent representation of the Story of the Passion of Our Lord took place with the greatest possible success. The films were really clear and produced marvellously distinct pictures of the world's greatest tragedy. Tonigh the "Passion" will be repeated; and the audience will have the pleasure of hearing for the first time the famous Eliotofone, an instrument which, it is said, out distances either the Phonograph or Graphophone or other talking machine. The programme has been carefully arranged, and those who attend can rely on spending a most enjoyable evening.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 30 de junio de 1899, p. 3.
Poco después se anuncian las últimas funciones:
THE last two (positively) exhibitions of Lumiere's Cinematograph, will take place to night and to-morrow night.-See ADVT.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 5 de julio de 1899, p. 3.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 5 de julio de 1899, p. 6.
Repertorio (otros títulos): Adoration of the Magi, The Flight into Egypt, Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, Batrayal by Judas, The Resurrection of Lazarus, The Last Supper, Arrest of Jesus, Jesus before Pilate, Jesus crowned with Thorus, The Crucifixion, Calvary, Sepulchre of Jesus, The Resurrection, The old door of the square in Marseille, Exercise of the Spanish Artillery, Arrival of the Roman Cyclist at Turin, Two children in a garden, Cathedral of Colonia, Departure of an American steamer from Savona (Italy), Amateur photographer, Surprise attack on Cuba, The return of the English sportman, The false beggar, The duel with pistol (death and resurrection), Bankrupted of the chestout seller, The arrival of the train at Melbourne, Comical jester, A file of halbardier soldiers, Cavalry travelling through a river, Regatta in Milan, A hat in many forms, Assault of a wall (French chasseurs), The workmen destroy the house, Arrival of the grand-mother in the village, Regatta on the river Po (Italy), A difficult passage of the 25th Italian Artillery regiment, The chase of wild horses at Mexico, The dance of Venezuela, The corridor of the bulls (Spain), The fight of the women separated by a dog (The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 5 de julio de 1899, p. 6).
El Cinématographe Lumière de Giuseppe Filippi (San Fernando, <15-15 de julio de 1899)
A mediados de julio, Giuseppe Filippi tiene instalado su cinematógrafo en San Fernando:
TO-NIGHT will be positively the last night of the series of splendid entertainments which Professor Filipi [sic] has been giving at San Fernando. The story of the Passion, and an entirely new recast of the second portion of the programme will be shown; and we understand this performances will, if possible, excels its predecessors.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 15 de julio de 1899, p. 3.
El Cinématographe Lumière de Giuseppe Filippi (Princestown, <15-15 de julio de 1899)
En julio, Giuseppe Filippi tiene instalado su cinematógrafo en Princestown:
TO-NIGHT Professor Filippi will make his first appearance with his Cinematograph in Princestown, and we trust that he will receive that support which he merits.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 18 de julio de 1899, p. 3.
Algunas semanas más tarde, Giuseppe Filippi está en Demerara.
Venta de un cinematógrafo (Arnott Lambie & Co, 5 de septiembre de 1899)
Los señores Arnott Lambie & Co ponen a la venta un cinematógrafo:
LUMIERE'S Cinematograph Films containing Conjurors, Dancers, Bull fights &c., some in colours-
The most improved projecting machine ready for immediate use-manipulation of same taught free to purchaser.
Apply to
Old Bank Building.
The Port of Spain Gazette, Port of Spain, 5 de septiembre de 1899, p. 2.
Cinematograph and Gramophone Concert (Prince's Building, 6 de diciembre de 1899)
A primeros de diciembre, se organiza un espectáculo de cinematógrafo y de gramófono en el Prince's Building:
LAST night's entertainment at he Princes Building was, as on the [...] night, a rich treat. We have [...] the slightest hesitation in stating that the Cinematograph used is the very best that has ever been exhibited in this colony. the views being in[...] bright and totally devoid of any of the objectionable [karing], so common with the other instruments already exhibited before. The films too are of the best [...] and are of extra length giving really marvellous living pictures. Specially grand were the "Bull Fight at Madrid" and the "Astronomer's Dream" which drew the [...] attention from all who were privileged to be present. Then the Gramophone part of the entertainment done was worth the price of the ticket. The selections were as [...] as one could possibly desire [...] being free from that metallic [...] one of the most objectionnable features of the common machines- lent a great charm to the [audience] who had brought before [...] the world's greatest singers. [During] to the forthcoming Bazaar [...] of the Building cannot be had [...] a few days, but we hope that the [...] will decide to give a few [...] exhibitions after the Bazaar [,,,] to afford the community the opportunity of attending really high [...].
