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- Mis à jour : 21 janvier 2025
- Affichages : 29632
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
The Warwick Trading Company (1898-février 1903)
Charles Urban, qui est le directeur de l'entreprise fondée par Franck Zeveley Maguire et Joseph Deyoe Baucus, devient dès le début de l'année 1898, le directeur général de la société Warwick Trading Company, nouvellement fondée par Maguire et Baucus.
E. J. Wall, Carbon Printing, Londres, Hazell Watson & Viney Ld., 1899, p. XXII
Des accords vont se nouer d'abord avec Alfred Darling qui a un rôle important au cours des premières années du cinématographe, car il va construire plusieurs appareils cinématographiques dont un pour la Warwick comme le rapporte Charles Urban :
There was located in Ditchling, Brighton a mechanical engineer named A. Darling, who had made various machines for the limited demand at that time, the film making industry in England only being in its beginning in 1898. A few experimental machines were made earlier. Even a punch and hammer were used by some to cut perforations into both sides of the film. You can imagine the result on the screen. Making a perforating machine was a precision job and Darling came close to producing accurate work. We had made one of each of these machines for a G. Albert Smith of Hove, who with M. J. Williamson a chemist of Hove, started dabbling in pictures.
I placed an order with Darling for a special type camera to be known as the Warwick camera, which has been adopted by the trade and used the world over during the following twenty-five years. A good many are still in use in 1942. We kept Mr. Darling busy building cameras, perforators, printers, film measuring and mending machines and minor accessories, for which the Warwick Trading Company had the exclusive rights. Mr. Smith had leased the St. Ann's Well and Wild Gardens, a private park in Hove. There he had built facilities for printing and developing films. We soon came to an arrangement that he do the making of positive prints from negatives taken by the Warwick cameramen as soon after we received the first lot of cameras from Darling.
MCKERNAN, 1999: 49-50.
La société développe également le secteur de la prise de vues afin d'alimenter les appareils en circulation :
Biokam Film Subjects.--Numerous film subjects. have lately been prepared by the Warwick Trading Company, Limited, Warwick Court, Holborn, for use with the popular Biokam. Each film is 25 feet long, and is sold at 10s. The pictures being very small in proportion to those of (say) Edison gauge, the number of pictures contained on a 25 feet Biokam film is about equal to an Edison gauge film of double the length.
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal, décembre 1899, p. 159.
Une première équipe se met alors en place où figurent en particulier un certain nombre de cinématographistes comme Walter Gibbons, Joseph Rosenthal, Edgar Hyman, Cecil M. Hepworth. On y trouve également Alice Rosenthal, Lena Green, Monty Wicks...
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal, vol. 10, nº 127, décembre 1899, p. 165.
La presse britannique, et tout particulièrement The Era suit presque pas à pas l'évolution de la production de la société qui fait passer de très nombreux encarts où figurent un qualité importante de titres. Les publicités arrivent parfois à occuper toute une page comme lorsque la Warwick annonce des changements de prix.
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The Era, Londres, samedi 1er décembre 1900, p. 23. | The Showman, Londres, 25 janvier 1901, p. 1. |
Music Hall and Theatre Review, Londres, mardi 9 janvier 1903, p. 27.
The Warwick Trading Company (succursale de Paris) (novembre 1902-mars 1903)
Dès 1896, à l'adresse 33, passage de l'Opéra on trouve le Cinématographe-Kaiser:
Le Cinématographe-Kaiser
12, boulevard des Italiens, 33, passage de l'Opéra, a ses bureaux de vente pour les appareils et films, scènes de tous pays, 27, rue du Château-d'Eau.
La Presse, Paris, dimanche 20 décembre 1896, p. 3
On y trouve également, en 1899, les bureaux du journal Le National (1899-) dirigé par Eugène Paul-Emile.
Même si la Warwick ne dispose pas encore d'un local à Paris, la société entretient déjà des relations avec des maisons françaises, dont elle assure la diffusion sur le territoire britannique. Parfois, il existe de réelles collaborations comme dans le cas du film Le sacre d'Édouard VII tourné par Georges Méliès à sa demande :
Le directeur de la Warwick Cie avait loué à prix d'or, sur les divers parcours que devait suivre le cortège, les meilleures places, afin de permettre à ses opérateurs de le cinématographier au passage.
Au dehors, la chose était relativement facile. Mais comment faire pour le sacre, qui devait avoir lieu dans un endroit interdit à tous les profanes ?
C'est alors que l'idée vint à M. Warwick de s'adresser à M. Meliez, le directeur actuel du théâtre Robert-Houdin, pour qui l'art de la cinématographie n'a plus de secrets. L'artiste français accepta de reproduire, avec des personnages se mouvant dans le cadre grandiose de Westminster, la cérémonie intérieure du couronnement. Les bandes pelliculaires de ce sacre avant la lettre devaient être livrées la veille ou l'avant-veille des fêtes anglaises.
En attendant, ce contre-temps coûte à la Warwick C° le joli denier de 20,000 francs. Ce chiffre peut paraître exagéré, mais on se rendra compte facilement qu'il n'en est rien, si l'on songe que, sans compter la fabrication du matériel, M. Meliez a eu pour 7,000 francs de location de costumes, que les séances de tous les artistes ont coûté plus de 3,000 francs.
Et voilà comment, ajoute notre aimable interlocuteur en nous reconduisant, nous avons couronné le roi Edouard à Montreuil-sous-Bois !
Lucien VRILY.
Le Petit Parisien, Paris, dimanche 29 juin 1902, p. 1-2.
L'installation de la Warwick Trading Company (succursale de Paris) est à situer en novembre 1902 comme l'indique Charles Urban :
In paris, I should tell you, we have an office, which was opened in November last, where I have the full control of all the Warwick Trading Company's products.
The Era, Londres, samedi 2 mai 1903, p. 21.
Dès le mois de décembre, la maison fait passer des annonces dans L'Industriel forain.
L'Industriel forain, nº 697, Paris, samedi 13 décembre 1902, p. 2.
C'est également en décembre que la presse britannique évoque la succursale de Paris :
The Era, Londres, samedi 13 décembre 1902, p. 36.
Dès le début de l'année 1903 on y vend des vues cinématographiques:
M. le Directeur de la Warwick Trading Co. Ltd, 33, passage de l'Opéra, à Paris, nous informe qu'il met en vente une collection très intéressante de vues cinématographiques des différentes phases de l'insurrection au Maroc
L'Information photographique, février 1903, p. 40.
Dans la même revue la Warwick Trading Company Ltd se paie un encart pour annoncer son installation à Paris:
The Warwick Trading Company Ltd
4 & 5, Warwick Court.-HIGH-HOLBORN.
London, W. C.
La demande croissante pour nos produits de nos clients du Continent a nécessité l'établissement de notre Branche à Paris, consistant en un bureau et dépôt, d'où nos affiares continentales pourront être traitées mieux et plus promptement qu'auparavant.
Ceci est un grand avantage pour le commerce, car nous allons tenir en stock à notre nouveau local nº 33, passage de l'Opéra, Paris, tous les renommés Projecteurs, Cameras, et Film-Sujets, "WARWICK", Pellicules Positives et Négatives "WARWICK" et "BLAIR" et Accessoires les plus nouveaux et perfectionnés.
Cet arrangement facilitera le choix de Machines et de Film-Sujets avant de les acheter et assurera une prompte exécution de toutes les commandes. Les sujets les plus importants des Films "WARWICK" et "STAR" seront tenus en stock et projetés par le Bioscope à notre local, pour votre inspection, avant l'achat.
En même temps nous venons d'obtenir l'agence exclusive pour la vente des articles de tous les autres importants Fabricants de Pellicules Américains et Anglais, et nous allons tenir en dépôt leurs meilleurs sujets.
Tous les Films que nous vendons proviennent uniquement de Négatives originales.
L'Information photographique, février 1903, p. 46.
Curieusement on retrouve Franck Zeveley Maguire à cette même adresse qui commercialise les appareils Rover's & Simplex.
The New York Herald, New York (edition europénne), Paris, jeudi 22 janvier 1903, p. 6.
Quant au responsable de la filiale, ça n'est autre que George-H. Rogers qui collabore déjà depuis quelques années avec Charles Urban:
A l’origine, M, Charles Urban avait créé à Paris une maison de vente dont il avait confié la direction à un principal disciple et compatriote, M. Rogers. Celui-ci avait comme son maître l’amour du métier, il se consacra si ardemment à la maison parisienne que celle-ci atteignit bientôt un développement égal au siège de Londres. M. Urban pouvait difficilement mener de front deux affaires aussi importantes et leur donner à toutes deux l’extension dont elles étaient susceptibles. M. Rogers sentait de son côté que la maison de Paris pouvait atteindre entre ses mains un très gros chiffre d’affaires, il proposa donc à M. Charles Urban d’acheter et d’exploiter pour son compte la maison de Paris. Celui-ci accepta.
L'Information financière, économique et politique, Paris, lundi 22 avril 1907, p. 2.
En février 1903, Charles Urban quitte la société Warwick Trading Company pour fonder la Charles Urban Trading Company, annoncée dans la presse dès le mois d'avril 1903.). En ce qui concerne la succursale parisienne, L'Industriel forain permet de suivre la situation. Jusqu'au mois d'avril, on trouve régulièrement des annonces concernant des films et une publicité reproduite dans tous les numéros.
L'Industriel forain, nº 714, Paris, 12-18 avril 1903, p. 3.
La presse londonienne a déjà anticipé les changements dès le début du mois d'avril.
The Era, Londres, samedi 4 avril 1903, p. 33.
Mais, dans le dernier numéro du mois d'avril de L'Industriel forain, on publie une annonce où le nom de la société Warwick est clairement associé - pour la première fois - à Charles Urban. Une revendication tardive qui pourrait bien trahir une situation plus complexe.
L'Industriel forain, nº 716, Paris, 24-30 avril 1903, p. 3.
Ces annonces sont publiées tout au long du mois de mai. Dans le numéro 721 de L'Industriel forain (31 mai-6 juin 1903), un nouvel encart est publié, désormais sous le nom de "C. Urban Trading Cº.
L'Industriel forain, Paris, nº 721, 31 mai au 6 juin 1903, p. 3.
The Continental Warwick Trading Co (1904-1913)
Alors que Charles Urban s'est défait de sa succursale parisienne après avoir quitté la Warwick Trading Company, va naître la Continental Warwick Trading Company dont Charles Raleigh et Robert J. Schwobthaler proposent à la vente dès 1903, nombre de leurs productions. C'est en 1904 que naît la Warwick Continental Trading Co et que Raleigh et Robert déposent les marques "Warwick" (28 novembre 1904) et "Continental Warwick Trading Co Ltd, Paris" (24 février 1905). La filiale s'installe au 16, rue Sainte-Cécile. Au nombre de ses cinématographistes les plus connus, on compte Félix Mesguich, qui raconte dans Tour de manivelle comment il est engagé de janvier à décembre 1905. En janvier 1905, Léo Lefebvre rachète plusieurs brevets de l'American Biograph Mutoscope Français, ce qui semble le conduire à collaborer avec la société. Outre sa fonction de cinématographiste, il va occuper celle de directeur artistique :
The Continental Warwick Trading Company avait convié hier soir la presse et quelques intimes à assister à une séance de projections cinématographiques des plus intéressantes. La vaste salle de la rue Sainte-Cécile, dont les honneurs étaient faits avec une bonne grâce parfaite par notre confrère et ami Léo Lefebvre, directeur artistique, était trop petite pour contenir les invités de MM. Raleigh et Robert.»
L’Auto, Paris, mercredi 27 septembre 1905, p. 5.
