Albert J. PÉRIER

([Lyon], [1871]-Sydney, 1964)

perier albert portrait

Jean-Claude SEGUIN


Édouard "Edward" Périer (1839-07/06/1911) épouse Jeanne [Perier] (1837-29/12/1917). Descendance:

  • Charles Périer ([1869]-1942) épouse (Paddington, [21]/05/1892) Heather Lilian R. Spalding (1874-1924). Descendance:
    • Camille Ariell Périer (1892-)
  • Albert, James Périer ([Lyon], 22/04/[1871]-Sydney, 08/01/1964) épouse (Sydney, 1897) Jessie, Annie [Rodan]. Descendance:
    • Norman Sydney Perier (Sydney, 29/10/1897-Hermies, 09/04/1917)
    • Pauline J. Perier (1899-) épouse (08/1927) Hilton R. Gordon.
    • Reginald Edward Perier (Sydney, 13/05/1909->1968) épouse (1934) Marjorie, Edna Turton. Descendance :
      • Janette, Margot Perier

PERIER.-May 13, at Les Charmettes, Harbor-street, Mosman, the wife of Albert J. Perier, of a son.The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, Sydney, mercredi 2 juin 1909, p. 61.

PERIER.-Killed in action in France, April 9, 1917, Norman Sydney, aged 19, beloved eldest son of Albert James Perier and Jessie Perier, of Les Charmettes, Want-street, Mosman.The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, samedi 28 avril 1917, p. 12.

Camille Périer.


PLATT.—The Relatives and Friends of Mr. ALBERT PLATT and Mr. and Mrs. ALBERT PERIER are invited to attend the funeral of his late dearly beloved WIFE and their MOTHER, Jessie Annie Platt; to leave Wood Coffill's Funeral Parlours, Bathrust-road, Katoomba, THIS AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for Congregational Cemetery, Katoomba.WOOD COFFILL LIMITED.The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, mercredi 5 avril 1922, p. 11.
Edouard Perier: 1839.

État de la question

La généalogie habituelle d'Albert, James Périer soulève un certain nombre de questions. Sa naissance est, généralement, localisée à Lyon à une date précise, mais variable selon les sources (21/04/1870 ou 22/04/1871). Il est parfois question d'une naturalisation  et sans aucun document à l'appui de ces informations Or, les archives de Lyon, qui conservent l'état civil complet, n'indiquent aucune naissance à ce nom pour la période 1863-1872 dans aucun des six arrondissements de la ville. En outre, la consultation des principales bases de données concernant la France (Filae, Ancestry et FamilySearch) ne donne aucun résultat consolidé (compte tenu des multiples variantes: "Albert", "Albert, James", "James" et "Périer", "Perier", "Perrier"...). Par ailleurs, aucun appelé (service militaire) pour la période concernée ne répond à ce nom dans les bases de données "mémoires des hommes" et "le grand mémorial". Ces recherches offrent un faisceau d'indices qui tend à émettre quelques doutes sur une origine strictement française (le patronyme "Périer" - plus rare que "Perrier" - d'Albert, James Périer. Quant aux différents prénoms familiaux: "Edouard", "Charles", "Albert" ou "James", pris dans leur ensemble, ont plutôt une résonnance britannique. Il faut relever aussi qu'Edouard (Edward) est professeur de français en Australie.

La famille "Périer" aurait-elle vécu à l'étranger dans un pays de langue anglaise ce qui expliquerait la "coloration" britannique des prénoms ? S'agirait-il d'une famille de lointaine origine français (origine du patronyme "Périer"), mais d'une autre nationalité ?


Les origines (1871-1895)

La famille Périer, dont les origines restent incertaines, serait arrivée en Australie vers 1882-1884, à bord du steamer R.M.S. Sorata, mais les documents manquent pour pouvoir confirmer ces informations non sourcées.

En avril 1887, un certain "Monsieur Perier" - très probablement Edouard Périer - propose des cours de français. Il habite alors 28, Lower Fort-street. Cette annonce est publiée jusqu'en avril 1892.

perier edouard 1887 annonce
The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, mercredi 13 avril 1887, p. 12.

Quant à Albert James Périer, il occupe, en août 1890, un poste (secrétaire-adjoint ?) à la Steamship Owner's Association of Australasia.

perier albert 1890 annonce
The Australian Star, Sydney, mardi 26 août 1890, p. 1.

C'est en mai 1887 que Thomas Baker et J.J. Rouse rachètent, à Melbourne, le fonds de commerce de la Lichtner & Co. Ils deviennent également les agents de la Eastman Company. C'est en 1891 que les commerçants ouvrent un nouveau magasin à Sydney. Il est généralement admis que c'est à cette époque qu'Albert Périer commence à travailler dans l'établissement des deux collaborateurs.

baker rouse 1903 sydney
Devanture du magasin de Baker & Rouse. Sydney. c. 1903.
Source: Museums Victoria Collections

Dans un témoignage plus tardif, Albert James Périer évoque la figure de la célèbre actrice française Sarah Bernhardt qui arrive à Sydney à la fin du mois de mai 1891 et qu'il a l'occasion de rencontrer :

Memories of Bernhardt
DRESSED as a Roman soldier, crying "Voila la flotte!" ("There is the fleet!"), M. Albert Perier dashed on to the stage of Her Majesty's Theatre, Sydney, in 1891 when the great French actress Sarah Bernhardt was playing "Cleopatre."
We met M. Perier, now in his eighties, when we went to the French Consulate-General to see an exhibition of photographs, letters, and programmes that commemorated the 66th anniversary of Bernhardt's Australian visit. White-moustached M. Perier, a glass of pink champagne in his hand, recalled the time when he did a walk on part with the Bernhardt ensemble.
"I remember how Sarah Bernhardt made her entrance in the play," he said. "The scene was the Nile and Bernhardt reclined in a barge.
"She had dark auburn hair and wore an Egyptian gown, and the young men in Sydney rivalled one another to get walk-on parts in her company.
"The plays were in French. My father was Professor of French at Sydney University, so I was accepted and given one line to say."
M. Perier, only surviving member of the company, showed us a programme of "Cleopatre" on which his name appeared right at the bottom.
"Wrongly spelt, unfortunately," he said with a smile. "They've got me down as Perret, not Perier."

