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- Mis à jour : 6 janvier 2024
- Affichages : 12267
Jeanne d'Arc
Jeanne d'Arc
Joan of Arc
A grand spectacular production in twelve scenes. About 500 persons enacting the scenes, all superbly costumed.
Duration of exhibit about 15 minutes.
1. The Village of Domremy, BIrthplace of Joan of Arc.
2. the Forest of Domremy.
3. Joan of Arc's House at Domremy.
4. The Port of Vaucouleurs.
5. The Castle of Baudricourt (Superb Picture of a Middle Age Interior)
6. Triumphal Entry into Orléans.
7. Coronation of Charles VII at Reims.
8. The Battle of Compiègne.
9. In Prison.
10. The Interrogatory.
11. The Execution. The Market Place at Rouen.
12. Apotheosis.
MEL 1905-A
Joan of Arc
Here is a subject warranted to please the most exact. In it is seen a young girl in her country home little thinking that she is destined to pose as one of the world’s heroines. We follow her through different stages of her life showing where she arouses her countrymen to arms and leads them in revolt. History tells us that she was tried and condemned and sentenced to be burned at the stake which is duly carried out. All this and more is seen in this marvelous life motion picture. Men are seen running backward and forward gathering wood and other material to assist in the burning. The match is applied and we see our heroine consumed by the flames. The subject concludes in a spirit picture showing Joan of Arc entering the Golden Gates. A very realistic and wonderful piece of moving-picture photography.
LUB 1903-01
Joan of Arc
05/11/1900 | France, Paris | G. Méliès | Jeanne d'Arc |
01/12/1900 | Grande-Bretagne, Londres, The Empire | Cinematograph | Joan of Arc |
11/11/1900 | États-Unis. New York. Eden Musée | Cinematograph | Joan of Arc |
At the Eden Musee more attention is paid to moving pictures than at any other amusement place in the world. Hourly exhibitions are given afternoon and evening and the subjects are changed each hour. A new importation of moving picture films has just been received from Paris. They include over one hundred subjects, all of which were selected by the Musee's foreign agent with great care. Among the pictures are many mysterious scenes, which are more wonderful and amusing than any yet shown. On picture received consists of eight hundred feet of film and twenty minutes are required to exhibit it. This picture shows in twelve acts or tableaux the important events in the life of Joan of Arc. In exhibiting these pictures a new machine will be used which practically avoids all vibrations on the screen. The afternoon and evening concerts will continue, and the wax groups have been greatly augmented. |
19/01/1901 | France, Neuilly-Plaisance | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
25/01/1901 | Espagne, Murcie | Cinematógrafo Edison | Juana de Arco |
09/02/1901 | France, Argenteuil | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
14/03/1901 | France, Perpignan | Royal Viograph | Jeanne d'Arc |
16/03/1901 | Espagne, Vitoria, Calle de la Florida, 13 | cinematógrafo | Juana de Arco |
02/04/1901 | Espagne, Cartagène | Juan Minuesa | Juana de Arco |
06/04/1901 | Cuba, La Havane | [Federico] Courrech | Juana de Arco |
06/04/1901 | France, Dijon | Daue | Jeanne-d'Arc |
08/04/1901 | Espagne, Palencia, Teatro | cinematógrafo | Juana de Arco |
12/05/1901 | France, Rouen | *Daue | Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc |
12/05/1901 | Mexique, Mexico | Biófono | Juana de Arco |
23/05/1901 | Espagne, Cieza | Cinematógrafo Edison | Juana de Arco |
20/06/1901 | Espagne, Madrid, Palais des Projections animées | Eduardo Gimeno | Juana de Arco |
28/07/1901 | France, Brest | Daue | Jeanne d'Arc |
08/08/1901 | France, Champs-sur-Marne | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
13/08/1901 | France, Gagny | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
02/09/1901 | France, Nogent-sur-Seine | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