Le départ de Félix Mesguich à la fin de l'année 1905, et les nombreux voyages de Léo Lefebvre qui l'éloignent de la Continental Warwick Trading Co conduisent la société à faire appel à de nouveaux cinématographistes dont Maurice Livier, âgé d'à peine vingt ans, et qui va connaître son heure de gloire en participant à la course New-York-Paris. Une photo le représente, juché sur une voiture, devant les bureaux de la société, tenant entre les mains un appareil cinématographique.
La course New-York-Paris: Maurice Livier de la maison Raleigh et Robert (Paris, 1908) [D.R.]
Sur une autre photo où figurent Raleigh, Robert et Livier, on aperçoit les noms des deux propriétaires sur la devanture de la Warwick Continental Trading Co.
Maurice Livier entre Raleigh et Robert (Paris, 1908) [D.R.]
L'annuaire du Commerce (Didot-Botin) l'annonce encore en 1909. Charles Raleigh et Robert J. Schwobthaler disposent alors d'une succursale à Berlin, sur la Mauerstrasse 93 (anciennement Friedrichstrasse). Le 19 avril de cette année, l'usine et le théâtre qui se trouvent à Neuilly-sur-Seine sont la proie des flammes. La société est liquidée en 1913.
LEFEBVRE Thierry et Laurent MANNONI, "Annuaire du commerce et de l'industrie cinématographiques", 1895, nº hors-série "L'année 1913 en France", octobre 1993, p. 11-65.
MCKERNAN Luke, A Yank in Britain. The Lost Memoirs of Charles Urban, The Projection Box, 1999, 96 p.
Le monde de Steven Weinberg. (1) Le défi ultime, http://www.weinberg.lu/autour-monde-petite-2010-2011-31-500-km-4cv/le-defi-ultime/
Le répertoire des films de la Warwick Trading Company a été reconstitué à partir de différentes sources dont:
The Era (ERA)
L'industriel forain (IF)
The Showman SHO)
WARWICK Catalogue (août 1901) : certains titres sont reproduits dans Bottomore.
La présente d'une lettre "A" ou "B" après le numéro de série est une information de type économique:
Class "A"................................£2 10s. 0d. per 50ft. length
Class "B"................................£1 10s. 0d. " " "
Longer lenghts in proportion, subject to Discount of 30 per cent. Orders Filled in Rotation as Received. Terms, Cash with Order.
The Era, Londres, 16 février 1901, p. 30.
12/1898 | Warwick Trading Company, Catalogue | |
08/1901 | Warwick Trading Company, Catalogue |
09/08/1897 | 3015-3016 | Miss Ellen Terry | G.A.S. |
05/1897 | 3017 | Football. Game Scrimmage | G.A.S. |
24/09/1897 | 3021 | The Miller and the Sweep | G.A.S. |
11/09/1897 | 3022 | Walking Greasy Pole | G.A.S. |
23/09/1897 | 3023 | The Lady Barber | G.A.S. |
10/1897 | 3024 | Making Sausages | G.A.S. |
03-04/09/1897 | 3025 | Brighton Sea-Going Electric Car | G.A.S. |
18/09/1897 | 3026 | Paddling | G.A.S. |
09/1897 | 3027 | Waves and Spray | G.A.S. |
20/09/1897 | 3028 | Hanging Out the Clothes | G.A.S. |
09/1897 | 3030 | Passenger Train | G.A.S. |
18/05/1897 | 3031 | Westminster | G.A.S. |
06/10/1897 | 3032 | The X Rays | G.A.S. |
09/1897 | 3035 | Indian Clubs | G.A.S. |
09/1897 | 3038 | Football and Cricket | G.A.S. |
20/10/1897 | 3039 | Portsmouth Express | G.A.S. |
21/10/1897 | 3040 | Trafalgar Day | G.A.S. |
<07/02/1898 | Boar Lane | Riley | |
26/03/1898 | 5001 | Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, 1898 | |
16-18/05/1898 | 5004 | Gladstone Funeral: The Lying in State | |
16-17/05/1898 | 5005 | Gladstone Funeral: The Lying in State | |
18/05/1898 | 5006 | Gladstone Funeral: The Procession | |
18/05/1898 | 5009 | Gladstone Funeral: Arrival of State Carriages | |
18/05/1898 | 5010 | Gladstone Funeral: The Procession at the Abbey | |
<22/10/1898 | Weary Willie in the Park | Riley | |
<12/1898 | 5002 | Westminster Stam-Boat Pier | |
<12/1898 | 5003 | Rotton Row, Hyde Park | |
<12/1898 | 5013 | Bayonet Exercise | |
<12/1898 | 5014 | Squad Marching and Forming Company | |
<12/1898 | 5015 | Call to Arms | |
<12/1898 | 5016 | Admiralty Flag Floating in the Breeze | |
<12/1898 | 5017 | Arrival of S.S. "Dover" at Dover Pier | |
<12/1898 | 5018 | The Wake of a Steam-Ship | |
<12/1898 | 5019 | Arrival of S.S. "Victoria" at Calais Harbour | |
<12/1898 | 5020 | "Victoria" Leaving Calais Harbour | |
<12/1898 | 5021 | Arrival of S.S. at Calais Harbour | |
<12/1898 | 5022 | Forging Ahead | |
<12/1898 | 5023 | On the Deck of a Channel Steamer | |
<12/1898 | 5024 | Street Scene | |
<12/1898 | 5025 | Manchester. Corporation Street | |
<12/1898 | 5026 | Manchester. Market Street | |
<12/1898 | 5027 | Troop Train Passing Through Okehampton Station | |
<12/1898 | 5028 | Arrival of a Train-Load of Horses at Railway Station | |
<12/1898 | 5029 | Detraining Military Horses | |
<12/1898 | 5030 | Harnessing up at the Railway Station |
14/01/1899 | 5164 | Launch of the "Oceanic" | |
14/01/1899 | 5165 | Launch of the "Oceanic" | |
17/05/1899 | 5223 | H.M. The Queen and Royal Family Entering Their carriage at Buckingham Palace | |
17/05/1899 | 5223B | H.M. The Queen and Royal Family Entering Their carriages at Buckingham Palace | ERA 26/01/1901 |
[17]/05/1899 | 5225B | H.M. The Queen and Royal Household With Bodyguard Arriving at Kensington | ERA 26/01/1901 |
24/05/1899 | 5226B | Her Majesty's Drive Through Windsor | ERA 26/01/1901 |
17/07/1899 | 5537A | H.M. The Queen Arriving and Leaving the Lawn at Windsor Castle to View Lord George Sanger's Circus | ERA 26/01/1901 |
14/10/1899 | 5473 | General Buller Embarking on the Dunottar Castle at Southampton | |
11/11/1899 | 5482B | Her Majety the Queen Inspecting The Selected Contingent of the 1st and 2nd Life Guards Ordered Aout to South Africa at Spital Barracks, Windsor | ERA 26/01/1901 |
11/11/1899 | 5483A | Review of the Life Guards By Her Majesty the Queen at Spital Barracks, Windsor | ERA 26/01/1901 |
11/11/1899 | 5485B | Her Majesty The Queen Leaving Spital Barracks Amid Cheers From Her Household Troops | ERA 26/01/1901 |
20/11/1899 | 5487A | The Arrival of the Emperor and Empress of Germany, at Windsor Station | ERA 26/01/1901 |
<25/11/1899 | 1018 | The Inexhaustible Cab | |
5022 | The Prow of the Kinfauns Castle Cutting the Waters | ||
5028 | Arrival of Trainload of Horses for South Africa | ||
5029 | Detraining Military Horses at Southampton | ||
5030 | Field Battery Harnessing Horses | ||
5031 | Field Battery Leaving Aldershot for the Front | ||
5032 5033 |
Artillery on the March to the Front | ||
5099 | Train Crossing the Veldt | ||
5100 | President Kruger, Escorted by his Bodyguard, Leaving the Volksraad | ||
5101 | Between the Chains, Johannesburg | ||
5104 | Panoramic View of Adderley-Street, Cape Town | ||
5105 | Fun in Johannesburg Before the War | ||
5106 | The Cattle Market, Johannesburg | ||
5110 | A Basuto War Dance | ||
5111 | Before the War, at a Johannesburg Gold Mine | ||
5113 | Mafeking Station | ||
5115 | President Kruger Leaving his Residence for the Volksraad | ||
5116 | On to the Transvaal | ||
5118 5119 |
With General Buller to de Aar, Through Hex River Mountains | ||
5121 | Sports of Zulus at Rorke's Drift | ||
5123 | Panoramic View of Comissioner-Street, Johanne Burg | ||
5136 5137 |
Field Battery Silencing the Enemy | ||
5138 | Marine Artillery Handling a 3-Ton Gun | ||
5141 | Marine Artillery Preparing for a Charge | ||
5155 | Jack Operating the Maxim Gun | ||
5156 | Parade of Kruger's Pets | ||
5158 | The Sheffield United and Officials Entering the Field | ||
5159 | Mid-Field Play | ||
5160 | nc | ||
5161 | Sheffield Obtains a Corner | ||
5162 | Derby County's Only Goal | ||
5163 | Players Leaving the Field | ||
5166 | Panorama of Madeira | ||
5167 | Panorama of Madeira | ||
5168 | Panorama of Madeira | ||
5169 | Panorama of Madeira | ||
5170 | Panorama of Madeira | ||
5171 | Sports onf Ship-Board Sports on a Transport, "Bowline Stretch" |
5172 | Sports on Ship-Board Sports on a Transport, "Bolster Bar" |
5173 | n.c. | ||
5174 | n.c. | ||
5175 | Sports on Ship-Board Sports on a Transport, "Neptune Parade" |
5176 | Sports on a Transport | ||
n.c. | |||
5178 | Ship's Passengers Watching Theswells A Transport at Sea |
5179 | Churned Waters | ||
5180 | Passengers Preparing to Leave Ship at Durban, S.A. | ||
5181 | n.c. | ||
5182 | Man Overboard | ||
5183 | n.c. | ||
5184 | n.c. | ||
5185 | Panorama of Cape Town | ||
5186 | Cape Town Docks | ||
5187 | The Sea-Front of Cape Town | ||
5188 | Panorama of Table Bay | ||
5189 | Panorama of Table Mountain Table Mountain From a Transport Entering Cape Town |
5190 | Cape Town From the Sea | ||
5191 | Tram Ride Up Russell Road | ||
5192 | Tram Ride Through Main Street Panoramic View of Main-Street, Port Elizabeth |
5193 | Climbing Cape Road, Port Elizabeth Panoramic View of Durban-Showing Ox Teams |
5194 | Through Cape Road, Port Elizabeth | ||
5195 | n.c. | ||
5196 | Down White's Road, Port Elizabeth Panorama of Port Elizabeth |
5197 | Fire Call and Rescue by Fire Esapes | ||
5198 | Arrival and Working of Hand Pumps | ||
5199 | n.c. | ||
5200 | "Savage South Africa" at Earl's Court | ||
5201 | n.c. | ||
5202 | East London From Buffalo River | ||
5203 | Tugs in a Heavy Sea Transport Tugs in a Heavy Sea off Durban |
5204 | The Johannesburg Handicap Races | ||
5205 | First Round | ||
5206 | Second Round | ||
5207 | Knock-out | ||
5208 | Arrival of Clyde Steamer | ||
5209 | n.c. | ||
5210 | Norwegian Boat Discharging Cargo of Logs | ||
5211 | Grimaces by Harry Tate | ||
5212 | Impersonations by Harry Tate | ||
5213 | H.R.H. The Duke of Cambridge Opening Earl's Court Exhibition | ||
5214 | Metropolitan Fire Brigade Turn-out | ||
5215 | Club Drill by Fire Laddies | ||
5216 | Pick-up and Rescue Drill | ||
5217 | n.c. | ||
5218 | Shooting the Chutes | ||
5219 | Lifeboat Procession at Brixton | ||
5220 | n.c. | ||
5221 | n.c. | ||
5222 | The Railway Cycle Race | ||
5224 | T.H.R. The Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and Royalty Arriving at Kensington | ||
5225 | H.M. The Queen and Royal Household with Bodyguard Arriving at Kensington | ||
5226 | The Queen's Drive Through Windsor | ||
5227 | "God Save Our Gracious Queen" | ||
5229 | Scots Guards Leaving Windsor Castle | ||
5230 | Polo Match for the Fina Army Cup Tie | ||
5231 | Polo Match nº 2 | ||
5232 | Polo Match nº 3 | ||
5233 | The Derby | ||
5234 | The Derby | ||
5235 | The Derby | ||
5236 | Liverpool From the River Mersey nº 1 | ||
5237 | Liverpool From River Mersey nº 2 | ||
5238 | The Horse Parade at Crystal Palace | ||
5239 | n.c. | ||
5240 | n.c. | ||
5241 | n.c. | ||
5242 | T.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and Prince Christian Arriving at the Royal Agricultural Show | ||
5243 | Parade of Prize Cattle | ||
5244 | H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Viewing Parade of Prize Cattle and Leaving the Royal Agricultural Show Grounds | ||
5245 | Oxen Hauling up Surf at Madeira | ||
5246 | Climbing Madeira Mountain | ||
5247 | The Switchback at Earl's Court | ||
5248 | Fire Drill | ||
5249 | Fire Drill | ||
5250 | Fire Drill | ||
5251 | A Brighton Fire Call | ||