The Australian Women's Weekly, mercredi 17 juillet 1957, p. 33.

Edouard Périer, le père, reprend en janvier 1893 ses annonces sous une forme légèrement différente et réside alors au 13 Dartinghurst-rd.

perier edouard 1893 annonce
The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, samedi 14 janvier 1893, p. 12.

Le cinographoscope Pipon (1896)

L'intérêt que porte Albert, James Périer à la photographie et à ses perfectionnements le conduit à faire l'acquisition d'un appareil cinématographique, sans doute vers la fin de l'année 1896 si l'on en croit ses souvenirs :

lt was not until towards the end of the year 1896 that the kinematograph itself came to Sydney. Three machines for the projection of kinematograph films were landed by three different people in Sydney. Probably the first one to arrive was one imported by Mr Perier himself, in his capacity as manager for Messrs. Baker and Rouse, and Mr G. Neymark. This instrument was a projector manufactured by A.J. Pipon, of Paris. As the whole stock of films sent with it consisted of only 12 subjects, the owners awaited further supplies before making a public exhibition.
In the meantime the Pipon machine was taken to Melbourne, and a salon was opened in Collins-street.
The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, vendredi 9 juin 1922, p. 9.

Les frères Alexandre et Jules Pipon, en collaboration avec  ont 

Ce qui est juste c'est que des projections vont bien avoir lieu à Melbourne dans un salon ouvert sur la Collins-street, à la fin du mois d'octobre, mais la presse fait apparaître le nom de G. Neywark. Les projections ont lieu du 26 octobre au 9 novembre 1896, puis l'appareil est vendu à M. Vanheem qui installe l'appareil à Bendigo à partir du 13 novembre.

perier edouard 1897 annonce
The Daily Telegraph, Sydney, samedi 16 janvier 1897, p. 3.


Mons. Perier's Book.
Every-body who has handled a copy of Mon. Edw. Perier's "Illutrated Method for Easily Learning or Teaching French" has recognised how easily the language may be acquired by this new system. We are pleased to learn that the Department of Public Instruction has sanctioned the use of Mons. Perier's book in our schools, and we don't doubt that it will induce hundreds of our young folks to learn French, because it's so easy and interesting by the new way.The Sydney Stock and Station Journal, Sydney, mardi 31 octobre 1899, p. 8.


1902: correspondance Edouard Périer au sujet d'un différend relatif à une cheminée de M. F. G. Brierley

The "At Home" given by Mrs. J.J. Rouse yesterday in connection with the Photographic Society's Exhibition proved a highly enjoyable function. The guests, of whom there were a numerous gathering, were pleasantly entertained with a musical programme, one of the features of which was the pianola selections.
Miss Maud Dalrymple delighted the company with her songs, "Beloved, it is Morn", "Silver Ring", and "A Summer Night", and Mr. Bryce Carter contributed two or three much appreciated cello solos, Mr. E. Ivan Jones providing the pianola accompaniments. Mr. and Mrs. Rouse were untiring in their efforts to promote the enjoyment of their guests, and in doing the honours of the afternoon they were ably assisted by Mr. A. J. Perier.The Australian Star, Sydney, jeudi 10 décembre 1903, p. 7.


Edward Perier, the well-known French teacher.
The first book of his "Illustrated Method for
Fasily Learning- or Teaching French, based oh
Principles of Mind Development," reaches us
from the publishers, Messrs. "William Brooks and
Company, Sydney. The story of "Robinson Cru-
soe," as told by a father to his children, oscupies
the first part of this neat little volume, the French
and English versions facing one another on^oppo
site pages, and ls followed by the illustrated ob-
ject lessons with the figurative pronunciation
which is the special feature of M. Perier's, sys-
tem. Several sou gs set to music, with both
French and English words, are also included, the
whole book, strongly bound and printed in- clear
type, being published at a price which brings its
advantages within the reach of all.
''Things That Have Happened" (Methuen; Lon-
don; George Robertson and Company, Melbourne
and Sydney ; Angus a.Ed Robertson, Sydney) is the
title of a collection of fourteen short stories by
Dorothea Gerard (Mme. Longard de Longarde).
These have severally appeared already in various
Journals and magazines, by the - permission of
whose editors they are now reproduced, two or
three being published with the permission of Mes-
srs. Tillotson. The scenes are for the most part
laid on the Continent; Austria, Russia, France,
and Germany providing in turn a background for
various pleasing little romances, as well more or
less pathetic or even tragic incidents. The"col
lectIon*has been very happily made, and contains
stories to suit all tastes. There is plenty of hu-
mor in the description of "My Paris Masters,"
"On Sight," and "An Act of Charity;" while the!
darker side of life is shown in "Paula's Caprice,"
"The History of a Lottery Ticket," and "An Inr
cident on the March;" while'the love stories re-
lated in "A Marriage in Ha3te," "A Doctor's
Bill," and the tragedy of "íwán's Grave" will
satisfy the most romantic reader.
