- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 14 janvier 2024
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
- Affichages : 4583
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Lincoln est la capitale de l'état du Nebraska (États-Unis).
L'eidoloscope (Funke's Opera House, 25 janvier 1897)
En provenance de Savannah, Rosabel Morrison est en tournée avec une nouvelle adaptation de Carmen, oeuvre de Proper Mérimée, dont l'originalité consiste à inclure, lors de la représentation la célèbre Bull Fight tournée au Mexique par Gray Latham :
In the forthcoming production of Carmen in this city Miss Rosabel Morrison, one of the best and most favorably known of the younger stars, assumes the title part. She is eminently fitted for the role, being in appearance the exact counterpart of Merinee's [sic] heroine. She has received lavish praise for her performance. Her supporting company is headed by Edward Elsner, an actor of wide experience. The production is mounted with great care and a great novelty is the introduction of the celebrated Eidoloscope with which the bull fight is given in exact reproduction of the genuine event It lasts fully fifteen minutes. Miss Morrison's season thus far has been one of the extraordinary successes of the year. At the Funke Monday, January 25th, Prices $1, 75c, 50c, and 25c. Seats on sale Friday 10 a. m.
Lincoln Journal Star, Lincoln, saturday, January 16, 1897, p. 5.
Lincoln, Funke's Opera House (début XXe siècle)
© History Nebraska
La nouveauté non seulement de l'eideloscope, mais de l'audacieuse présentation du film au cours du dernier acte de Carmen retient tout particulièrement l'attention :
Imagine yourself in a room into which no ray of light can penetrate! Imagine one entire side suddenly illuminated with a bright electric glare! Then picture a Spanish bull light with its picturesque toreadors, matadors, picadors and banderillos dashing around the mmense arena, thrusting the infuriated bull as he madly rushes among the men and horses. Think of this exciting scene lasting continuously for fifteen minutes and you have a faint idea of what the marvelous eidoloscope accomplishes in the last act of "Carmen" as presented by Rosabel Morrison at the Funke opera house Monday, January 25. Miss Morrison brings a splendid supporting company, headed by Edward Elsner, and a splendid scenic production of this wonderfullly successful play. Only two actresses have achieved fame as "Carmen," One is Olga Nethersole and the other is Rosabel Morrison. Her performance of the entrancing Spanish gipsy has stamped' Miss Morrison as one of the best of our native actresses. Prices $1, 75, 60 and 25 cents. Seats on sale Friday at 10 a. m.
The Nabraska State Journal, Lincoln, Monday, January 18, 1897, p. 6.
The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, 25 janvier 1897, p. 8.
La troupe se rend ensuite à Leavenworth.