5252 | Firemen and Police Obstacle Race | ||
5253 | Firemen and Police Obstacle Race | ||
5254 | Firemen and Police Obstacle Race | ||
5255 | Police Officers Full Uniform Dressing Race | ||
5256 | Northumberland Place Race | ||
5257 | After the Race | ||
5258 | In the Paddock | ||
5259 | Arrival of Train at Station, Calcutta, India | ||
5260 | Panorama of Calcutta, India | ||
5261 | Panorama of Windsor Castle | ||
5262 | Dance by an Indian Nautch Girl | ||
5263 | Arrival of Barnum & Bailey's Circus | ||
5264 | "An Affair of Honour" | ||
5265 | Funeral of the Empress of Austria | ||
5266 | Funeral of the Empress of Austria | ||
5267 | The Queen of Holland Arriving at Rotterdam | ||
5268 | Arrival of the Queen of Holland at the Hague | ||
5269 | The Intoxicated Artist | ||
5270 | The Hall Porter's Indiscretion | ||
5271 | The Soubrette's Credentials | ||
5272 | Inturrupted Courtship | ||
5273 | They do Such Things at Brighton | ||
5274 | Four to One | ||
5275 | On Forbidden Land | ||
5276 | Fishermen's Luck | ||
5277 | Family Jars | ||
5278 | A Happy Family | ||
5279 | Teasing the Monkey | ||
5280 | The Monkey's Revenge | ||
5281 | Will Evans, the Musical Eccentric | ||
5282 | "Let 'Em all Come"-Will Evans' Cornet Solo | ||
5283 | Fred Poplar in "My Pal" | ||
5284 | Arrival of the Yeomen of the Guard | ||
5285 | Review of the Yeomen of the Guard by the Duke of Connaught | ||
5286 | Inspection of the Yeomen of the Guard by the Duke of Connaught | ||
5287 | Arrival of the Queen and Body Guard to Review the Honourable Artillery Company at Windsor Great Park | ||
5288 | The Honour Artillery Company Passing in Review Before her Majesty the Queen | ||
5289 | The Mounted Contingent of the Honourable Artillery Company Passing Before her Majesty the Queen | ||
5290 | Arrival of Her Majesty the Queen and Royalty | ||
5291 | Scots Guards With New State Colours Defiling By | ||
5292 | Review of Scots Guards by Her Majesty the Queen | ||
5293 | Review of Scots Guards-nº 2 Company March | ||
5294 | Scots Guards and Band Leaving Windsor Castle | ||
5295 | n.c. | ||
5296 | The "Shamrock"-After the Launch | ||
5297 | The Thames Penny Steamer | ||
5298 | The Lifeboat Carnival at Kingston-on-Thames | ||
5299 | n.c. | ||
5300 | The Wooden Walls of Old England | ||
5301 | British Battleships nº 1 | ||
5302 | British Battleships nº 2 H.M.S. Terrible off Durban |
5303 | British Battleships nº 3 British Ironclads in Simon's Bay, South Africa |
5304 | British Battleships nº 4 | ||
5305 | British Battleships nº 5 | ||
5306 | Scenes on Board the "Tantalion Castle" | ||
5307 | n.c. | ||
5308 | The R.M.S. "Tantalion Castle" Entering the Channel | ||
5309 | The S.S. "Gaika" Arriving at Southampton From Africa | ||
5310 | Overtaking the Cattle Ship "European" on the High Seas | ||
5311 | The Shipping at Southampton Docks | ||
5312 | Calcutta Street Scene | ||
5313 | Regent Street-From Piccadilly Circus | ||
5314 | Hyde Park Corner-Looking West | ||
5315 | The Strand-Charing Cross Station | ||
5316 | Westminster-Clock Tower and St. Margaret's | ||
5317 | Piccadilly-Looking East | ||
5318 | Piccadilly-From Green Park | ||
5319 | Piccadilly Circus | ||
5320 | Waterloo Place | ||
5321 | Trafalgar Square | ||
5322 | Pall Mall-Looking East | ||
5323 | Whitehall | ||
5324 | The Strand-Looking East | ||
5325 | The Strand-Looking West | ||
5326 | The Law Courts, Strand | ||
5327 | Cheapside and Queen Victoria Street | ||
5328 | The Bank of England | ||
5329 | Traffic on London Bridge | ||
5330 | Traffic Over Tower Bridge | ||
5331 | Towe Bridge | ||
5332 | Threadneedle and Princes Streets | ||
5333 | Fleet Street-Looking East | ||
5334 | Embarkation of Troops on the "Arundel Castle" | ||
5335 | Departure of the S.S. "Arundel Castle" Laden With Troops for South Africa | ||
5336 | A High Old Time | ||
5337 | H.M. The Queen Arriving and Leaving the Lawn at Windsor Castle to View Lord George Sanger's Circus | ||
5338 | Sanger's Circus nº 1 | ||
5339 | Sanger's Circus nº 2 | ||
5340 | Sanger's Circus nº 3 | ||
5341 | Sanger's Circus nº 4 | ||
5342 | Sanger's Circus nº 5 | ||
5343 | Hyde Park to the Bank in Three Minutes | ||
5344 | H.R.H. The Prince of Wales (Visit to Edinburg) | ||
5345 | The Public Horse Trough | ||
5346 | Feeding the Pigs | ||
5347 | The Lovers' Quarrel | ||
5348 | Skirmish by Cycle Corps | ||
5349 | The Light-Footed Darkey | ||
5350 | The Dance at the Races | ||
5351 | Fancy Step Jig | ||
5352 | Speciality Dance by William Vokes | ||
5353 | The Sports Dance | ||
5354 | Dance of the Nations | ||
5355 | Grand Finale and Curtain | ||
5356 | The Players Entering the Field | ||
5357 | The Play For England | ||
5358 | The Play for Australia | ||
5359 | The Crowds During Interval of the Game | ||
5360 | Arrival of Troops at Southampton for Africa | ||
5360 | Arrival of Troops at Southampton | ||
5361 | Crowds Following the Players | ||
5372 | The Ambuscade | ||
5373 | Colonial Troops and Cavalry on the March | ||
5375 | Basutos War Dance and Charge | ||
5377 | Boers on the March | ||
5398-5402 | Dalmeny to Dunfermline, Scotland Via the Firth of Forth Bridge | ||
5412 | Physical Exercise of Gordon Highlanders | ||
5423 | Brigadier-General Hector Macdonald Greeting the Chief of the Gathering | ||
5467 | Officers, Troops, and Passengers Boarding the Kinfauns Castle at Southampton for South Africa | ||
5468 | Panorama of the Kinfauns Castle Leaving Southampton | ||
5469 | Troops Marching on Board the Breamer Castle | ||
5470 | Troops Arriving at Southampton | ||
5471 | The Breamer Castle, with 1,300 Troops Aboard, Leaving for South Africa | ||
5472 | Troops on Deck of the Breamer Castle Waving a Good-bye to their Friends on Shore | ||
5475 | Lord Wolseley Inspecting the Roslin Castle Lord Wolseley and sir Donald Currie Inspecting the Roslin Castle at Southampton |
5476 | The Roslin Castle Leaving Southampton for South Africa | ||
5480 | Panorama of the Kildonan Castle | ||
5481 | Scene at the War Office, Pall-Mall | ||
5482 | Her Majesty Inspecting the Selected Contingent of the 1st and 2d Lifeguards Ordered to South Africa at Spital Barracks, Windsor Her Majesty the Queen Inspecting the Selected Contingent of the 1st and 2nd Life Guards Ordered out to South Africa at Spital Barracks, Windsor |
5483 | Review of the Troops by H.M. the Queen at Windsor Review of the Life Guards by her Majesty the Queen at Spital Barracks, Windsor |
5484 | "Three Cheers for the Queen" | ||
5485 | Her Majesty's Departure, and Troopers' Farewell Cheer Her Majesty the Queen Leaving Spital Barracks Amid Cheers from her House-hold Troops |
5486 | Dismissal of Troops after the Inspection Dispersing of the Troops at Windsor after Parade |
5488 | Dispersing of the Troops at Windsor after Parade Cap Town Volunteers Leaving for the Front |
5489 | Sir Redvers Buller Inspecting the "Fighting Fifith" | ||
5490 | General sir Forestier-Walker inspecting the Cape Town Volunteers-March of the "Duke of Wellington's Own" | ||
5500 | The New South Wales Lancers Fife Llight Horse, Scots Greys, and the Gordon Highlanders on the March | ||
5501 | Gordon Highlanders' Bayonet Drill and Volley Firing | ||
5502 | The Gordons Arriving at the Cape | ||
5503 | The Highland Brigade to the Front | ||
5504 | Volley Firing and Charge of Cameron Highlanders | ||
5507 | The Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers Digging Entrenchments at Orange River, South Africa-The Passing of the armoured Train | ||
5508 | The Scots Guards Having Dinner at cape Town Docks Before Leaving for Hope Town to Relieve Kimberley | ||
5509 | How Tommy Won the Victoria Cross | ||
5517 | Unloading a Cargo of Mules at Cape Town from ss Montezuma | ||
5518 | The New Zealand Rifles Leaving Cape Town Docks | ||
5519 | The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Leading their Chargers from Cape Town Docks | ||
5520 | The Northumberland Fusiliers | ||
5521 | Lord Roberts Accompanied by Lady Roberts and Friends, Embarking on the Dunottar Castle | ||
5522 | Red Cross Nurses and Marines Boarding the Dunottar Castle, for South Africa at Souhampton | ||
5100 | President Kruger, Escorted by his Bodyguard, Leaving the Volksraad | ||
<26/01/1901 | [5]101A | Emperor William II. Arriving at Stettin | |
5115 | President Kruger Leaving his Residence for the Volksraad | ||
5147 | Our Bluejackets-Volley Firing and March | ||
5151 | Mobilisation of Bluejackets at Portsmouth | ||
5155 | Jack Operating the Maxim Gun | ||
5156 | Parade of Kruger's Pets (Mounted Police) | ||
<26/01/1901 | 5224B | T.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and Royalty Arriving at Kensington | |
<26/01/1901 | 5285A | Review of the Yeomen of the Guard by the Duke of Connaught | |
<26/01/1901 | 5286A | Inspection of the Yeomen of the Guard by the Duke of Connaught | |
5288 | H.M. The Queen Inspecting the Honourable Artillery Company at Windsor | ||
<26/01/1901 | 5344A | The Reception to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales | |
5348 | A Skirmish with the Enemy by Cycle Scouts | ||
5373 | Colonial Troops and Cavalry on the March | ||
5377 | Boers on the March | ||
5475 | Lord Wolseley and Sir Donald Curri Inspecting the Roslin Castle at Southampton | ||
<26/01/1901 | 5484A | Three Cheers For Our Queen | |
5488 | Cape Town Volunteers Leaving for the Front | ||
5490 | Sir Redvers Buller Reviewing the "Fighting Fifth" at Cape Town | ||
5498 | "Scotland for Ever" | ||
5499 | The Cameron Men on the March | ||
5523 | Lancers, Under the Earl of Airlie, Fording the Modder River on their Return from the Enslin Engagement | ||
5524 | The Hospital Corps Attending the Wounded on the Battlefield after the Modder River Engagement | ||
5525 | Troop Train Carrying the Seaforth Highlanders over the Modder River | ||
5526 | The Australian Mounted Rifle Volunteers | ||
5527 | The Lord Mayor of London and Friends Boarding the Union Liner ss. Briton at Southampton | ||
5528 | Embarkation of the "C.I.V." on the Union Liner S.S. Briton at Southampton | ||
5529 | The New South Wales Lancers Marching Through Adderley Street, Cape Town | ||
5531 | Troops Dancing a Jig on Board the Government Transport Arundel Castle on the Way to South Africa | ||
5532 | Troop's Physical Drill on Board the Avondale Castle | ||
5534 | Troops Exercising on Board a Transport | ||
5535 | H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Arriving and Inspecting the Imperial Yeomanry at Albany Barracks | ||
<26/01/1901 | 5535B | Arrival of H.R.H. The Prince ow Wales at Albany Barracks | |
<26/01/1901 | 5536A | H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Inspecting the Imperial Yeomanry | |
5537 | The Prince of Wales Addressing the Imperial Yeomanry at Albany Barracks | ||
<26/01/1901 | 5537B | The Imperial Yeomanry Giving Three Cheers For H.R.H. The Prince of Wales | |
