Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Atlanta est la capitale de l'état de Géorgie (États-Unis)


La concession du kinetoscope de Beverly W. Wrenn Jr.  (<15 novembre->19 décembre 1894)

Beverly W. Wrenn Jr. est le concessionnaire du kinetoscope Edison :

ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 14
The concession for the Edison kinetoscope was to-day awarded to Beverly W. Wrenn, Jr., and associates. Mr. Wrenn represents the Kinetoscope Company as agents for the United States.

The Charlotte Observer, Charlotte, jeudi 15 novembre 1894, p. 3.

Les séances se prolongent :

The Piano and Encyclopedeas at Mrs. Dixon's Booth to Go.
Mrs William Dickson, chairman of the embroidery committee, whose beautiful Japanese booth at the late bazaar was so much admired, announces that the piano and the set of Encyclopedias that were at her booth will be raffled at the kinetoscope parlors in the Norcross building.
Messrs. Tabb & Harrison, the general southern agents of the Edison kinetoscope, have taken the good work in charge and additional chances are being offered by them in both.
Mrs. Dickson wishes also to express thanks to Mrs Condon for the loan of the beautiful cane fence.

The Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, mercredi 19 décembre 1894, p. 3.

Annonce d'un kinetoscope parlor (6 décembre 1894)

La presse locale publie une annonce afin d'engager une jeune femme comme caissière d'un kinetoscope parlor :

WANTED-HELP-A bright, quick, intelligent young lady to act as cashier in the Edison Kinetoscope parlors. Address, with references. "Cashier," care Atlanta Journal.

The Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, jeudi (soir) 6 décembre 1894, p. 6.

Dans une longue entrevue, Beverly W. Wrenn Jr. offre de multiples explications sur le kinetoscope, le kinetographe et leur fonctionnement :

Mr. B. W. Wrenn Has Arranged for a Big Exhibit at Atlanta.
Mr. Beverly W. Wrenn Jr., returned yesterday morning from New York, where he completed arrangements with the Edison company to have the finest exhibition of Edison's latest inventions that has ever been seen at any exposition.
Mr. Wrenn dealt with President Gammon of the Edison company, in person, and that gentleman manifested great interest in Atlanta's coming exposition and is determined that Mr. Edison's inventions shall be fully exhibited here. The kinetoscope, with all the latest improvements will be made a feature of the exhibition for which Mr. Wrenn arranged.
"I have arranged with the Edison company," said Mr. Wrenn last night "to have an extensive show of kinetoscopes. This latest and most wonderful invention of the great wizard's will be a feature of Atlanta's exposition. I was highly gratified at the fine enthusiasm displayed by Mr. Gammon. of the Edison company, who expects great things of the exposition.
"We will have hundreds of views on exhibition. Special pictures will be obtained, all with reference to the taste of the exposition visitors. There will be famous men, famous acts from plays and miscellaneous scenes of an interesting nature. Everything will be live and interesting."
Speaking further of the kinetoscope and the kinetograph Mr Wrenn said:
"The possibilities of these marvelous machines can hardly be estimated. Views and scenes can be taken all over the world. Anything in motion can be photographed and reproduced exactly true to nature. From the effect produced by slowly rising clouds of smoke to the falling of water at Niagara; from the rounds of a prize fight or the heats of a horse race to the flashing of the lightning in the cloud-be-darkened heavens -nothing is beyond the reach of the kinetograph and, in turn a faithful reproduction by means of the kinetoscope. Even a bullet, shot from a gun, has been photographed by the kinetograph, so swift is its action.
"The kinetograph bears the same relation to the kinetoscope as the recording diaphragm of the phonograph bears to the reproducing diaphragm.
"The human eye is capable of detecting and separating a maximum of about forty distinct impressions per second of time. It is plain, therefore, that if more than forty distinct impressions or views are presented before the retina in a second of time, the eye will blend these separate impressions into one continuous impression or view. Now the kinetograph is in part a photographic camera so constructed, with attachments and devices emanating from the fertile brain of Thomas A. Edison, that it records forty-six distinct and separate views of moving objects or scenes daring each second. of time to other words the kinetograph takes forty-six separate and distinct photographs of moving objects every second of exposure. These photographs are recorded on a long film, which is finished substantially as all photographs are finished, and is thus prepared for reproduction and exhibition by means of the kinetoscope.

The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, jeudi 27 décembre 1894, p. 5.

Le Kinetoscope de Tabb & Harrison (Norcross Building, <15->27 décembre 1894)

Tabb & Harrison présentent un kinetoscope dans leur établissement.

The Kinetoscope, an instrument more wonderful than the camera, which produces to the eye pictures in actual motion. such as prize fights and dancing. Every motion of participants in a prize fight is plainly seen the same as if you were actually there. It is one of Edison's latest inventions and is perhaps the most wonderful of all. Messrs. Harrison & Tabb, who are general southern agents will open their parlors in the Norcross Building this evening at 8 o'clock. They extend an invitation to the public to attend the opening.

The Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, samedi 8 décembre 1894, p. 11.

atlanta 1894 kinetoscope The Atlanta Journal Sat Dec 15 1894
The Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, samedi 15 décembre 1894, p. 20.

Le programme est régulièrement renouvelé :

On Monday next there will be shown an entirely new set of pictures in the Kinetoscope parlors, Norcross building, including the great Prize Fight picture, or glove contest. Do not fail to see it.

The Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, samedi 22 décembre 1894, p. 19.

Le kinetoscope continue à fonctionner à la fin du mois de décembre.

atlanta 1894 kinetoscope
The Constitution, Atlanta, jeudi 27 décembre 1894, p. 6.

