West Point Cadets




West Point Cadets

Marching past reviewing stand in the Grant Memorial Parade.

BIO 1902


1 American Mutoscope and Biograph Company 192  
2 n.c.  
3 27/04/1897 109 ft./25 ft. Mudadura.
  0192 01
Grant Memorial Parade. Souvenir Program. New York. 27 avril 1897.
4 États-Unis. New York.


16/05/1897 États-Unis. Boston. Keith's Theater Biograph  The 1st corps of cadets

Keith's Teater.
The glimpses of the Grant memorial parade shown in the biograph the past week have renwed interest in that admirable motion-picture device. The views were so full of life and detail that seeing them once gave no adequate idea of how really great they were, so that on the request of a number of patrons they will be continued the coming week, with several new ones added. Several additional interesting military pictures will be exhibited this week, and a splendid scene in New York harbor.

The Boston Globe, Boston, dimanche 16 mai 1897, p. 18.


The leading picture in the biograph the motion-photograph invention, will be the view of the 1st corps of cadets in the Grant memorial parade, which is said to be a good picture.

The Boston Globe, Boston, dimanche 23 mai 1897, p. 18.

18/03/1898 États-UnisNew York. Union League Club. American Biograph West Point Cadets 