<26/01/1901 | 5538B | The Prince of Wales Shaking Hands With Officers of the Imperial Yeomanry, also Showing his Departure | |
5539 | The Big 4 7-Inch Naval Gun in Action at Modder River Engagement Firing One Shell | ||
5540 | Lord Robert's Arrival and Reception at Cape Town | ||
5633 | Off to the Front by Armoured Train | ||
5635 | The "Handy Man" at Durban | ||
5636 | Bluejackets' Field Gun Drill at Durban | ||
04/04/1900 | 5640A | The Royal Procession Passing Through Dublin | ERA 26/01/1901 |
5645 | Travelling Two Hundred Miles an Hour | ||
5646 | Pontoons and Guns en Route for Orange River | ||
5647 | Wash day in Camp | ||
04/04/1900 | 5651 | The Queen's Visit To Dublin | ERA 26/01/1901 |
5652 | War Supplies and Stores Drawn over The Pontoon Bridge, Orange Rive, by Mule Teams | ||
5653 | The South Australians Crossing over the Pontoon Bridge and Entering the Orange Free State | ||
5654 | Tommy Atking Cutting Roads Through the Brush | ||
5655 | Sir George White Leaving the London Hippodrome | ||
5656 | The Reception of Sir George White and the H.M.S. "POWERFUL" Naval Brigade at the Portsmouth City Hall | ||
5657 | Sailors of the Queen | ||
5658 | The Heroes of Ladysmith Marching Through London | Londres | |
5659 | The Cameron Highlanders Entering Bloemfontein | ||
5660 | Review of H.M.S. Powerful Naval Brigade | ||
5661 | March Past of the Naval Brigade | ||
5662 | More Ammunition Wanted | ||
5663 | The Coldstream Guards Leaving Bloemfontein | ||
5664 | The C.I.V.'S March on Johannesburg | ||
5665 | The Coldstream Guards Cleaning Their Rifles in Camp | ||
5666 | An Interrupted Game of Nap in Camp | ||
5667 | On the Road to the Races | ||
5668 | Panorama of the Paris Exposition | ||
5669 | Panorama of the Paris Exposition | ||
5670 | Panorama of the Paris Exposition | ||
5674 | Naval Gun Crossing the Vet River Drift | ||
5675 | A Siege Gun and Transport | ||
5676 | Boer Prisoners Under Escort | ||
5677 | A Spanish Bull-Fight | ||
5678 | The Surrender of Kroonstad to Lord Roberts | ||
5679 | 'The Rats' off on a Picnic | ||
5680 | 'The Rats' at Play | ||
5681 | 'The Rats' at Dinner | ||
5682 | The Khedive of Egypt at Windsor | ||
5683 | Merry Schooldays | ||
5684 | The Pleasures of Photography | ||
5685 | The Guard's Brigade of General Pole-Carew's Command Crossing a Spruit before Entering Kroonstad | ||
5686 | Lord Roberts's Army Entering Kroonstad | ||
5687 | Five Mile Bicycle Handicap Race | ||
5688 | The Colonial Flag Race | ||
5689 | The Executive Club Cup Cycle Obstacle Race | ||
5690 | The Ladie's Running Race | ||
5691 | The Obstacle Sack Race | ||
5692 | Ladies, Hurdle, and Boys' and Girl's Races | ||
5693 | One mile Champion Belt Race | ||
5694 | Comic Costume Scramble | ||
5695 | Obstacle and Running Races for Artistes | ||
5696 | One mile Walking Handicap | ||
5697 | Burlesque Indian Attack on Settlers' Cabin | ||
5698 | Cycle Race Over Planks and Ditches | ||
5699 | Dan Leno's Attempt to Master the Wheel | ||
5700 | Burlesque Fox Hunt | ||
5701 | The 'National' Team Cycle Polo Match | ||
5702 | The Tug of War | ||
5703 | Life in a Provincial Town | ||
5704 | The Mayor Leaving Church | ||
5705 | Church Parade in a Provincial Town | ||
5706 | Sunday in a Provincial Town | ||
5713 | Sir George White's Presentation of a Charger | ||
<26/01/1901 | 5717A | T.R.H. Duke and Duchess of York at a Garden Party | |
04/06/1900 | 5721 | The Essex Regiment Going Into Action | |
04/06/1900 | 5722 | The 4 7-Inch Gun in Action at the Battle of Pretoria | |
04/06/1900 | 5724 | Entry of Lord Roberts Into Pretoria | |
04/06/1900 | 5725 | Entry of Troops Into Pretoria | |
04/06/1900 | 5726 | Lord Roberts Hoisting the Union Jack at Pretoria | |
5731 | Artillery Fording the Vaal River | ||
5732 | The Essex Regiment Crossing Vaal River on the Waggon Punt | ||
5734 | Hoisting the Union Jack at Johannesburg | ||
5741 | Bicycle Race-With Bad Spill | ||
5742 | Association Footbaal GAme Between Prominent English Teams | ||
5743 | the Cloutcham Stage Hunt | ||
5744 | Badger Digging in West Somerset With the Porlock Terrier Pack | ||
5777 | Snapshoiting an Audience | ||
5778 | The Dull Razor | ||
5779 | GranMa Threading Her Needle | ||
5780 | Scandal Over the Teacups | ||
5781 | Two Old Sports Political Discussion | ||
5782 | Two Old Sports Game of "Nap". | ||
5783 | Two Old Sports Game of "Nap" nº 2 | ||
03/11/1900 | 5866 | The C.I.V.'s Home-Coming nº1 | |
03/11/1900 | 5867 | The C.I.V.'s Home-Coming nº 2 | |
03/11/1900 | 5868 | The C.I.V.'s Home-Coming nº 3 | |
03/11/1900 | 5869 | The C.I.V.'s Home-Coming nº 4 | |
03/11/1900 | 5870 | The City Imperial Volunteers Disembarking From the Aurania at Southampton | |
03/11/1900 | 5871 | The Special C.I.V. Train Leaving Southampton | |
<10/11/1900 | 5861 | Circular Panorama of Singapore and Landing Stage | |
<10/11/1900 | 5862 | Panorama of Singapore Sea Front | |
<10/11/1900 | 5863 | Coolie Boys Diving For Coins | |
<10/11/1900 | 5864 | Shanghai's Shops and Opium Dens | |
<10/11/1900 | 5874 | A Busy Street Scene in Shanghai | |
<10/11/1900 | 5875 | The Sikhs' Camp at Shanghai | |
<10/11/1900 | 5876 | Chinese Junks in Hongkong Harbour | |
<10/11/1900 | 5877 | Circular Panorama of Hongkong Harbour | |
<10/11/1900 | 5878 | The Chinatown Bazaar at HongKong | |
<10/11/1900 | 5879 | A Ride on "The Peak" Tramway, Hong-Kong | |
<10/11/1900 | 7108 | Field Marshal count von Waldersee | |
<10/11/1900 | 7204 | Burning a Missionary | |
<10/11/1900 | 7205 | Under the Walls of China | |
<10/11/1900 | 7206 | Escort of Prisoners and the Decapitation | |
<17/11/1900 | 5872 | The Jolly Old Fellows | |
<17/11/1900 | 5873 | The World's Congress of Beauties | |
<24/11/1900 | 5883 | General Buller's Return From South Africa | |
<24/11/1900 | 5884 | The Annexation Ceremonies at Pretoria | |
<24/11/1900 | 5885 | Review of the Troops by Lord Roberts After the Annexation Ceremony | |
<24/11/1900 | 5886 | The Boulevard at Shanghai | |
<24/11/1900 | 5887 | A Curios Crowd at Shanghai | |
<24/11/1900 | 5888 | Circular Panorama of Cross Streets in the Native Quarters of Shanghai | |
<24/11/1900 | 5889 | Panorama of the Bund and English Battleships at Shanghai | |
<24/11/1900 | 5890 | Circular Panorama of the Bund and River at Shanghai | |
<24/11/1900 | 5891 | Life in the Native Quaters of Shanghai, on the Canal and Market | |
01/12/1900 | 5880 | The Burning of Kruger | |
<01/12/1900 | 5892 | The Russian Stronghold in the Far East | |
<01/12/1900 | 5893 | Port Arthur and Its Forts | |
<01/12/190 | 5894 | Scene at Taku | |
<01/12/190 | 5895 | The Streets of Tientsin After the Town's Capture From the Boxers | |
<01/12/190 | 5896 | Tientsin in Ruins | |
<01/12/190 | 5897 | The Native Quarters of Tientsin | |
<22/12/1900 | 5887A | Curious Natives on Shanghai's Streets | |
<22/12/1900 | 5888A | Circular Panorama of Shanghai's Native Quarter | |
<22/12/1900 | 5889A | Foreign War Ships Off the Bund at Shanghai | |
<22/12/1900 | 5890A | Panorama of the Bund at Shanghai | |
<22/12/1900 | 5891A | Chinese Market and Canal at Shanghai | |
<22/12/1900 | 5892A | The Russian Stronghold in the Far East | |
<22/12/1900 | 5893A | Port Arthur and Its Forts | |
<22/12/1900 | 5917A | Panorama of Tientsin From the River | |
<22/12/1900 | 5918A | Street Life in the Tartar City, Pekin | |
<22/12/1900 | 5919A | Panorama of Pekin From the Tartar Gate | |
<22/12/1900 | 5920A | Camel Transport Entering Pekin | |
<22/12/1900 | 5921A | American Transport Entering Pekin | |
<22/12/1900 | 5922A | Entry Into The Sacred City, Pekin of Count Von Waldersee | |
25/01/1901 | 5957B | Proclamation Of King Edward VII | ERA 16/02/1901 |
28/01/1901 | 5958B | Heralding the Proclamation of the King at Windsor Bridge | ERA 16/02/1901 |
25/01/1901 | 5959B | The German Crown Prince Leaving Portsmouth Harbour Station for Osborne | ERA 16/02/1901 |
27/01/1901 | 5960A | The Royal Family and German Emperor Arriving at Whittingham Church, Cowes | ERA 16/02/1901 |
28/01/1901 | 5961B | The Duke of Connaught Embarking on the Alberta For London | ERA 16/02/1901 |
30/01/1901 | 5962B | The King Arriving Attrinity Pier, Cowes, and Departure of the Alberta for Portsmouth | ERA 16/02/1901 |
31/01/1901 | 5963A | His Majesty the King's Return From London | ERA 16/02/1901 |
<16/02/1901 | 5964B | Panorama of Battleships Assembled At Spithead | |
31/01/1901 | 5965A | Panorama of the Three Royal Yachts Anchored off Cowes | ERA 16/02/1901 |
01/02/1901 | [986A] | The Funeral Cortege Arriving At Trinity Pier | ERA 16/02/1901 |
01/02/1901 | [5907A] | Queen Victoria's Last Progress Through Her Fleet | ERA 16/02/1901 |
02/02/1901 | 5968A | The Queen's Funeral Pageant Entering Hyde-Park By Apsley Gate | ERA 16/02/1901 |
02/02/1901 | 5971A | The Funeral At Hyde-Park Corner | ERA 16/02/1901 |
<16/02/1901 | 5972B | The Pageant in Hyde-Park. Section 1 | |
<16/02/1901 | 5973B | The Pageant in Hyde-Park. Section 2 | |
<16/02/1901 | 5974B | The Pageant in Hyde-Park. Section 3 | |
<16/02/1901 | 5975B | The Procession From Grosvenor Gate | |
<16/02/1901 | 5975A | The Artillery and Bluejackets Passing Through Hyde Park | ERA 16/02/1901 |
02/02/1901 | 5980A | Bluejackets to the Rescue | ERA 16/02/1901 |
02/02/1901 | 5981-2-3A | The Complete Funeral Cortege Passing Through Windsor | ERA 16/02/1901 |
02/02/1901 | 5984A | Arrival of Funeral Cortege at St. George's Chapel | ERA 16/02/1901 |
09/03/1901 | 6015B | Battle of the Giants. England v. Scotland. International Rugby Football Match | ERA 16/03/1901 |
16/03/1901 | 6017A | In International Rugby Football Match, Wale v. Ireland, Played At Swansea | ERA 16/03/1901 |
16/03/1901 | 6018A | Panorama of H.M.S. Ophir, Victoria And Albert, Alberta, and Several Battleships, Previous to the Departure of the Duke and Duchess of York For Australia | ERA 23/03/1901 |
16/03/1901 | 6019B | His Majesty King Edward Decorating the Blusjackets on the South-West Jetty at Porsmouth Dockyard | ERA 23/03/1901 |
16/03/1901 | 6020B | Bluejackets, Marines, and Guards Leaving the Jetty in Portsmouth Dockyard | ERA 23/03/1901 |
16/03/1901 | 6021A | King Edward, The Duke of York, And Members Of The Royal Family | ERA 23/03/1901 |
16/03/1901 | 6022A | His Majesty The King Bidding Farewell to And Shaking Hands With The Officers Of H.M.S Ophir Previous to Their Departure | ERA 23/03/1901 |
16/03/1901 | 6023A | H.M.S. Ophir With The Duke And Duchess Of York Aboard, Leaving England For Australia | ERA 23/03/1901 |
16/03/1901 | 6024A | H.M.S. Ophir Steaming Out of Portsmouth Harrbour Conveying The Duke And Duchess Of York to The Australian Colonies, Being Preceded By the Royal Yacht Alberta, With Their Majesties The King And Queen Aboard | ERA 23/03/1901 |
29-30/04/1901 | 6037B | The Floods at Putney | ERA 06/04/1901 |
29-30/04/1901 | 6038B | Cambridge Crew Coming Through The Water On a Motor Car | ERA 06/04/1901 |
29-30/04/1901 | 6039B | The Crowd On The River Bank Watching the Cambridge Crew Embark, And Start For a Trial Spin | ERA 06/04/1901 |
