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Creado: 25 Marzo 2015
Última actualización: 13 Enero 2024
Publicado: 25 Marzo 2015
Visto: 1398
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Niles est une ville de l'état du Michigan (États-Unis).
L'Amet Magniscope (Opera House, 15-17 avril 1897)
À la mi-avril, l'Opera House organise trois soirées avec l'Amet Magniscope :
Is Coming to Niles Opera House Three Nights This Week.
DeVaro in Hazardous Feats-Special Features-Press Laudations.
Fortunately Manager Frank Blackett of the Niles Opera House has booked a novel and unique enterteinment for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights of this week. It is the Original Magniscope Company, producing the new Amet Magniscope, the worl's greatest invention in showing Edison's animated pictures in full life sieze combined with Edison's latest and largest concert Bell phonograph. Also introducing as a special feature the only C. DeVaro, wire king and rifle shot. The public will be delighted with nature, art, animation and life itself placed before them with most impressive fidelity. People are coming here from all the surrounding towns to see the greatest wonder of the 19th century.
Niles Daily Star, Niles, lundi 12 avril 1897, p. 3.