Flagship "New York"



Flagship "New York" 

Here is a capital view of the most popular and widely known boat in the U.S.Navy, the armored cruiser "New York." She has three funnels, same as her sister ship, the "Brooklyn." It is wash day, as evidenced by the display on her forward deck, drying in the bright sunshine and gentle breeze. She has just coaled, and with steam up and smoke pouring out of rear funnel, is waiting orders. Her maximum coaling capacity is 1200 tons, fitting her for long and swift cruising. The active part taken by Admiral Sampson and the "New York" at the bombardment of San Juan, makes this picture of great interest to any audience.

War Extra: Edison Films, 20/05/1898.


1 Edison n.c. (MU 544). William Paley. Karl C. Decker.  
2 William Paley  
3 17/03-08/04/1898. © Thomas A. Edison, 26/04/1898. 50 ft
4 États-Unis. Key West.  