29-30/04/1901 | 6040B | The Cambridge Crew Removing Their Sweaters, And Racing At Full Speed | ERA 06/04/1901 |
29-30/04/1901 | 6041B | The Oxford University Crew Carrying Their Boat Down To The Water, And Rowing Down the Stream | ERA 06/04/1901 |
29-30/04/1901 | 6043B | The Cambridge Crew Carrying Their Boat To The Water and Embarking For The Contest | ERA 06/04/1901 |
29-30/04/1901 | 6044B | The Race; Or, The Struggle For Supremacy | ERA 06/04/1901 |
29/03/1901 | 6045B | The Horses Clearing The Water Jump, Grudon Passing the Judge and Entering the Paddock | ERA 06/04/1901 |
29/03/1901 | 6046B | The Horses Clearing the Fence At Valentine's Brook | ERA 06/04/1901 |
31/05/1901 | 6151A | Panorama Of The County Stand, Tatter-Mall's Ring, And The Paddock | ERA 08/06/1901 |
31/05/1901 | 6152A | Panorama Of The Crowd On The Grand Stand Parade, Of The Competitors, And The Actual Race For The Manchester Cup | ERA 08/06/1901 |
31/05/1901 | 6153A | The Finish For The Manchester Cup | ERA 08/06/1901 |
<08/06/1901 | 6154A | The Bill-Poster's Revenge | |
30/05/1901 | 6164A | Polo Match Between The London Polo Club And The Trekkers | ERA 08/06/1901 |
<08/06/1901 | 6165B | Panorama Of The Grand Stands, Crowds On The Course, The Derby Doc, And The Race | |
06/05/1901 | 6173A | The Duke And Duchess Of York Passing Menzies' Hotel, Bourke-Street, During Their Triumphal Progress Through Melbourne | ERA 22/06/1901 |
09/05/1901 | 6189 Special | The Governor-General (Lord Hopetoun) and the Duke and Duchess of Corn-Wall Ans Staff Going To Open Parliament Al Melbourne | ERA 22/06/1901 |
11/05/1901 | 6190A | Parade Of Trades And Friendly Societies Before The Duke And Duchess Of Cornwall And York, At Melbourne | ERA 22/06/1901 |
<22/06/1901 | 6191A | A Detachment Of Boer Prisoners Arriving And Detraining At Ahmadnagar | |
<22/06/1901 | 6192A | An Armed Guard Of British Soldiers Conducting A Large Detachment Of Boer Prisoners to Ahmadnagar Fort | |
<10/08/1901 | 6226A | The Dragon At Earl's Court | |
06/06/1901 | 6229A | Panorama Of The Ophir Before Leaving Sydney Harbour | ERA 10/08/1901 |
<06>/06/1901 | 6230A | Panorama View Of Sydney Harbour | ERA 10/08/1901 |
<10/08/1901 | 6231A | Good-Bye Australia | |
<10/08/1901 | 6232A | The Melbourne Fire Department Answering A Call, And Engines At Work | |
<10/08/1901 | 6233B | The Melbourne Fire Departmente At Work | |
<10/08/1901 | 6234A | The Quick Hitch, A Call, And Run To The Fire | |
<10/08/1901 | 6235A | Raising The Ladders, And Firemen Ascending To Upper Storey | |
<10/08/1901 | 6236A | Arrival Of The Engines, And Directing Streams Of Water On The Building | ERA 10/08/1901 |
06/06/1901 | 6237A | Corpus Christi Procession At Naples | ERA 10/08/1901 |
<10/08/1901 | 6238A | The Traffic Over The Nile Bridge | |
<10/08/1901 | |||
26/07/1901 | 6247B | Arrival Of Major-General Baden-Powell At Wouhtampton | ERA 10/08/1901 |
6501 | Military Horses Bathing | ||
6502 | After the Hunt | ||
6503 | Feeding The Pack | ||
6601 | Emperor William II. Arriving at Stettin | ||
6602 | Three Torpedo Boats Chasing a Cruiser | ||
6603 | Scene At The Covent-Garden Ball | ||
6605 | Changing Ownership | ||
6606 | An American Sulky Trotting Race | ||
6704 | Panorama From a Crane | ||
<16/03/1901 | 7109A | The Emperor and Empress of Germany With Empress Fredericka dother Royalty Attending the Launch of a Battle-Hip At Kiel | |
<16/03/1901 | 7110A | The German Emperor Reviewing Troops at the Fail Manoeuvres | |
<16/03/1901 | 7111A | Review of Troops For China Before the German Emperor | |
<17/11/1900 | 7202 | Bombarding a Fort and Naval Battle | |
<17/11/1900 | 7203 | A Gallant Recue | |
<01/12/1900 | 7207 | The Landing of Kruger ans Procession | |
<01/12/1900 | 7208 | Mr Kruger's Reception | |
<16/03/1901 | [7300]A | Skating in Norway | |
<13/10/1900 | 4264 | Joan of Arc | |
<16/03/1901 | 4309-4310 | The Wrestling Sex Feith | |
<16/03/1901 | 4312-4313 | An Increasing Wardrobe | |
<13/10/1900 | 7500 | The U.S. Torpedo Boat Morris Discharging a Torpedo While Under Full Headway | |
<13/10/1900 | 7501 | A Wringing Good Joke | |
<13/10/1900 | 7502 | A Quiet Little Smoke | |
<13/10/1900 | 7503 | Li-Hung-Fo Outdone | |
<13/10/1900 | 7504 | The Boxers in Pekin Street | |
<13/10/1900 | 7505 | Black Diamond Express | |
<13/10/1900 | 7506 | A High Sea as Viewed From a Ship | |
<13/10/1900 | 7507 | The Diving Horses | |
<20/10/1900 | 7508 | High Diving | |
<20/10/1900 | 7509 | The Bayonne Fire | |
<20/10/1900 | 7510 | The Boston Horseless Fire Engine Turnout | |
<20/10/1900 | 7511 | Shooting the Chutes | |
<20/10/1900 | 7512 | Shooting the Chutes | |
<20/10/1900 | 7513 | The Moving Sidewalk of the Paris Exposition | |
Grande course de la Petite Gironde |
1900 | 5948 | The "Poly" Paper Chase | |
[30]/07/1900 | 5789 | Lord George Sanger's Circus Parading through Inverness | |
<20/10/1900 | 7514 | Panorama of the Paris Exposition | |
<20/10/1900 | 7515 | The Pack Mules of Dawson City, Klondyke | |
<20/10/1900 | 7516 | Shooting the White Horse Rapids on the Way to Klondyke | |
<20/10/1900 | 7517 | Panorama of the Whirlpool Rapids From the Gorge Railway | |
<20/10/1900 | 7518 | Panorama of Niagara Falls | |
<20/10/1900 | 7519 | Panorama of Atlantic City and Bathers | |
<20/10/1900 | 7520 | Panorama of Manch Chunk, Penn. | |
<20/10/1900 | 7521 | The Flip-Flap Railway | |
<20/10/1900 | 7522 | Panorama of the Wreckage at East Galveston, Texas | |
<20/10/1900 | 7523 | Panoramic Views of the Power-House, Orphan's Home, Tremont Hotel, Searching Ruins for Dead Bodies, the Dock Fronts, Shipping Wreckage, and Launch of a Tranded Schooner, &c. | |
<20/10/1900 | 7524 | Visit to the Spriritualist | |
<20/10/1900 | 5784 | Grandma's Reading Glass | |
<20/10/1900 | 5785 | As Seen Through the Telescope | |
<20/10/1900 | 5786 | The Old Maid's Valentine | |
<20/10/1900 | 5787 | A Bad Cigar | |
<20/10/1900 | 5788 | The House That Jack Built | |
<20/10/1900 | 5790 | Indian Club Drill and Exercises by Scotch Lassies | |
<20/10/1900 | 5791 | Lord Lovett's Scouts Passing Over the Highlands | |
<20/10/1900 | 5792 | The Isle of Man Boat, Empress Quenn, Leaving Prince's Bock, Liverpool | |
<20/10/1900 | 5793 | The S.S. St. Tudno at Princes Dock | |
<20/10/1900 | 5794 | Panorama of Decks of St. Tudno | |
<20/10/1900 | 5795 | Approaching and Landing at Bangor Pier | |
<20/10/1900 | 5796 | The Liverpool and North Wales Steam-Ship Company's S.S. St. Tudno and St. Elvies Leaving Menai Bridge | |
<20/10/1900 | 5797 | A Highland Waterfall | |
<20/10/1900 | 5798 | The Swallow Falls Near Bettws-y-Coed | |
<20/10/1900 | 5799 | The Rocks and Falls of Pont-Y-Pair | |
<20/10/1900 | 5800 | Panorama of Church Island, Menai Bridge | |
<20/10/1900 | 5801 | Glimpses on the Liverpool Overhead Railway | |
<20/10/1900 | 5802 | The Electric Trains of the Liverpool Overhead Railway | |
<20/10/1900 | 5803 | Panorama of Conway Castle | |
<20/10/1900 | 5804 | Panorama of Conway Castle From Conway River | |
<20/10/1900 | 5805 | Trains Entering Conway Castle Tubular Bridge | |
<20/10/1900 | 5806 | Panoramic Glimpses of Conway | |
<20/10/1900 | 5807 | Panorama of Carnarvon Castle | |
<20/10/1900 | 5808 | Carnarvon Castle Interior and Exterior | |
<20/10/1900 | 5809 | Exhibition of Quick Harnessing With Trained Horses by the Kansas City Fire Department | |
<20/10/1900 | 5810 | Drill of the Kansas City Fire Department at the Crystal Palace | |
<20/10/1900 | 5811 | Panorama of the Lake and Its Surroundings at the Crystal Palace | |
<20/10/1900 | 5812 | Panoramic View of the Crystal Palace | |
<20/10/1900 | 5813 | Panoramic View of the Prehistoric Monsters at the Crystal Palace | |
<20/10/1900 | 5814 | Coaling a Battleship at Sea | |
<20/10/1900 | 5815 | Transport of the American Mail at Queenstown | |
<20/10/1900 | 5816 | Panoramic View of Queenstown, Ireland | |
<20/10/1900 | 5817 | St. Patrick's-Street, Cork, Ireland | |
<20/10/1900 | 5818 | Panoramic View of College-Green, Dublin | |
<20/10/1900 | 5819 | Royal Avenue, Belfast | |
<20/10/1900 | 5820 | King's Bridge, Belfast | |
<20/10/1900 | 5821 | Panorama of Glengarriff | |
<20/10/1900 | 5822 | Coaching to the Waterfall at Glengarrif | |
<20/10/1900 | 5823 | On Horseback Through the Gap of Dunloe, Killarney, Ireland | |
<20/10/1900 | 5824 | Coaches Leaving Great Southern Hotel, Killarney | |
<20/10/1900 | 5825 | Shooting the Rapids at Killarney | |
<20/10/1900 | 5826 | Panoramic View of Southern Hotel and Grounds at Parknasilla | |
<20/10/1900 | 5827 | The Shrine and Waterfall at Gouganebarra, County Cork | |
<20/10/1900 | 5828 | Coaching Through the Keim-An-Eigh Pass, Ireland | |
<20/10/1900 | 5829 | Passengers Gerring on Coach at Bantry Station | |
<20/10/1900 | 5830 | Panorama of Sea Shore and Promenade at Youghal, Ireland | |
<20/10/1900 | 5831 | Coaching Through the Tunnel Near Killarney, Ireland | |
<20/10/1900 | 5832 | Panorama of Sea Shore at Bundoran | |
<20/10/1900 | 5833 | Rough Sea at Port Stewart, Ireland | |
<20/10/1900 | 5834 | On the Road to Giants' Causeway, and Panorama of Giants | |
<20/10/1900 | 5835 | Panorama of Killaloe With Waterfall | |
<20/10/1900 | 5836 | Irish Panoramic Scenes | |
<26/01/1901 | 5227 | "God Save Our Gracious Queen" | |
<26/01/1901 | 5227B | "God Save Our Gracious Queen" | |
<26/01/1901 | 5228 | Scots Guards Firing the "Feu-de-joie" | |
<26/01/1901 | 5229 | Scots Guards Leaving Windsor Castle | |
<26/01/1901 | 5287B | Arrival of the Queen and Body Guard to Review the Honourable Artillery Company at Windsor Great Park | |
<26/01/1901 | 5288B | The Honourable Artillery Company Passing in Review Before Her Majesty the Queen | |
<26/01/1901 | 5290B | Arrival of Her Majesty the Queen and Royalty | |
<10/08/1901 | 7526 | The Tough's Kiss | |
5223B | |||
Along The Pasig. Passing The Pirate's Lair | |||
Approaching Manila by the Pasig River | |||
Panorama of the Pasig River, showing Gen. McArthur'a Headquarters, Manila | |||
Native Traffic Over The Bridge Os Spain, Manila | |||
Palacio Plaza, Manila, including the American Headquarters | |||
Circular panorama of the Plaza de Calderon, Manila | |||
The Columbia Market Place, Philippines Isles | |||
Cock Fighting in the Philippines | |||
The Seventh Artillery, U.S.A., Charging | |||
The Seventh Artillery, U.S.A., in action | |||
The Twentieth Infantry, U.S.A. (Oti's Pets), marching through a banana grove; a splendid subject | |||
The Twenty-Seventh Infantry, U.S.A., entering Manila | |||
The Macabebe Scouts passing through a native village | |||
The [Fourth] Cavalry U.S.A. repelling flank attack | |||
The Ilocano Scouts charging the enemy's entrenchment[s] | |||
The charge of the Macabebe Scouts | |||
