- Détails
- Création : 14 janvier 2024
- Mis à jour : 10 avril 2024
- Publication : 15 mars 2024
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Fredonia est une ville de l'état de New York (États-Unis).
The Biograph (Grand Opera House, 4 et 12 décembre 1896)
Une soirée de vues animées est organisée au Grand Opera House avec le Biograph :
The World' Latest and Greatest Wonder, The Marvelous Biograph.
The talk of New York City. The identical views will be presented precisely as were shown at Hammerstein's Olympia—at which to wonder vast multitudes gathered at every exhibition. Among the most notable are Niagara Falls and Niagara Upper Rapids, a most Realistic Reproduction of "America's Greatest Wonder." The overpowering effect of Niagara's tireless rush of seething waters vividly reproduced. Empire State Express taking water and running at a speed of 60 miles an hour. Stable on fire, vivid picture of rescuing live stock. etc. Trilby and Lillie Billie kissing scene. Joseph Jefferson, toast from Kip Van Winkle. A Hard Wash, from sunshine-to storm in a Darktown home. McKinley and Hobart Parade at Canton, Ohio—note antics of the now famous Racoon which is carried upon a pole alongside of Hobart's Portrait, and Major McKinley at Home. After having entertained representatives of the New York Sound Money Delegation, he walks across his lawn, receives, opens, and with a look of joy, reads a telegram from the Republican National committee informing him that he has carried "The Golden East" and several doubtful States, after which he bows to a lot of enthusiastic admirers as they doff their hats, cheer, and wave their hands and handkerchiefs, etc. In the different political parades, at Canton, to be seen, are those from every section of the United States, and the faces of many Prominent Men from this vicinity will be recognized. All the above and many other striking views, all so true and real, as to cause the auditors to fairly jump out of their seats, and to stand amazed and applaud Edison's Vitascope Eclipsed. Lumiere's Cinematograph Completely Outdone.
The wonderful Biograph can be seen at the Grand Opera House, Fredonia, on Friday evening of this week. Reserve seat tickets now on sale at Matteson's at from 25c to 75.
Dunkirk Evening Observer, Dunkirk, mercredi 2 décembre 1896, p. 8.
Quelques jours plus tard, une autre soirée est annoncée:
A Return Engagement at the Grand Opera House, Fredonia of Cleveland's Minstrels
Another opportunity is offered the people of this section to see the trained ponies, the dancing and leaping dogs, the famous Yeddo Japs, and what is more important than all else, that marvelous invention, the Biograph, as Cleveland's famous minstrel troupe is tot fill a return engagement at the Opera House, Fredonia, on Tuesday evening, Dec 15. A large number of pictures will be shown, including the old favorites, such as the Empire Express McKinley at his home in Canton, the fire scene, the American flag, etc.
Several new pictures have been added to the list and will be seen for the first time in Fredonia. Reserve seat tickets on sale at Matteson’s at from 25c to 75c.
Dunkirk Evening Observer, Dunkirk, samedi 11 décembre 1896, p. 4.