10th U.S. Infantry, 2nd Battalion, Leaving Cars



10th U.S. Infantry, 2nd Battalion, Leaving Cars

Hurrah-here they come! Hot, dusty, grim and determined! Real soldiers,every inch of them! No gold lace and chalk belts and shoulder straps, but fully equipped in full marching order: blankets, guns, knapsacks and canteens. Train in the background. Crowds of curious bystanders; comical looking "nigger dude" with a sun-umbrella strolls languidly in the foreground, and you almost hear that "yaller dog" bark. Small boys in abundance. The column marches in fours and passes through the front of the picture. More small boys-all colors. The picture is excellent in outline and full of vigorous life.

War Extra: Edison Films, 20/05/1898.


1 Edison n.c. (MU 552). William Paley.  
2 William Paley  
3 01/05/1898. © Thomas A. Edison, 20/05/1898. 100 ft
4 États-Unis. Ybor City.  