<07/09/1901 | 6171A | Dan Leno's Day out | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6172A | Dan Leno, "Musical Director" | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6176A | Bostock and Wombwell's Royal Menagerie Crossing an Arm of the Sea, Near Ravensglas, Cumberland | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6178A | Capt. Delaware, the Lion Tamer, in Den of Performing Lions and Tigers | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6179A | The CamelTakes the Biscuit | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6183A | Egg and Bird Hunting on Gull Island on the Coast of Cumberland | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6195A | Ranjitsinhijo Practising at the Nerts | ERA |
19/06/1901 | 6196A | Cambridge University v. London County Crickt Club | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6198A | Hindoo Snake Charmer and Fakirs Performing the Mango and Other Tricks | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6209A | The Octopus | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6226A | The Dragon at Earl's Court | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6260A | Dr. W. G. Grace at the Nets | ERA |
<07/09/1901 | 6261A | Dr. W. G. Grace Bowling | ERA |
<19/10/1901 | 6276B | Selecting Remounts From a Herd of Mustangs | ERA |
<05/10/1901 | 6281A | BUNHILL-ROW CONFLAGRATION: Fighting the Fire From the Housetops | ERA |
<05/10/1901 | 6282A | BUNHILL-ROW CONFLAGRATION: Combating the Flames From Roof and Street | ERA |
<05/10/1901 | 6303A | Crossing the Mer de Glace | ERA |
6304A | [Ascending the Gaggi Glacier, crevasses, slide] | ||
6305A | [Climbing the Wetterhorn] | ||
6306A | [A Lunch on the Mountain and Return of the Climbers] | ||
<05/10/1901 | 6307A | Climbing the Jungfrau | ERA |
<05/10/1901 | 6317A | Rescue of a Traveller by the Monks of St. Bernard | ERA |
<05/10/1901 | 6318A | The St. Bernard Monks and Dogs Rescuing a Traveller Lost in the Snow | ERA |
<07/12/1901 | 6430A | THE CLOUTSHAM STAG HUNT. Going th Clousthsam Meet, Over Dunkerry Beacon, With the Staghounds. Passing Through Dunster | ERA |
<07/12/1901 | 6431B | THE CLOUTSHAM STAG HUNT. Going to Clousthsam Meet. Huntsmen Crossing the Moor | ERA |
<07/12/1901 | 6432A | THE CLOUTSHAM STAG HUNT. Staghounds and Huntsmen Passing Through Dunster, on the Way to Cloutsham Meet. | ERA |
<07/12/1901 | 6433A | THE CLOUTSHAM STAG HUNT. Unkenneling the Pack and "Away" | ERA |
<07/12/1901 | 6434A | THE CLOUTSHAM STAG HUNT. Hunting the Stag Over the Moor. On the Trail | ERA |
<07/12/1901 | 6435A | THE CLOUTSHAM STAG HUNT. A Hunted Stag in the River Exe. "At Bay." The Kill, Drawing Stag From the Water, and Feeding the Hounds | ERA |
28/09/1901 | 6345A | Arrival of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandre at Balmoral | ERA 05/10/1901 |
[28]/09/1901 | 6346A | March-Past of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Also Panorama of Balmoral Castle | ERA 05/10/1901 |
<19/10/1901 | 6248A | THE RACE FOR THE AMERICA CUP: The Mascots of the Erin | ERA |
<19/10/1901 | 6249A | THE RACE FOR THE AMERICA CUP: Streamers Following the Great International Yacht Contest | ERA |
<19/10/1901 | 6350A | THE RACE FOR THE AMERICA CUP: Sir Thomas Lipton Watching the Contest From the Bridge of the Erin, Together With His Guests, Also the Competing Yachts Heeling Over Before the Breeze | ERA |
<14/12/1901 | 6388A | The Promenade Decks of the Kronprinz Wilhelm During Dirty Weather | ERA |
<14/12/1901 | 6390A | Encounter With Heavy Seas in Mid-Atlantic | ERA |
<14/12/1901 | 6391A | The N.D.L. Nederland Labouring in an Atlantic Storm, As seen From the Kronprinz | ERA |
<14/12/1901 | 6545A | The Marvellous Adrian Troupe of Bicyclists (Two Performers) | ERA |
<14/12/1901 | 6546A | The Marvellous Adrian Troupe of Bicyclists (Four Performers) | ERA |
<14/12/1901 | 6552A | The Two Sports at the Music-Hall. The Tenor and the HIgh Kicker | ERA |
<14/12/1901 | 5283A | My Pal, By Fred Poplar, Causes Roars of Laughter | ERA |
<28/12/1901 | 6559A | Mr. J. Smith, The Lancashire Steeplejack, Demolishing a Gigantic Factory Chimney at Middlewich | ERA |
<28/12/1901 | 6560A | Enthusiastic Golfers on the Burgess Links After a Heavy Snowstorm | ERA |
<28/12/1901 | 6561A | Ferreting Rabbits ans Shooting Them in a Scotch Forest | ERA |
<19/10/1901 | 7277A | Corraling and Lassoing a Herd of Mustangs | ERA |
<06/12/1901 | The Cloutsham Stag Hunt | ||
<21/12/1901 | 4345-7 | The House of Mystery | Star Films |
<21/12/1901 | 4348-9 | The Maiden's Paradise | Star Films |
<21/12/1901 | 4350-1 | The Bachelor's Paradise | Star Films |
<21/12/1901 | 4352-3 | The Temple of the Sun | Star Films |
<21/12/1901 | 4354 | Harmless Dentistry | Star Films |
<21/12/1901 | 4355 | Contempt of Court | Star Films |
<21/12/1901 | 4356 | The Fierce Charger and the Knight | Star Films |
<21/12/1901 | 4357-8 | The Prince of Magicians | Star Films |
<21/12/1901 | 4359 | Off to Bedlam | Star Films |
The King and Queen's recent visit to Plymouth | |||
4412 | Twentieth Century Conjuring | Star Films | |
4413 | The Devil's Money Bags | Star Films | |
4415 | The Human Fly, Troop of Russian Dancers | Star Films | |
4417 | Marvellous Suspension and Evolutions | Star Films | |
4419 | Impossible Feat of Balancing | Star Films | |
03/04/1902 | The Funeral of the Late Right Hon. Cecil J. Rhodes: I. The Funeral. Cortege Arriving at the Cathedral II. The Procession passing Through Cape Town to the Station III. The Funeral Tram Leaving Cape Town |
ERA (10/05/1902) | |
<24/05/1902 | 4397 | The Volcanic Eruption of Mont Pelee and Destruction of St. Pierre, Martinique. | Star Films |
<24/05/1902 | 6132 | Ascending Vesuvius While in Action | ERA |
<24/05/1902 | 6133 | A Visit to Pompeii | ERA |
30/05/1902 | 6697 | The Trooping of Colours on Horse Guards Parade | ERA (07/06/1902) |
<31/05/1902 | 6683 | The Play-off for the Final Cup Tie at Crystal Palace-Sheffield United v. Southampton | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6684 | The Punchestown Races, Ireland. Jumping Five Walls. Two Accidents. | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6685 | An Irish Stag Hunt. The Stag's Start and Capture | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6686 | The King's Colonials on Church Parade at the Horse Guards, Whitehall | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6687 | The Melrose Trio in Their American Cake Walk | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6689 | The First Balloon Ascent of the Aero Club at Crystal Palace | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6691 | Lillian Graham, the Wonderful Child Toe Dancer | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | [6692] | The "Missouris" Comic Acrobatic Act | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6693 | The Three "Missouris" in Their Celebrated Bram Act | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6694 | The Donkey and the Serpentine Dance (Comic) | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6695 | Harriet and Tommy Atkins on a Bank Holiday | ERA |
<31/05/1902 | 6696 | The Irishman and the Button (Comic) | ERA |
02/06/1902 | 6698 | "Peace" Crowds at the Mansion House | ERA (07/06/1902) |
<07/06/1902 | 6789 | The Start for the Derby Race on Epson Downs | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6799 | Scenes on Epsom Downs on Derby on Derby Day-the Crowds, the Course, the Parade, the Start and the Berby Race | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6775 | The Sacred Morurrum Procession in India | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6776 | British Torpedo Destroyer Flotilla Entering Aberdeen Harbour | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6777 | Torpedo Destroyers passing Aberdeen Docks | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6778 | Attack of the Gordon Highlanders-New Tactics necessitated by the Bear War | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6779 | Duke and Duchess of Fife Opening Military Bazaar | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6780 | May-Day Procession at Albright | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6781 | Panorama of Festal Field With May-Pole Dance | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6782 | May-Pole Dance by Children in Fancy Costume | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6783 | Old Time May-Day Celebration in Merry England | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6784 | "Spearing the Tub" (Full of Action and Fun) | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6785 | Tommy and the Mouse in the Art School (comic) | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6786 | Topsy-Turvy Dance bey "Salvation" Lasses (Comic) | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6787 | The Eldreds' Great Equestrian Act | ERA |
<07/06/1902 | 6788 | Triple Balloon Ascent of the Aero Club at Ranelagh | ERA |
10-12/06/1902 | 6806 | The Coronation Show of the Ladies' Kennel Club at The Royal Botanical Gardens | ERA (28/06/1902) |
14/06/1902 | 6807 | Review of the British Boys' Brigade by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Earl Roberts, and General Trotter. | ERA (28/06/1902) |
19/06/1902 | 6808 | The Royal Ascot Races | ERA (28/06/1902) |
19/06/1902 | 6809 | Arrival of H. M. the Queen and Royal Party at Ascot | ERA (28/06/1902) |
19/06/1902 | 6810 | The Royal Ascot Races | ERA (28/06/1902) |
19/06/1902 | 6811 | Panorama of the Crowds at Ascot | ERA (28/06/1902) |
19/06/1902 | 6812 | H.M. the Queen and Royal Party Leaving Ascot Course | ERA (28/06/1902) |
23/06/1902 | 6825 | The Heaviest Train Ever Leaving the North | ERA (28/06/1902) |
<28/06/1902 | 6813 | The Majestic Stag of Exmoor | ERA (28/06/1902) |
<28/06/1902 | 6814 | The Wild Torrents of Norway | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6816 | The King's Dinner | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6818 | Decorated Fleet-Street | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6819 | Circular Panorama of Trafalgar-Square | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6820 | The Stands and Decorations of Pall-Mall, W., Haymarket, and Pall-Mall, E. | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6821 | Panoramas of Westminster-Bridge, Whitehall, and the Canadian Arch | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6822 | Panorama of the Sanctuary | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6823 | Panorama of Festooned Piccadilly and Hyde-Park Corners | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6824 | Dolly Preparing Her Pets for the Coronation | ERA |
<28/06/1902 | 6815 | A Representation of the Coronation at Westminster Abbey | ERA |
