Farmer's Trouble


Farmer's Trouble

A rather dilapidated farm wagon loaded with cabbages is being driven along the market place, when a dark miscreant trundling a wheelbarrow succeeds in colliding with one of the rear wheels. The wheel parts company with the vehicle, and wrecking it, scatters the contents in all directions. The farmer, convinced that the darkey was responsible for the breakdown, jumps from his wagon and a pugilistic encounter takes place, in which the bystanders interfere. A clear picture of a ludicrous subject.

Maguire & Baucus. 01/1897.


1 Edison 178 (MU 279)  
2 William Heise  
3 24/12/1896. © Thomas A. Edison, 08/01/1897. 50 ft
4 États-Unis. Harrisburg.  




