Coolie Boys Diving For Coins
When the ship left Singapore our photographer had an opportunity of taking an interesting view of Coolie boys diving from the boats, which crowd around the steamer, and pick up th coins thrown to them by the passengers, before the same can sink to the bottom. The dexterity with which these boys again enter their boats and paddle about is wonderful, and bespeaks of long practice of these beggar urchins Length, 75ft.
The Era, Londres, samedi 10 novembre 1900, p. 30.
Coolie Boys Diving For Coins, Colombo
These quaint little brown boys crowd around vessels in Colombo Harbour, calling" Have a dive, have a dive!" They are marvellous divers, going after coins and securing them as they sink through the clear water- A steam launch rather "upsets" their performance. A most amusing scene.
URBAN 1905-02