- Détails
- Création : 14 janvier 2024
- Mis à jour : 9 juillet 2024
- Publication : 15 mars 2024
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Perth est la capitale de l'état d'Australie-Occidentale (Australie).
Le Cinématographe du Prof. Smythe (Cremorne Theatre, 12 décembre 1896)
En provenance de Ballarat, le Prof. Smythe, secondé par M. Holton, présente en décembre un cinématographe au Cremorne Theatre :
The first exhibition of the Cinematographe in Cremorne Theatre on Saturday night was witnessed by a large number of persons, the majority of whom were patrons of the Cremorne Gardens entertainment, and again at 9.30 o'clock did a crowd assemble in the theatre to witness a second performance. A series of six remarkably life-like continuous living photographs, if they may be so described, were shown on a sheet upon the stage, the machine being worked from the [...] of the hall. The first scene depicted the arrival of a railway train at a station, and passengers were seen getting in and out of the carriages, crossing and re-crossing the platform, the climax of the very life-like effect produced on the sheet being caused by the inevitable late-comer on the platform rushing to get into the train as it moved out of the station, the guard having been seen to signal to the driver to start. The applause at the conclusion of this scene was of an encore nature, but the demand was not responded to, No. 2 of the series being thrown on the screen in the place of the first one. This represented a number of Soudanese diving and swimming in the surf, and no better description of the picture can be given than to say it actually looked as though the Soudanese were on the stage in all reality, the water dripping off their bodies and the splashing of the waves being no less lifelike than the appearance of the divers. Next followed the scene of the buckjumper being ridden, the action of the rider spurring the horse, from the hoofs of which clouds of dust were seen to arise, being remarkably clear. The fourth scene was that of a card party, four playing, the shuffling, dealing and playing of the cards being vividly depicted, as were the appearances of a waiter serving the players with refreshments, and the players turning from their game of cards to address ladies looking on at the game, and to receive their drinks from the waiter. A picture of a steeplechase followed, and the scene displayed may fairly be described as wonderful. There was the customary racecourse crowd depicted, and the steeplechase jumps over which five horses came racing, one falling and rolling four times over his rider. A spectator rushes out to pick up the unfortunate jockey, and yet another horse comes into sight and jumps the break in the fence caused by the fall of the other animal. Sixth and last of the series of pictures was that of a street scene in Paris, in which were plainly visible spectators, carriages and pairs, tramcars, omnibuses, cabs, and an energetic newspaper seller rushing about offering papers to the passers by. Each picture was greeted with enthusiastic applause, and the exhibition was subsequently the topic of conversation in the Gardens. Messrs. Smythe and Holton worked the cinematographe machine, and there was no hitch in the management of it. Exhibitions will be given nightly this week, the performances being timed to begin at 8.30 and 9.30 o'clock. For this, and every afternoon during the week, the management announce a day performance at 3 o'clock for family parties and children, which will suit a number of folk unable to be present in the evenings.
The West Australian, Perth, lundi 14 décembre 1896, p. 5.
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Marius Sestier (Olde Englishe Fayre, 1er février-1er mars 1897)
Marius Sestier installe son Cinématographe Lumière à l'Olde Englishe Fayre au début du mois de février :
The announcement that the new cinematographe would receive its initial production in Western Australia last evening attracted an enormous attendance to the Olde Englishe Fayre. After a capital first-part, the star of the evening, the cinematographe, burst upon the [gaze], the principal illusions being the Hat Trick, Pulling Down a Brick Wall, 96 Regiment Defiling with Band, Cyclists and Equestrains, Hyde Park, arrival of Lord and Lady Brassey at Flemington, Derby Day, the Betting Ring, on the Lawn near the Grand Stand, Finish of Melbourne Cup Race, Watering the Garden, A Practical Joke, Express from Calais to Paris, Sea Bathing, and as there are in all about one hundred views, the management will be able to give frequent changes of programme. The new cinematograph is a distrinct improvement on anything of the kind the colony has yet seen. In the second part, Miss Emmie Smith, the dashing serio-comic artists, was seen to advantage. In the farce, Mr. Mooney appears as Dr. Leger-Erson, which of course gives a local flavoring to "Fast and Slow."
