Le Kinetoscope Parlor du théâtre Heck's (Vine near Sixth, 7 novembre->5 décembre 1898)

The Cincinnati Post, Cincinnati, lundi 7 novembre 1898, p. 3.
Le kinetoscope parlor renouvelle son programme :
It is getting to be the fad of the times now to visit the free phonograph and kinetoscope parlors at Heck's Wonder World Theater. A new program is presented this week, presenting some of the songs now being sung with great success in New York City.
The Cincinnati Post, Cincinnati, mercredi 16 novembre 1898, p. 4.
Les dernières annonces datent des premiers jours de décembre :
Heck's Wonder World opens Monday for the week with many novelties. There are new songs and pictures in the free phonograph and kinetoscope parlors.
The Cincinnati Post, Cincinnati, lundi 5 décembre 1898, p. 4.