02/07/1902 | 6837 | The Indian Troops Marching Down Constitution-Hill | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6838 | H.M. Queen Alexandra, H.R.H. Prince of Wales | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6839 | Arrival of the Indian Troops | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6840 | The Queen and Royalty Arriving at the Horse Guard's Parade | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6841 | Prince of Wales, Earl Roberts, Indian and Foreign Princes | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6842 | Queen Alexandra, prince of Wales | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6843 | The Royal Review of the Armed Forces of the Indian Empire | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6844 | The Queen and Prince, With Cavalcade of Indian and Foreign Representatives | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6845 | March Past of the Indian Troops | ERA (05/07/1902) |
02/07/1902 | 6846 | Grand parade of the Indian Contingent | ERA (05/07/1902) |
05/07/1902 | 6859 | T.R.H. Prince and Princess of Wales | ERA (12/07/1902) |
06/07/1902 | 6860 | Church Parade of the Colonial Troops at Alexandra Palace | ERA (12/07/1902) |
08/07/1902 | 6862 | The Right Honourable Mr Joseph Chamberlain | ERA (12/07/1902) |
10/07/1902 | 6863 | Henley Regatta | ERA (19/07/1902) |
<12/07/1902 | 6833 | Cinematographing from the "Graphic" Balloon | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6834 | Street Musicians and Dancers in Warwick Court | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6835 | Brook's Firework Display at the Crystal Palace | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6836 | An Alpine Accident on the Great Schreckhorn | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6851 | Oh ! That Awful Tooth | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6852 | Mellin's Airship Preparing For a Flight From the Crystal Palace | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6853 | The Southern Belles and Cissy Heath in Coon Dance | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6854 | The Avrigny Troupe of Jugglers | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6855 | The Southern Belles Specialty Dance | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6856 | Everhardt, the Clever Hoop Manipulator | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6857 | the Selbini Troupe of Marvellous Cycle Acrobats | ERA |
<12/07/1902 | 6858 | King's Dinner to 500,000 of His Subjects | ERA |
12/07/1902 | 6864 | The Home-Coming of Viscount Kitchener | ERA (19/07/1902) |
14/07/1902 | 6865 | The Japan Society Garden Party | ERA (19/07/1902) |
<19/07/1902 | 6866 | The Ragged School Union Children's Carnival | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6867 | Monk's Macaroni Feast | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6868 | The Monk's ruse For a Lunch | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6869 | The Monk in the Studio | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6870 | His First Cigar, Probably His Last | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6871 | Pa's Comments on the Morning's News | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6872 | Episode in the Life of a Lodger | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6873 | Alaskan Waterfall and Rapids | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6874 | Panorama of the Docks of the Asama, With its Crew of 750 Japonese Bluejackets | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6875 | Jack Tars Gun Drill on the Asama | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6876 | Bluejackets Working a Quick-firing 2 1/2 Pounder | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6877 | Bluejackets Working a Quick-firing 6 Pounder | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6878 | Bluejackets Working a 6-inch gun in Barbette | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6879 | Two-handed Sword Contest between Japanese Bluejackets | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6880 | A Bayonet Contest between Japanese Bluejackets | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6881 | A Sword and Bayonet Contest between Japanese Bluejacket | ERA |
<19/07/1902 | 6882 | A Japanese Wrestling Match on the Asama | ERA |
19/07/1902 | 6898 | Mr. Balfour Opening the New Fulham Conservative Club | ERA (26/07/1902) |
<26/07/1902 | 6883 | Arrival of the Western R.R. Train at Buenos Aires | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6884 | Tram Panorama of Place Victoria and Avenue de Mai | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6885 | Procession of the Society L'Union Marina Through Streets of Buenos Aires | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6886 | Clowns' Frolic at Buenos Aires Carnival | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6887 | Gathering of Cowboys (Gauchos) in the Provinces | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6888 | Dance of the Cowboys at Palmero | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6889 | Orange-Seller Assailed by a Band of Hoodlums in the Woods of Palmero | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6890 | A Pigeon Shoot at Buenos Aires | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6891 | An Argentine Fox Hunt-Death of the Fox | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6892 | Scenes at the Gymkhana of the Society Hippique Argentine | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6893 | Argentine Military Breaking in a Colt | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6894 | Horse Jumping Contest in the Buenos Aires Military Barracks | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6895 | Argentine Cavalry Manoeuvres | ERA |
<26/07/1902 | 6896 | Unveiling the Gordon Statue in St. Martin's-Square by the Duke of Connaught, Assisted by Lord Kitchener | ERA |
09/08/1902 | 6900 | The Archbishops and Bishops in Lambeth Palace Gardens | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6901 | The Clergy Bearing the Ragalia to the Abbey | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6902-5 | The Coronation Procession Passing Through the Whitehall Palace Entrance From Horse Guards Parade Going to the Abbey | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6902 | Section 1. The Complete State Procession | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6903 | Section 2. The Prince of Wales's Procession and First Section of King's Procession | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6904 | Section 3. The King's Procession | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6905 | Section 4. The King's Procession-State Carriage | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6906 | Panorama of Westminster Abbey | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6907 | T.R.H. Prince and Princess of Wales Leaving the Abbey After the Crowning of Their Majesties | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6908 | departure From the Abbey of the King and Queen in the State Coach After the Crowning | ERA (16/08/1902) |
09/08/1902 | 6909 | The Coronation Procession Passing Through the Canadian Arch, WhiteHall, After the Crowning at the Abbey | ERA |
09/08/1902 | 6910 | The Canadian Arch, Whitehall, Westminster Abbey, and Victoria-Street on Coronation Day | ERA |
09/08/1902 | 6911 | The Crowned King and Queen in Procession Passing Through Wellington Arch Down Constitution-Hill to Buckingham Palace After the Coronation Ceremony | ERA |
ERA | |||
<20/09/1902 | 6926 | Robbins, the Champion of all Champions | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6927 | Coster Sports on Kensal Rise | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6928 | Coster's Donkey Races | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6929 | Coster Girls' Running Race | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6930 | Coster Basket Head Balancing Race | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6931 | The Water Slide and High Diving | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6932 | Tub Race, High Diving, and Aquatic Sports | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6933 | The Crystal Palace Chutes | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6934 | Shooting the Chutes at the Crystal Palace | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6935 | Panorama of a Herring Fisheries Station | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6936 | Herring Salting Works in Norway | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6937 | A Reindeer Camp in Lapland | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6938 | Party of Tourists Descending a Ladder on the Mettenberg, Switzerland | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6939 | The Picisch Glacier, Showing Ice Avalanche | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6945 | The Coopering Shop | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6946 | Aquatic Sports | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6962-6972 | The Swiss Carnival. Procession at Zurich, Switzerland | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6973 | Distributing a Gigantic Cake | ERA |
<20/09/1902 | 6974 | Scenes at a Devonshire Fair in Full Swing | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6948 | Thrilling Scene from the "Maniac's Guillotine" | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6949 | The Duel Scene from the "Two Orphans" | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6950 | "The "Wild Man of Borneo," Combat of the Knight and the Hermit | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6951 | "True as Steel" | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6952 | Weary Willies and the Copper | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6953 | Midnight Interruptions | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6954 | The Devil of the Deep and the Sea Urchins | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6955 | Cyclist's Mishap or The Old Maid's Revenge | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6956 | The Lost Hat, and price of its Recovery | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6957 | The Picnic Interrupted by Tramps | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6958 | The Tramp's Unexpected Bath | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6959 | Mr and Mrs Honeysuckle and the Bee | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6960 | Hooligans's Attack on the Highway | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6961 | Weary Willie and His Pal on the Rampage | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6974 | A Devonshire Fair in Full Swing | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6975 | Exchange is no Robbery | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6976 | Too Lazy to Work, Too Honest to Steal | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6977 | Breaking up the Happy Home | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6979 | Lord Rosebery Addressing an Open-Air Meeting | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6980 | A. A. Chase, the Champion Cyclist, Making the World's Record | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6981 | The Latest Crystal Palace Sensation, "Loop the Loops" | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6982 | A Visit to the London Zoo | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6983 | The Giraffes at the Zoo | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6984 | The Porlock Stag HOunds and the Meet on Exmoor | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6985 | Feeding the Pack After a Kill on the Crags of Exmoor | ERA |