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 7 de diciembre 1899, p. 5.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 12 de diciembre 1899, p. 2.
Siguen las funciones durante unos días:
WE beg to remind our readers of the Cinematograph and Gramophone Concert which takes place at the Princes Building to night. As we have already stated, the instruments are the most perfected that have yet been exhibited here, and as to night's show will be the last here, it is hoped that there will be a crowded audience. To morrow evening and the following night our San Fernando friends will have the privilege of witnessing the fine show and hearing some grand vocal and instrumental music. On Friday and Saturday nights the folks of the "Town of the Princes" will be similarly treated.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 12 de diciembre 1899, p. 5.
Un último anuncio se publica una semana más tarde:
WE beg to call the attention of our readers to the adevertisement announcing a Cinematographe entertainment at the Princes Building to-night. We are informed that the pictures are all very good and are worthy of a visit.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 20 de diciembre 1899, p. 5.
El cinematógrafo y el gramófono (Tunapuna, >20> de diciembre de 1899)
El cinematógrafo y el gramófono organizan una función en Tunapuna:
Cinematograph at Princes Building-8 p. m.
Cinematograph and Gramophone at Tunapuna.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 20 de diciembre 1899, p. 7.
Venta de un Bioscope (J. Russell-Murray, 21 de agosto de 1900)
En agosto, J. Russell-Murray pone a la venta un bioscope:
Offers Wanted
The most perfect and up to date Machine for projecting LIFE SIZED ANIMATED PICTURES. The same as used at he Palace Theatre, London, with over thirty Picture Films, some in colors, including the great Bull Fight also about four dozen French Salon Pictures with all necessary appliances for immediate use.
Port of Spain gazette, Port of Spain, 21 de agosto de 1900, p. 5.
El Cinematógrafo de H. Kaurt (Prince's Building, 26-[28] de octubre de 1905)
H. Kaurt organiza unas cuantas funciones cinematográficas en los últimos días de octubre:
Cinematograph. Show.
Last evening at the Princes Building there was given the opening show of the "Kaurt Cinematograph," claimed to be the best and most wonderful machine of its kind in the world, and certainly as good as any we have seen here, which arrived in Trinidad recently and will give a few performances. The story of Red Riding Hood, told in 12 pictures, the views of festivities in Paris (amongst which is somewhat incongruously given the Funeral of Emile Zola), the scenes from the Russo-Japanese War, and and at the end the beautiful coloured pictures of the life and deeds of Joan of Arc, were very gaod [sic]; and we are sure the Bulding will be filled with a large audience to-night for the second performance, when a change of programme, as advertised elsewhere in this issue will be given.
Port of Spain Gazette, Port-of-Spain, 27 de octubre de 1905, p. 3.
Port of Spain Gazette, Port-of-Spain, 27 de octubre de 1905, p. 6..
Una nueva función tiene lugar poco después:
Last evening the proprietors gave another exhibition of the Kaurt Cinematograph at the Princes Building, at reduces prices. The pictures were again very good and were much appreciated by the audience, which certainly should have been larger.
Port of Spain Gazette, Port-of-Spain, 29 de octubre de 1905, p. 4.
A mediados de noviembre, se anuncia su llegada a Barbados cuando sale para Trinidad:
Per O.L.S. Oruro from Trinidad on Sunday last-Mr. and Mrs Bugle, Mr. H. Kaurt and family, Mr de Wolf and 51 deck passengers for Barbados.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, martes 14 de noviembre de 1905, p. 1.
El cinematógrafo de A.J. West (>27 de marzo de 1906)
A.J. West está a punto de llegar a Trinidad para sacar unas vistas cinematográficas:
Mr. A. J. West, F.R.G.S., who has made a life study of moving photography, is at present on a visit to the West Indies, and will arrive at Trinidad in the H.M.S. Atrato. His intention is to take cinematograph views in the Indies to show the world what the West India colonies and industries really are like. He sums up his objects as follows :
(a) To bring before the public animated pictures of the mercantile marine.
(b) As a source of wealth to the nation.
(c) As a source of food supply.
(d) As a source of raw materials for manufacture.
(e) As a market for our own manufactured goods.
(f) As an abiding place to avoid the rigours of climate.
The Barbados Agricultural Reporter, Bridgetown, martes 27 de marzo de 1906, p. 4.