07/09/1901 | Italie, Sassari | Arcangelo Valente | Giovanna d'Arco |
10/09/1901 | France, Noisy-le-Grand | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
17/09/1901 | France, Ermont | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
18/09/1901 | France, Franconville | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
26/09/1901 | Mexique, Toluca | Charles Mongrand | Juana de Arco |
12/10/1901 | Suisse, Zurich | Cosmographe Faraud | Der Jungfrau von Orleans |
Der Cosmograph Faraud de Paris stellte die Geschichte der Jungfrau von Orleans wundervoll dar, von den einsamen Schäferstunden zu Dom Remy bis zum Schlachtentriumpf zu Orleans, der RheimserKrönung und dem tragischen Tod auf dem Holzstoß. Die Bilder, in farbiger Beweglichkeit, mit Parisergenialität an die Wand gezaubert, erfüllten den Zuschauer mit dem wahrhaften Eindruck, Augen- und Ohrenzeugen dieser alten Epoche zu sein. |
20/10/1901 | Espagne, Alcoy | Cinematógrafo de la Glorieta | Juana de Arco |
29/10/1901 | France, Chatillon-sur-Marne |
M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
30/10/1901 | France, Verzy |
M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
01/11/1901 | France, Mareuil-sur-Ay | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
28/11/1901 | Espagne, Huesca |
Juan Minuesa | Juana de Arco |
04/12/1901 | France, Reims | Royal Vio | Jeanne d'Arc |
17/01/1902 | Mexique, Mexico | Cinematógrafo Pan-Americano | Juana de Arco |
31/01/1902 | Mexique, Guanajuato | Charles Mongrand | La vida de Juana de Arco |
15/02/1902 | Espagne, Vitoria | Flores | Juana de Arco |
09/03/1902 | Espagne, Murcie | Cinematógrafo Edisson | Juana de Arcos |
16/03/1902 | République Dominicaine, Saint Domingue | Hervet/Didier | Juana de Arco |
28/03/1902 | Espagne, Valence | Salón Novedades | Juana de Arco |
14/04/1902 | Haïti, Port-au-Prince | Hervet/Didier | Jeanne d'Arc |
06/05/1902 | France, Saint-Quentin | Cinématographe | Jeanne d'Arc |
10/05/1902 | Espagne, Tortosa | Juan Minuesa | Juana de Arco |
24/05/1902 | Costa Rica, San José | Courrech/Vouelle | Juana de Arco |
06/05/1902 | France, Clermont-Ferrand | Daue/Delmare | Jeanne d'Arc |
24/07/1902 | France, Orléans | The Royal Vio ?? | Jeanne d'Arc |
02/09/1902 | Mexique, Guanajuato | Charles Mongrand | La Juana de Arco |
11/10/1902 | Mexique, Guadalajara | Charles Mongrand | El suplicio de Juana de Arco |
04/12/1902 | Espagne, Vitoria | Farrús | Juan de Arco |
24/12/1902 | France, Nîmes | Victor Faraud | Jeanne d'Arc |
29/01/1903 | Mexique, San Luis Potosí | Charles Mongrand | Juana de Arce |
28/02/1903 | France, Neuilly-Plaisance | [M. Giel] | Jeanne d'Arc |
04/04/1903 | France, Argenteuil, salle Verthé | cinématographe | Jeanne d'Arc |
29/04/1903 | Espagne, Tlemcen | Pedro Gil | Jeanne d'Arc |
04/06/1903 | France, Clermont-Ferrand | Royal Vio | Jeanne d'Arc |
07/06/1903 | Mexique, Mexico | Charles Mongrand | Jeanne d'Arc |
21/08/1903 | France, Fontenay-le-Comte | cinématographe Lumière | Jeanne d'Arc |
26/08/1903 | France, Troyes | Daue | Jeanne d'Arc |
04/10/1903 | France, Saint-Étienne | Royal Vio | Jeanne d'Arc |
25/10/1903 | France. Digny | Théâtre Robert-Houdin | Jeanne d'Arc |
12/12/1903 | France, Annecy | Cinématographe perfectionné | La Vie de Jeanne d'Arc |
31/12/1903 | Italie, Fano | Salvatore Spina | Giovanna d'Arco |
15/05/1904 | Espagne, Caravaca | hermanos Carreño | Juana de Arco |
10/07/1904 | Espagne, Gérone | Martín del Olmo |
Juana de Arco |
23/08/1904 | France, Villenauxe | M. Giel | Jeanne d'Arc |
24/09/1904 | Mexique, San Luis Potosí | Charles Mongrand | Juana de Arco |
16/03/1905 | Porto Rico, San Juan, Teatro | H. Kaurt | Juana de Arco |
13/06/1905 | Porto Rico, Ponce, La Perla | H. Kaurt | Juana de Arco |
15/11/1905 | Barbade, Bridgetown, Wilhelmina Hall | H. Kaurt | Joan of Arc |
27/01/1906 | Brésil, São Luis | Kaurt | Joanna d’Arc |
14/10/1906 | Algérie, Mascara | Frères Garcia | Jeanne d'Arc |
29/12/1906 | Brésil, Recife | Kaurt | Joanna d’Arc |