Arrival of General Kuropatkin at Irkutsk. Inspection of Reservists Leaving for Manchuria
The Era, Londres, samedi 24 septembre 1904, p. 31.
General Kuropatkin on His Way to Manchuria
The Market Place of Tshita, a town situated about 800 versts from Irkutsk) crowded with Buriats (the inhabitants) discussing the Declaration of War. Tshita is one of the largest towns in the Trans-Baikalian Provinces, where exist huge Russian railway works and hospitals are now building for the reception of the wounded. The Japanese have their eye on this place, as in case of the defeat of General Kuropatkin's army in Manchuria, Tshita will be the town where the retreating army will make a strong stand, the place being a natural fortress, encircled by huge hills. The distance to Manchuria Station, the frontier, is 600 versts, while Harbin lies 1200 versts to the south-east.
Scene 2 shows the arrival of GeneraI Kuropatkin by special train at Petrowsky Savod, being received by Generals Rennerikampf, Grekoff, and Nadaroff (now promoted to Governor of Trans-Baikal Province). General Kuropatkin and staff are seen inspecting the troops drawn up along the platform. He is next seen inspecting the 1st Brigade Sa-Baikalsky Cossacks.
Scene 3, Station at Irkutsk, showing reservists and infantry hurrying to the trains which carry them to the seat of war. The majority of these men will never see their homes again.
URB 1905-02