The Daily News, Perth, mardi 2 février 1897, p. 3.
Un nouvel article donne quelques informations complémentaires :
YE OLDE ENGLISHE FAYRE. There was again a large attendance at the Fayre last evening, when the Lumiere Cinematographe was the principal attraction. The pictures were mostly the same as on the previous evening, although for the first time a hitch occurred which necessitated delay in presentation. The Melbourne Cup scenes were reproduced, and the recognition of familiar figures drew shouts of applause from many in the audience. The Lumiere Factory, from where the machine was taken by Mons. Sestier, was shown, and as the employés left the building a wonderfully realistic sight was witnessed. An army of cavalry and Algerian chiefs escorting the Czar to Paris were received with unbounded enthusiasm, and another military scene in which a band of Cuirassiers coming along a plain made a supposed charge upon the enemy, created great excitement. A landing place at Lyons, with the passengers leaving an ocean liner, was particularly realistic, whilst a view of the sea and breakers was given with striking fidelity to nature. The perpetration of a daylight robbery was very amusing, and the reversal of the encore picture "Sea Bathers," again evoked the loudest laughter and applause. " A game at carte " and " The Serpentine" also met with appreciation, [a did] a picture of the Empire Theatre, London, where crowds of people were seen flocking to witness (as the poster announced) that Lumiere Cinematographe. The musical portion of the programme was quite as good as any yet given at this place of amusement.
The West Australian, Perth, vendredi 5 février 1897, p. 5.
The West Australian, Perth, mardi 9 février 1897, p. 1.
À la fin du mois de février, la presse annonce la prochaine fin des séances :
There are to be only two more nights of the Lumiere Cinematographe at the Olde Englishe Fayre-to-night and Monday evening next. The usual first part of ballad singing, 6c., and the specialty second part sensation stream are all that could be desired by the most exacting. To-morrow evening a sacred concert is to be given; while of Eastern colony attractions to shortly arrive and fellow the wonderful Banvard Family, mention may be made of the Lucifers and Miss Daisy Chard.
The Daily News, Perth, samedi 27 février 1897, p. 5.
Marius Sestier se rend ensuite à Coolgardie.
Répertoire (autres titres) : The Arrival of Lord and Lady Brassey at Flemington, the Finish of the Melbourne Cup, Newhaven Decorated by Lady Brassey, Thieving Pierrot, Under the Linden Berlin, Spinning the Plate, Piccadilly Circus, London; 96th Regiment Defiling with Band, Charge of Cavalry, Arrival of Train at the Station at La Ciotat, Jumping Practice of 26 Prussian Dragoons in Stutgart, Daylight Robbery, The Great Bathing (The West Australian, Perth, samedi 6 février 1897, p. 1), Coronation of the Czar in Moscow, Ambassador and Suite going to Kremlin, Czar and Czarina going to Kremlin, Cossacks Escorting the Czar, Pulling Down a Shed, Boxing Contest, Lightning Change Artist, Negro Street Cleaners, Russian Dance in Moscow, An Unexpected Bath, Arrival in Gondola in Beautiful Venice, Diving Champions (The West Australian, Perth, jeudi 11 février 1897, p. 5), The Dwarf and the Giant, Sardine Fishing, An Unexpected Bath, Chicago Sausage Machine, London Street Girl Dancers, Leaving Cologne Factory, Pussy's Dinner, Cavalry Going for Exercise, Tiger in the London Zoo, Princess Maud's Marriage Cortege in London, Diving Champions, Javanese Dance (The West Australian, Perth, lundi 15 février 1897, p. 5), An exhibition of gun practice by the Spanish Artillery, The old harbour of Marseilles (The West Australian, Perth, vendredi 19 février 1897, p. 3), The Divers, Children and Father, Blacksmith at Work, Taking in Nets, On the Lawn near Grandstand at Flemington, A Vaulting Lesson, Burning Weeds in the Forest, Old Harbour at Marseilles, Riders in Hyde Park, Game of Back Gammon, Gun Practice by Spanish Artillery, Daylight Robbery, Sea Bathing (The Daily News, Perth, samedi 20 février 1897, p. 7), A glimpse of the Puerta del Sol Madrid, A view of the Exchange at Lyons, The magnificent procession of the Czar and Czarina of Russia and President Faure during the late festivities in Paris (The West Austalian, Perth, lundi 22 février 1897, p. 6).
