- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 12 avril 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 6486
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Rochester est une ville de l'état de New York (États-Unis).
L'eidoloscope de G. Porter (Wonderland Theatre, 20 janvier-[9] février 1896)
Rochester, Wonderland Theatre [D.R.]
Scott, le responsable du Wonderland Theatre annonce la prochaine arrivée de l'eidoloscope :
This is the last day of the present bill at the Wonderland theater. Next week Manager Scott promises to his patrons a glimpse of that interesting novelty, the eidoloscope.
Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, samedi 18 janvier 18 January 1896, p. 15.
Le Wonderland Theatre, à l'angle de North Clinton Avenue et East Main Street, a été réhabilité en 1894.
Dès le lendemain, quelques lignes évoquent l'appareil et son manager le "professor" D. C. Porter - s'agit-il de George Porter qui a déjà présenté l'eidoloscope à Chicago, en 1895 ? - :
The management of Wonderland presents an unusually strong bill for the coming week, the list of attractions being headed by Professor D. C. Porter's wonderful Eidoloscope, an improvement on Edison's great invention, the kinetescope [sic]. With the Eidoloscope life-sized figures are thrown on a canvas showing the perfect action in horse races just as in life. It is the most remarkable of all exhibitions...
Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, dimanche 19 janvier 1895, p. 13.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 19 janvier 1896, p. 13. |
Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, 23 janvier 1896, p. 5 |
Ici, comme dans d'autres villes, le corpus de film reste très limité et ne permet pas de faire un spectacle avec uniquement l'eidoloscope. Les annonces restent vagues :
[...] The programme for this week surpasses the best that has been given before this season. The principal feature is still the eidoloscope which reproduces this week a wrestling match, skirt dancing, a boxing match and a horse race finish. This attraction alone should draw crowded houses.
Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, mardi 29 janvier 1896, p. 15.
Le même journal, dans son édition du 9 février va consacrer un très long article au fonctionnement de l'eidoloscope qui n'apporte en fait rien de nouveau et se borne plutôt à des généralités (Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, 9 février 1896, p. 6).
Le Biograph (Cook Opera House, > 28 novembre 1896)
Des projections animées sont organisées, à la fin du mois de novembre, avec le Biograph :
Cook Opera House.
Cleveland's Minstrels arc booked for the Cook Opera house for the first half of next week, and one of the greatest attractions which they will present will be the biograph, a wonderful instrument, and one of the only two which have been constructed. The same views are to be given as were presented at Hammerstein's Olympia, which multitudes gathered to see. Some of the views will be Niagara Falls, showing the mighty rush of waters, the Empire: State Express at full speed. stable on fire, Trilby kissing scene, Joseph Jefferson in Rip Van Winkle, and many others showing actual life and motion. The biograph will be sure to attract and please. The latter half of the week Daniel Sully will present his great play "O'Brien, the Contractor." (The millionaire.)
The Catholic Journal, Rochester, samedi 28 novembre 1896, p. 5.
Le Biograph (Wonderland, 21 mars 1897)
En mars, le Biograph présente des vues animées au Wonderland :
WONDERLAND-J. J. Moore, Prop.
10 grand views. Biograph. Week, March 22d.
Star list for the week - Garrison's travesty artists, Swan and Bambard, comedians; Mazuse and Mazette, in their grotesque creation; Meyer Cohen. California baritone; Kinzo, Japanese equilibrist.
List of views - Why Papa Can't Sleep (comic, you will laugh); We Won't Go Home Till Morning (this view reversed); Drunken Acrobat (lots of fun, blanket courtmartial); Governor of Ohio and Staff; Hard Wash; U.S. Artillery, 13th Infantry (caught in the act); Empire State Express (running 60 miles an hour). Best show in town. 10, 15, and 20 cents.
Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, dimanche 21 mars 1897, p. 11.