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- Última actualización: 23 Abril 2023
- Visto: 7125
Le Portrait mystérieux
Le Portrait mystérieux
(grande nouveauté photographique extraordinaire)
MEL 1899-01
A Mysterious Portrait
MEL 1905-A
A Mysterious Portrait
The interior of an artist's studio, a large frame on an easel. The illusionist steps behind and through the frame, showing that there is no connection with the back or the floor. For effect he places a black cloth in the frame, and while standing in front of the same causes it to evolve from an indistinct cloud an absolute likeness of himself, full figure, in frame, which apparition begins a very animated discussion with the original, after which it dissolves Into nothingness in as mysterious a manner.
SEA 1908
20/07/1899 | France, Paris | G. Méliès | Portrait mystérieux |
G. Méliès |
07/11/1899 | Espagne, Barcelone | González, Ricart y Compª | El retrato misterioso |
27/02/1900 | Espagne, Alcoy | Vitagraphe | El retrato misterioso |
16/03/1900 | Mexique, Mexico | Salvador Toscano | El Cuadro misterioso |
02/04/1901 | Suisse, Lausanne | Bioscope | Le Portait mystérieux |
30/10/1902 | Mexique, Toluca | Becerril | Retrato misterioso |