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- Création : 14 janvier 2024
- Mis à jour : 6 juillet 2024
- Publication : 15 mars 2024
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Ballarat est une ville de l'état de Victoria (Australie).
Le kinetoscope de Charles MacMahon (View-street, 19-26 juin 1895)
En provenance de Bendigo, le kinestoscope de Charles MacMahon va s'installer sur View-street :
Mr Charles Macmahon arrived here last evening for the purpose of making arrangements for the exhibition in this city of Edison’s latest and most startling discovery, the kinetoscope. The machine, which has been exhibited for the past three months in Melbourne, has attracted large crowds of people. The object is to present to the spectator a reproduction of a scene of several minutes' duration, which is attained by passing before the eye a number of successive photographs in such a short space of time that the eye is unable to separate them, and therefore they blend into one continuous impression or view. For instance, photographs have been taken of a blacksmith's shop with forge and men in full work and swing. The photographs pass before the eye at the rate of 46 per second, so that the spectator sees the living picture of the work. Every action, even to the winking of the eyelids and the falling of the sparks is seen, the minuteness being marvellous. Amongst other things shown are a cock fight, wrestling match, Armande Ary, a French performer, dancing in all forms, and cat fights. From a scientific point of view the discovery is of immense value, owing to the magnificent recorder of events and scenes which the machine will be. Full particulars will be announced to-morrow.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, vendredi 14 juin 1895, p. 4.
Peu après cet article, l'inauguration est annoncée :
Edison's wonderful and latest invention, the kinetoscope, after a season of 14 weeks in Melbourne, where it was witnessed by upwards of 25,000 persons, will be exhibited for the first time in Ballarat on Wednesday afternoon next. The vestibule of the Academy of Music has been secured, and this will be handsomely furnished and decorated for the interesting show.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, samedi 15 juin 1895, p. 2.
La presse souligne le succès du salon du kinetoscope :
Edison’s marvellous kinetoscope, which is now on view in the vestibule of the Academy of Music, was again largely patronised yesterday, while at night visitors thronged the place and ware delighted with the novelty, which must be seen to be understood and appreciated. A mere word description, however intelligently given, would fail to convey to the reader a correct idea of the wonderful realism with which the various representations are shown. Those who see it are charmed and interested, and express astonishment and admiration at the magnificence of the mechanical characterisations, The kinetoscope will be on view again to-day and to-night. In the afternoon there will be a matinee for the benefit of the school children, who will be admitted for 6d.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, samedi 22 juin 1895, p. 2.
La dernière séance a lieu le 26 juin :
Edison's kinetoscope was shown in Ballarat for the last time yesterday, and was again viewed by large numbers.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, jeudi 27 juin 1895, p. 2.
Le kinetoscope de Charles MacMahon (Exhibition Buildings, 10-[14] janvier 1896)
Charles MacMahon revient à Ballarat où il installe son kinetoscope :
Mr Chas. MacMahon has completed arrangements with the Exhibition Commissioners for the display of Edison's kinetoscope in the Exhibition buildings. He has now five of these wonderful machines on view in the main hall, charged with new subjects, and the price for seeing the scenes depicted in the five has been fixed at 6d. The kinetoscope should prove an additional draw to the Exhibition.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, vendredi 10 janvier 1896, p. 3.
Une nouvelle annonce est publiée peu après :
The exhibition of Edison's wonderful kinetoscope is attracting large numbers of visitors at the Concert Hall, Exhibition Buildings, where it is now daily being shown. Five distinct subjects may be seen for the nominal charge of sixpence. No one should lose the opportunity of witnessing this novel and entertaining invention.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, mardi 14 janvier 1896, p. 4.
Le Phonoscope de Frank St Hill (Sturt street face au Post Office, 23 mai 1896)
Vers la fin du mois de mai, Frank St Hill installe son phonoscope sur Sturt street :
The phonoscope, a combination of the kinetoscope and phonograph on an improved principle, is now bung exhibited in Sturt street, opposite the Post Office. Amongst the many subjects reproduced is Miss Edith Battenburg, of London, as Trilby, singing “Ben Bolt.” Several hundreds of people witnessed the living reproductions on Saturday evening last, while many were unable to gain admission. The figures are life-like, and the singing and accompaniments perfectly audible. The exhibition will be open afternoon and evening until further notice.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, lundi 25 mai 1896, p. 2.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, lundi 25 mai 1896, p. 3.
