Cripple Creek Bar-Room Scene



Cripple Creek Bar-Room Scene

Shows tap room of the "Miner'sArms," stout lady at bar, and three men playing stud horse. Old toper with a silk hat asleep by the stove. Rough miner enters, bar maid serves him with Red Eye Whisky and he proceeds to clean out the place. Barmaid takes a hand with a siphon of vichy, and bounces the intruder; with the help of the card players, who line up before the bar and take copious drinks on the house.

Edison 03/1900.


1 Edison n.c. (MU 680). James White.  
2 James White  
  0680(mu) 01
"Around the world with a Kinetoscope", Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, dimanche 31 décembre 1899, p. 17. [Il existe une transcription du texte dans la revue The Phonogram, nº 8, décembre 1900 (p. 79-81) et nº 9, janvier 1901 (p. 113-116)].
3 03-04/1899. © Thomas A. Edison, 22/04/1899. 50 ft
4 États-Unis. West Orange. Black Maria.