Le Cinématographe Lumière (Olde Englishe Fayre, 20-30 mars 1897)
En provenance de Coolgardie, Marius Sestier organise quelques séances au Olde Englishe Fayre :
The Lumiere cinematographe will give a farewell exhibition for a few nights with pictures not previously produced in this city.
The West Australian, Perth, jeudi 18 mars 1897, p. 5.
L'inauguration a lieu le 19 mars :
The business of the Fayre holds up in great style, and has already produced a phenomenal record, having been nineteen weeks in existence. Last evening Mr. E. H. Banvard read a telegram to the effect that Mr. Charles Godfrey had been engaged in Melbourne for a trip to the West. To-night the Banvards and Lucifers will appear for the last time in their present acts, as to-morrow evening an entire change of programme is to be given. The cinematographe, having returned from the goldfields, will also be given a brief re-appearance. Miss Ida Holbein, Mr. James Mooney, and others, together with a grand double company, will all unite in putting up a great bill for Saturday night next.
The Daily News, Perth, vendredi 19 mars 1897, p. 3.
The Daily News, Perth, jeudi 25 mars 1897, p. 3.
La dernière séance a lieu le mardi 30 mars.
The West Australian, Perth, mardi 30 mars 1897, p. 1.
*Le phonoscope de Franc St. Hill (>23 mars 1897)
Frank St. Hill se prépare à installer le phonoscope à la fin du mois de mars :
The Phonoscope.-Extensive preparations are being made by Mr. Frank St. Hill for the initial opening in Perth of Edison's latest success, the phonoscope. This new electric marvel is a combination of the improved loud-speaking Edison phonograph and the vitascope, which is something similar to the cinematographe, only that the animated pictures are reproduced in the natural colour. The phonoscope reproduces the song and the singer, the marching armies and the bands, with all their original quality and tone. Amongst the many subjects to be shown by Mr. St. Hill will be the arrest of Butler, the Sharkey-Fitzsimmons fight, to be followed by the Corbett-Fitzsimmons light, and the busy thoroughfares of New York in everyday life with all the noise of the street.
The West Australian, Perth, mardi 23 mars 1897, p. 4.
Pourtant rien ne vient confirmer cette information.
L'American Biograph d'Harry Rickards (Theatre Royal, 24 janvier->7 février 1898)
Theatre Royal and Hotel Metropole. Perth. 1897
Source: State Library of Western Australia
Harry Rickards présente sa troupe et l'american biograph dont s'occupe l'opérateur George W. Jones. La séance inaugurale a lieu le 25 janvier.
