Cuban Refugees Waiting for Rations



Cuban Refugees Waiting for Rations

A group of escaped reconcentrados, saved from the fate of starvation imposed by the Butcher, Weyler. They stand in line waiting, each man with his tin dish and cup. One expects to see just such men as these, after the centuries of Spanish oppression and tyranny. As they come forward, their walk, even, is listless and lifeless. The picture affords an exceedingly and lifeless. The picture affords an exceedingly interesting racial character study. At one side stands a group of officers from the camp near by, accompanying several ladies who are seeing the sights.

Edison Films. War extra 20/05/1898.


1 Edison n.c. (MU 563). William Paley.  
2 William Paley  
3 04-13/05/1898. © Thomas A. Edison, 20/05/1898. 50 ft
4 États-UnisTampa.  