Le Cinématographe du prof. Smythe (Academy of Music, 3-5 décembre 1896)
En provenance de Bendigo, la troupe Newbury-Spada arrive avec un cinématographe qui doit présenter des vues animées dans les premiers jours de décembre :
The above wonderful invention will be exhibited at the Academy of Music on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings next in conjunction with the Newbury-Spada Company. As this will be the first occasion on which the cinematographe will be presented to the Ballarat public the theatre will no doubt be taxed to its utmost holding capacity. [...]
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, samedi 28 novembre 1896, p. 4.
The Cinematographe Perfectionné (Mechanics' Institute, 10-12 décembre 1896)
La presse locale annonce l'arrivée prochaine d'un Cinematographe Perfectionné acheté par Gustave Neymark. :
At the Mechanics' Institute on Wednesday next the people of Ballarat will have the opportunity of seeing the "Cinematographe Perfectionné," from Paris, which was brought out by M. G. Neymark.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, mardi 1er décembre 1896, p. 2.
L'information est confirmée dans un autre article de presse :
The propietors of the Cinematographe "Perfectionne" opening at the local Mechanics this evening wish it understood that their cinematographe, having only arrived in this colony a few weeks ago. is perfectly new. M. Neymark, who was specially retained in Paris, has accompanied this machine, and exhibited it apart from any other entertainment.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, mercredi 2 décembre 1896, p. 2.
C'est pourtant le prof. Smythe qui semble en être alors le responsable comme on peut le lire dans l'annonce suivante.présente un cinématographe au Mechanics' Institute en décembre.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, jeudi 10 décembre 1896, p. 3.
Il se rend ensuite à Perth.
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Wybert Reeve et Marius Sestier (Mechanice Institute, 17-29 avril 1897)
Le Cinématographe Lumière de Wybert Reeve et Marius Sestier donne une séance au Mechanice Institute à la mi-février.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, vendredi 16 avril 1897, p. 3.
Les séances vont se prolonger pendant une douzaine de jours :
Mr Wybert Reeve has brought this wonderful exhibition for 12 nights to Ballarat, and during Easter week it will also be shown at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, commencing on Saturday. He has had great success with it in South Australia, crowding the Theatre Royal, Adelaide, for five weeks, and afterwards the Victoria Hall of the Y.M.C.A. for three weeks. In London, Paris, and New York, at three of the finest places of amusement, it has been exhibited for two consecutive years, showing the same pictures as Mr Reeve will exhibit in Ballarat. Messrs Lumiere are the inventors of this extraordinary work. Unfortunately, a number of imitations have been shown in Europe and in Australia, but they bear no comparison to the original according to press and public reports, and the people of Ballarat will now have the opportunity of judging for themselves. There is an immense variety of pictures, embracing great military pageants, historical subjects, homely life in all its phases, beautiful scenery, and sport, including a series of the Melbourne Cup from start to finish. The figures in many of the pictures are the size of life, and nothing but the power of speech is wanting to complete the illusion of looking on life itself. Some of the military pictures are spoken of as startlingly fine, such as the charge of the French Cuirassiers, a regiment of soldiers who, from specs on the horizon, charge down on the audience. M. Sestier brought the invention directly from Lumiere’s factory, and has been successful in reaping a rich harvest by the exhibitions. Mr Reeve for some months has been in partnership with him in its South Australian tour, but he has now purchased the instrument and pictures from M. Sestier, who is leaving Australia to exhibit the invention in Singapore, China, Japan, and India. This is the only opportunity the people of Ballarat are likely to have of seeing it as Mr Reeve returns with it to South Australia for the second tour.
The Ballarat Star, Ballarat, jeudi 15 avril 1897, p. 4.