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- Création : 24 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 7 novembre 2022
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
Ernest Francis MOY
(Londres, 1869-Richmond, 1926)
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Électricien, il a en charge, à l'âge de seize ans, l'installation électrique de l'Her Majesty's Theatre. En mars 1896, il fonde avec Percy Henry Bastie la société "Ernest F. Moy Ltd." pour la fabrication de fusibles, interrupteurs et disjoncteurs électriques. Elle s'installe, en juin 1896, Greenland place Camden Town. En novembre 1897, en collaboration avec Gilbert Howard Harrison, il dépose un brevet pour un appareil cinématographique, puis un perfectionnement l'année suivante. En 1906, Georges Albert Smith et Charles Urban lui confient la réalisation du kinemacolor :
In cinematograph apparatus manufacture three, at least, of the many Moy machines have definitely made history, these being the Kinemacolor camera and projector, and the Kineto projector. Kinemacolor,, the first commercial two-colour system, invented by George Albert Smith, and commercially exploited by Charles Urban, called for film being taken and shown at anything between thirty-two and forty pictures a second, a terrific speed for sixteen years ago, when the general rate for black and white when film was nearer fourteen pictures a second. Moys was called in to tackle the problem of building machinery which would stand up to the strain. He did it so well that at this very day some of the old kinemacolor projectors remain in use for ordinary film screening.
"Another Veteran Passes On. The Late Ernest F. Moy. A Pioneer Manufacturer", The Bioscope, 18 novembre 1926, p. 38.
Avec son collaborateur Percy Henry Bastie, il va déposer de très nombreux brevets comme les trois suivants en 1909 :
Applications for Patents.
February 22-February 27.
4533.-Ernest Francis Moy and Percy Henry Bastie, Greenland Place, Camden Town, London. Improvements in feeding mechanisms for cinematograph cameras, printers, ans perforators.
The Bioscope, jeudi 18 mars 1909, p. 17.
Nº 4,534, 1909 (accepted, 13th May, 1909). Improvements in Feeding Mechanisms for Cinematograph Cameras, Printers and Perforators, Ernest Francis Mooy and Percy Henry Bastie, both of Greenland Place, Camden Town, London, N.W.
The Bioscope, jueves 24 juin 1909, p. 31.
9898,.-Ernest Francis Moy and Percy Henry Bastie, Greenland Place, Camden Town, London. Improvements in cinematograph projectors, cameras, and the like machines.
The Bioscope, jeudi 5 mai 1910, p. 35.
Ernest F. Moy et Bastie. 1909. camera 35 mm.. 16 x 13 x 5 pouces.
En 1911, de nouveaux brevets sont déposés:
Applications for Patents.
(June 6th to 18th)
14,650.-Ernest Francis Moy and Percy Henry Bastie, Greenland Place, Camden Town, London. Improved automatic shutter for cinematograph projectors.
The Bioscope, jeudi 30 juin 1910, p. 47.
Applications for Patents.
(February 13th to March 4th)
Nº 3628.-Ernest Francis Moy and Percy Henry Bastie.-Film-guide for cinematograph projectors and like machines.
The Bioscope, jeudi 16 mars 1911, p. 59.
Cinematograph cameras.-Nº. 23,505. Oct. 24, 1911.-Ernest Francis Moy and Percy Henry Bastie.
Kinematograph Weekly, jeudi 16 novembre 1911, p. 29.
Lors du recensement de 1911, ne figure que Moy et son épouse. Un nouvel appareil connu est fabriqué également par Moy :
The Kineto machine made history by being at once a definite breakaway from prevailing ideas of its time, and a definitely long-wearing, rock-steady machine placed in the hands of the exhibitor well before [theay d] when precision machinery became a matter of course. It had the celebrated cam-actuated claw motion. Mr. Moy was always able and willing to help inventors in the design of special motion picture machinery of any description.
"Another Veteran Passes On. The Late Ernest F. Moy. A Pioneer Manufacturer", The Bioscope, 18 novembre 1926, p. 38.
Kineto Model B Projector
Handbook of Kinematography, Londres, The Kinematograph Weekly, 1911, p. 128.
Moy dépose de nouveaux brevets :
29 mars 1912: Ernest Francis Moy and Percy Henry Bastie. Taking and producing pictures in natural colours. - nº 7.756.
Kinematograph Weekly, jeudi 11 avril 1912, p. 15.
Automatic shutter adjustment for kinematograph projectors.-nº 18, 846. August 16, 1912.-Ernest Francis Moy and Percy Henry Bastie.
Kinematograph Weekly, jeudi 29 août 1912, p. 37.
Ernest F. Moy décède à la fin de l'année 1926. Le banquet de la société, l'année suivante, lui rend hommage :
Moy's Annual Dinner.
The annual dinner of the electrical engineering firm of Ernest F. Moy, Ltd. held at the Britannia Hotel, High Street, Camden Town last Saturday, was marked by an event of outstanding importance to all present, the unveiling of a portrait of the late Ernest Francis Moy, who, as the firm's "chief" had always previously occupied the chair at this annual function. The portrait was unveiled by W. Jepson (one of five employees with over thirty-one years' service to their credit, and Major C. G. Fox, accepting the portrait on behalf of the directors, thanked the employees for their expression of devotion to their late chief. The toast of "The memory of Ernest Francis Moy" proposed and drunk in silence. The words inscribed on the portrait are : "Presented to the firm by the staff and employees, 15th January, 1927, in memory of a good friend and a just employer.”
An enjoyable musical evening, provided by C. W. Roberts, followed.
The Bioscope, jeudi 27 janvier 1927, p. 38.
"Another Veteran Passes On. The Late Ernest F. Moy. A Pioneer Manufacturer", The Bioscope, 18 novembre 1926, p. 38.