Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Lumphanan est une ville d'Écosse (Grande-Bretagne).


Le cinématographe de Paul Robello (Public Schoolroom, 5 février 1897)

Paul Robello organise une séance de projection cinématographique à la Public Schoolroom au début du mois de février :

LUMPHANAN. CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITION.-A cinematograph entertainment was given in the Public Schoolroom here, on Friday evening, by Messrs Walker & Company, Aberdeen, aided by a concert party of local artistes. The entertainment was commenced by a pianoforte selection by Miss Morrison, followed by a solo by Mrs Thorburn. The other soloists were -M Lean, Miss Morrison, Miss Emalie. and Miss Shaw. All the performers were well received. Several of the songs were illustrated by limelight views. Mr Hamish Beveridge gave an excellent descriptive lecture on " British Enterprise in South Africa." The lecture was illustrated with electro-drama illustrations. The cinematograph, however, formed, the great feature of the entertainment. It was well manipulated by Mr Paul Robello, and between each picture very pretty dissolving floral tableaux vivants were thrown on the screen. The pictures were accompanied by piano selections by Miss Morrison. There was also a special exhibition for children in the afternoon, which was highly successful. At the afternoon performance solos were rendered by Mrs Thorburn, Mrs M. Lean, Miss Spark, and Miss Annie Shaw; also piano solos by Miss Florence Shaw and Miss Earl. Rev. M. C. Thorburn, chairman of the School Board, presided en both occasions. There were large audiences.

Aberdeen Press and Journal, Aberdeen, mardi 9 février 1896, p. 6.