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Creado: 25 Marzo 2015
Última actualización: 13 Enero 2024
Publicado: 25 Marzo 2015
Visto: 1408
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Yale est une ville de l'état du Michigan (États-Unis)
L'Amet Magniscope (Central Hall, 20-21 octobre 1897)
En octobre, le Central Hall propose deux soirées de projectionsa animées avec l'Amet Magniscope :
The Electro Amet Magniscope entertainment given in Central Hall, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, was very novel. The large audiences wew delighted with it and all say they received their moneys worth.
The Yale Expositor, Yale, vendredi 22 octobre 1897, p. 8.
L'Amet Magniscope (Central Hall, 26 novembre 1897)
En novembre, l'Electro Amet Magniscope propose des vues animées au Central Hall :
The Electro Amet Magniscope will give an entertainment in Central Hall this (Friday) evening. A fac-simile reproduction of the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight will be among the interesting subjects brought out. this company was in Yale only a short time since and gave entire satisfaction. You will miss a rare treat if you fail to attend.
The Yale Expositor, Yale, vendredi 26 novembre 1897, p, 8.
Le spectacle semble avoir déçu :
The Electro Amet Magniscope entertainment in Central Hall last Friday evening was much inferior to the one given by the same company a few weeks ago. There was quite a large attendance and all came away somewhat disappointed.
The Yale Expositor, Yale, vendredi 3 décembre 1897, p. 8.