- Détails
- Création : 25 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 22 novembre 2019
- Publication : 25 mars 2015
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Spithead, bras de mer qui sépare l'île de Wight du reste de l'Angleterre, se trouve dans le comté de Hampshire (Grande-Bretagne).
Le biograph du "New York" (Revue navale, 27 juin 1897)
C'est à l'occasion de la revue navale du 26 juin 1897, qu'Elias B. Koopman et W.R.L. Dickson organise une séance de projection à bord du transatlantique "New York". À cette occasion, quarante vues animées sont présenté aux spectateurs invités. Les deux hommes en profitent également pour tourner quelques vues de la revue navale :
One of the most delightful excursions organised in connection with the naval spectacle at Spithead was undoubtedly that of the American Line mail steamer New York. It was a happy conception on the part of Messrs. Richardson, Spence and Co., the European managers of the line, when they decided to bring this famous Clyde-built boat out of dock after her accustomed overhaul, and to set her apart for a cruise on the occasion of the great naval review, which will for ever make the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria memorable in the history of nations.
On the day of sailing the weather was really delightful, but subsequently it was not quite all that could be desired, fog interfering somewhat with the pleasure of the trip to sea on Sunday. All on board, nevertheless, made the best of the situation. An infinite variety of entertainment was provided. The Royal Hand-Bell Ringers and Concert Company had been specially engaged, and their clever performances on the after promenade deck were greatly admired. At intervals the band of the 1st Hampshire Volunteer Artillery played selections of music, and passengers, before concluding with a dance, had the opportunity of seeing the biograph, which appears to be the most remarkable machine yet introduced for the production of " living photography." This exhibition was the more interesting by reason of the fact that it was the first time such pictures had been seen on board ship. The machine was in charge of Mr. W. R. L. Dixon, the inventor of the kinetoscope, Mr. E. B. Koopman, the American manager of the Biograph Syndicate, also being present. Forty pictures in all were reflected upon a sail taken from the locker, the first appropriately embodying the flags of Great Britain and America, the two peoples being seen grasped firmly hand in hand. A representation was also given of the American liner St. Paul leaving New York, and the wonderful accuracy of delineation obtained in this as in the other pictures proved to the visitors that the biograph is a really wonderful photographic machine. Beyond affording pleasure to those on board, the apparatus took nearly 50,000 negatives in connection with the naval review, and these will in the course of the next few days be reproduced in London, Edinburgh, and other parts of the country. Mr. Dixon and Mr. Koopman likewise exhibited the mutoscope, an equally marvellous contrivance for the reproduction of objects in motion. Up to the present moment the general public have soon little of this invention, but it may be expected to create a sensation when its mechanism and powers are made known.
Shipping & Mercantile Gazette and Lloyd's List, Tuesday 29 June 1897, p. 12.
Koopman et Dickson profitent de l'occasion pour présenter, outre le biograph, leur mutoscope.