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Création : 25 mars 2015
Mis à jour : 28 octobre 2024
Publication : 25 mars 2015
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Hong Kong est une colonie britannique (1839-1997).
Le Cinématograph et le Kinetescope de Maurice Charvet (City Hall/Music Room, 27->27 avril 1897)
Maurice Charvet inaugure des séances de projections de vues animées à la fin du mois d'avril :
Professor Maurice Charvet, who arrived to-day by the French mail steamer, has come on to Hongkong from Paris to exhibit the "Cinématograph" and the "Kinetescope," the twin marvels of the age. Theses marvels have never been shown in Hongkong or the Far East before, and the Professor anticipates a large share of the popular patronage during his stay in Hongkong. Amongst the pictures exhibited are "Loie Fuller's Serpentine Dance," a boxing bout between Corbett and Mitchell, &c., and the performances will be repeated at various hours of the day in the Music Room, City Hall. By the aid of the "Cinématograph" and electricity, these pictures are projected on to a screen, and are life-size. Every detail of movement and facial expression is therefore plainly visible to the whole of the audience, and is marvellous in its effects.
The China Mail, samedi 24 avril 1897, p. 3.

The China Mail, samedi 24 avril 1897, p. 2.