Le Biograph offre encore des projections de vues animées au début du mois de février :
The coffers of Rickards' Biograph and Vaudeville Company were considerably swelled on Saturday night, when, notwith- standing the sweltering heat, every part of the Theatre Royal was filled. Mr. Winton, who for a fortnight past has been amusing audiences at the theatre, with the assistance of McGinty and Ally Sloper and his other figures, presented much new business, and his local references were extremely well chosen. His smart repartee and wonderful manipulation of at least a half-dozen figures, which would be dumb but for him, were frequently applauded, and his jokes and songs, in all of which his dummies took a prominent part, were of the most entertaining character. Miss Fanny Wentworth's original sketch "Up. to Date," was a charming item in the pro- gramme, and as such it was thoroughly, appreciated. Such numbers as she presented in the course of her turn might possibly flag in less accomplished hands, and perhaps they are only chosen to show what can be done with very ordinary material when it is properly dealt with. Miss Lizzie Kirk's contributions "'E means no 'arm," and " 'E's such a nice young man," were songs which brought down the house ; and Professor and Miss Morritt introduced into their act some tricks and illusions, which will keep the audience thinking for a long time. * "I'm not particular," was Mr. Leon's new song, and it went so well that he received an encore, which could not be denied. " The landlord's daughter " and " Nevermore " were given by Mr. Sydney Deane in excel- lent voice, and it was shown by the burst of applause which followed each of the songs that he has become an extremely popular performer during his stay in the colony. Mr. Arthur Sherwin sang " Only a rose" and "Broken hearts," and the audience was thoroughly pleased with his performance. The biograph pictures which had only been landed a day or two previously irom America were exhibited and admired, even more than those which had been shown at the theatre during the last couple of weeks, and it is saying a good deal, considering the attraction which the first series of views proved. " The acrobatic dance of Saharet," Condensed milk," "Off Boston Harbour," "In the surf," "Hudson River steamboats," "French Cuirassiers charging," "Cavalry charging a battery," and " The Gordon Highlanders marching into camp," were all live and spirited pictures admirably manipulated by Mr. G. Jones, the operator, and were loudly cheered by those present. The same programme will be repeated to-night.
The West Australian, Perth, lundi 7 février 1898, p. 5.
L'American Biograph d'Harry Rickards (Cremorne Gardens, 15-18 février 1898)
Cremorne Gardens Theatre (c. 1910)
La presse annonce l'arrivée prochaine de l'American Biograph d'Harry Rickards qui doit donner des séances de vues animées au Cremorne Theatre :
Yesterday morning Mr. M. Marcus, the manager of the company now playing at the Theatre Royal, received a telegram from Mr. Harry Rickards, giving the names of the artistes forming the new company which is to give its first performance at the Cremorne Gardens soon after the termination of the Royal season. A brilliant array of talent is presented in the wire, and when the new company is augmented by the inclusion of a large contingent of the artistes now appearing at the theatre it will be the largest variety combination that has ever performed before West Australian audiences. By the mail steamer which arrived at Albany a few days ago a large number of Biograph pictures were brought from America. None of them have previously been exhibited in the colonies. They include "The acrobatic dance of Saharet," "Condensed milk," "Off Boston Harbour," "In the Surf," " Hudson River Steamboats," " French Cuirassiers charging," "Cavalry charging a battery," and " The Gordon Highlanders marching into camp." These and all the most sensational of the old series of pictures will be produced to-night, when other parts of the programme will undergo an entire change. With the assistance of " McGinty," J. W. Winton will introduce a lot of new ventriloquial business, and Miss Fanny Wentworth will give her society entertainment entitled " Up to Date," in the course of which she will introduce impersonations of Heydon Coffin, May Yohe, Eugene Statton, and Yvette Guilbert. The performance last night was given in the presence of a large audience, the various items on the programme being loudly applauded. The biograph pictures, which are almost free from the quivering defect which renders the pictures from some machines so trying to the eyes, again proved a good draw.
The West Australian, Perth, samedi 5 février 1898, p. 5.
L'inauguration est annoncée pour le 14 février.
Coolgardie Miner, Coolgardie, lundi 7 février 1898, p. 2.
Finalement, c'est le lendemain qu'a lieu la première séance. George W. Jones est l'opérateur :
Mr Harry Rickards' Company.
This evening the Biograph and London Vaudeville Company, who have just concluded a successful season at the Theatre Royal, Perth, will commence a short season at the Cremorne Gardens, for which a highly attractive programme has been arranged. The pictures to be exhibited by the now famous American biograph are of a highly sensational, but still artistic nature. The Havershaw Tunnel Scene alone is worth seeing. You can fancy yourself tearing along on a cowcatcher, with the lovliest stretch of country before you. Jumbo, the Horseless Fire Engine, the Pillow Fight, and the American Express, are only a few of a great many pictures to be shown.
Coolgarie Miner, Coolgardie, mardi 15 février 1898, p. 2.
Les séances sont prévues pour quatre jours seulement.