<04/10/1902 | 6899 | Sectional Views of the "Loop the Loops" Structure | ERA |
<11/10/1902 | A Trip up the Nile from Cairo to Khartoum | ERA | |
<18/10/1902 | 7000 | A Cloud Sea and Setting Sun, With Mountain Panorama From a High Peak | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7001 | Some Difficulties in Alpine Climbing | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7002 | Panorama of the Range of the Alps and Climbings Party Ascending Great Schreckhorn | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7003 | Climbing the Final Arete of the Great Schreckhorn | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7004 | Climber and his Guides Camping out Preparatory to Ascent of Great Schreckhorn | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7005 | The Accident on the Great Schreckhorn | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7006 | The Grand Panorama From the Summit of Great Schreckhorn, 13.500 ft, of all the Oberland Peaks and Crossing Wetterhorn Couloir | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7007 | Ice Work on the Glacier des Bossons | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7008 | Crossing a Snow Bridge Near la Tournette, 15,000 ft High, During a Snow-Storm | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7009 | Ascending a Rock-Chimney on the Grandes Charmoz, 11,393 ft | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7010 | Ascent and Descent of the Aiguilles des Grandes Charmoz, 11,293 ft | ERA |
<18/10/1902 | 7011-7013 | The Ascent of Mont Blanc | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6071 | Colonel Swayne's Camel Corps in Action | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6166 | Native Warriors on the March | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6169 | Ras Makonnen's Army Entering Harrar | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6987 | After Dark. The Policeman and his Lantern | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6988 | Mother Goose. Nursery Rhymes | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6368 | A Came Transport Crossing the Desert | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6369 | A Native Pack-Train Fording a Stream | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6370 | Colonel Swayne's Mule Transport and Natives Crossing a Stream | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6371 | How Lion Cubs are Raised in Abyssinia | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6372 | A Somaliland Meat, Vegetable, and Cloth Market | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6373 | Review of the Native Troops of the British Expedition | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6375 | Drilling the Troops of the British Expedition | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6490 | A "Street" Scene in Harbar | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6745 | Panoramic view of the Picturesque Nile Below the Dam | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6746 | Panorama of the Nile From the Top of the Great Dam | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6747 | Panorama from Train Along Base of the Assouan Dam | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6749 | A General View of the Isle of Philae, "The Pearl of Egypt" | ERA |
<25/10/1902 | 6750 | Panoramic views of the Principal Ruins of Temples on the Isle of Philae | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | 7016 | The Terrible Crew From H.M.S. Terrible | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | 7017 | The Lord Mayor Presenting the City Sword to H.M. the King at Temple Bar | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | 7018 | Arrival of the Naval Detachment | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | 7019 | Procession Over London Bridge | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | 7020 | The Procession Over London Bridge | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | 7021 | King's Procession | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | 7022 | King's Procession | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | 7023 | King's Procession | ERA |
<01/11/1902 | Canada: "Britannia's Granary" | ERA |
≤1903 | L'Industrie du bois au Canada | ||
4444 | The Enchanted Basket | Star Films | |
4445-8 | The Marvellous Hoop | Star Films | |
4449-50 | The Women of Fire | Star Films | |
4451-2 | "Accidents Never Happen Singly" | Star Films | |
4453-7 | The Infernal Cake Walk | Star Films | |
4458-9 | The Shallow Trick Box | Star Films | |
4460-1 | The Musketeers of the Queen | Star Films | |
4462-4 | The Enchanted Well | Star Films | |
4465-9 | The Inn of "Good Rest" | Star Films | |
4470-1 | The Animated Statue | Star Films | |
1000 | Arrivée du roi Édouard | ||
1003 | Départ du Roi et du Président | ||
1004 | Le Roi et le Président | ||
<30/05/1903 | 1035 | The Humorous Side to the Derby | |
6546 | Le Cercle de la mort | ||
<04/01/1903 | 6170 | LA RÉVOLUTION AU MAROC Le Sultan au Maroc/S.M. le Sultan du Maroc |
IF |
<11/01/1903 | LA RÉVOLUTION AU MAROC Le Efk, ministre de la guerre marocain |
IF | |
<11/01/1903 | LA RÉVOLUTION AU MAROC Les généraux et officiers de l'armée de Monlaï Abdul El Aziz |
IF | |
<11/01/1903 | LA RÉVOLUTION AU MAROC L'Armée du Sultan en marche contre l'armée de l'agitateur |
IF | |
<11/01/1903 | LA RÉVOLUTION AU MAROC La Vie au Maroc |
IF | |
<11/01/1903 | LA RÉVOLUTION AU MAROC Le Sultan du Maroc et le Efk, avec son armée, sortant par la porte de Fez, en route pour Mequinez |
IF | |
<04/01/1903 | 6775 | Les Fêtes aux Indes | IF |
<04/01/1903 | Les Armes de l'Amérique du Sud | IF | |
<10/01/1903 | 7033 | Heavy Sea Washing Over the Break-Waters of the Sultan's Sea Palace at Rabat | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7034 | Native Life Outside the Walls and City Gates of Fez | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7035 | Natives Washing Their Clothes in a Stream Outside Mequinez, and Donning Same Before Re-entering the City Gates | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7036 | Street Life in the Sacred Moorish City of Mequinez | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7037 | A Moorish Street Minstrel Performing at Morocco City | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7038 | The Sultan's Soldiers Drilling Out-side Morocco City | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7039 | Moorish Troops and Transports on the March to Suppress the Rebels | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7040 | The Berber and Beni 'Intir Tribesmen | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7041 | The Efk, the Moorish Minister of War, and his Troops Leaving Fez to Quell a Rising of the Rebels | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7042 | Panorama of the Sultan's Troops Forming a Square, Awaiting the Arrival of H.S.M. the Sultan | ERA |
<10/01/1903 | 7043 | H.S.M. the Sultan of Morocco Recriving Presents from his Tribesmen in the Palace Courtyard | ERA |
<24/01/1903 | 7125 | State Entry of Princes into Delhi | |
<24/01/1903 | 7126 | State Entry into Delhi | |
<31/01/1903 | 7130 | The Durbar Field Manoeuvres | |
<31/01/1903 | 7131 | A Delhi Street Scene on the Morning of the Pageant | |
<31/01/1903 | 7132 | The Viceroy Opens the Art Exhibit | |
<31/01/1903 | 7133 | The Gorgeous Pageant of Princes | |
<31/01/1903 | 7134 | The Durbar Elephant Pageant | |
<31/01/1903 | 7135 | Scenes in Delhi | |
<31/01/1903 | 7149 | The Coronation Durbar at Delhi | |
<07/02/1903 | 7049 | The "Link Between Old England and her Colony" | |
<07/02/1903 | 7050 | Passengers on the S.S. Lake Erie | |
<07/02/1903 | 7051 | Passengers Landing From the S.S. Lake Erie at Quebec | |
<07/02/1903 | 7053 | the C.P.R. "Imperial Limited" Leaving Montreal Station | |
<07/02/1903 | 7055 | Electric Tram Panorama Through St. James-Street and Victoria-Square, Montreal | |
<07/02/1903 | 7060 | Through the Fraser River Canon of the Rocky Mountains on the Canadian Pacific Railway | |
<07/02/1903 | 7061 | A "Phantom Ride" on the Canadian Pacific Railway over the Rockies | |
<07/02/1903 | 7062 | Panorama of the Fraser River Canon | |
<07/02/1903 | 7063 | Circular Panorama of the Fraser River | |
<07/02/1903 | 7065 | Arrival at Winniped of 900 Harvesters by the C.P.R. | |
<07/02/1903 | 7066 | How a 160 Acre Wheat Crop 18 Harvested in Canada | |
<07/02/1903 | 7068 | Departure of the C.P.R. Pacific Liner, Empress of India, from Vancouver | |
<07/02/1903 | 7071 | Logging in Canada | |
<07/02/1903 | 7073 | On the Bow River Horse Ranch at Cochrane, North-West Territory | |
<07/02/1903 | 7074 | Breaking a Bronco and Halter-Breaker on the Bow River Horse Ranch | |
<07/02/1903 | 7076 | Canadian Horseflesh on the Race-Course | |
<07/02/1903 | 7077 | Spearing Salmon in the Rivers of the North-West Territory | |
<07/02/1903 | 7079 | Panorama from the Observation Car of the Canadian Pacific Railway Express over the Rockies Approaching Kamloops | |
<07/02/1903 | 7080 | Down the Western Side of the "Rockies" in Winter | |
<07/02/1903 | 7085 | A Threshing Outfit at Work at Manitoba | |
<07/02/1903 | 7086 | A Monster Engine of Theo.P.R. Drawing Thirty-Five Freight Cars | |
<07/02/1903 | 7088 | The C.P.R. Grain Steamer S.S. Alberta Passing Through the "800" Canal | |
<07/02/1903 | 7090 | A "Whaleback" Grain Steamer Passing Through the "800" Canal | |
<07/02/1903 | 7091 | A Herd of Buffalo | |
<07/02/1903 | 7095 | The North Shore of Lake Superior Between Rossport and Jack Fish | |
<14/02/1903 | 7044 | The Great City Fire | |
<14/02/1903 | 7027 | Mary Janes Mishap | |
7172 | Exploitation du bois au Canada | ||
7173 | Revue des escortes indigènes aux fêtes du couronnement aux Indes | ||
<30/05/1903 | 7191 | Football Cup Final | |
<30/05/1903 | 7192 | the Exmoor Stag Hunt | |
<16/05/1903 | 7193 | Major-General Baden-Powell at St. George's Hall, Liverpool | |
<16/05/1903 | 7194 | Weary Willis Series: The Tramps and the Supposed Barrel of Beer | |
<16/05/1903 | 7195A | Prize Winners of the Crufts Dog Show. Season of 1903 | |
<16/05/1903 | 7195B | Continuation of 7.195A | |
01/05/1903 | 7196 | The London Stock Exchange Walk to Brighton, May 1st, 1903 | |
<16/05/1903 | 7197 | Gymnastic Exercises. Horizontal Bar | |
<16/05/1903 | 7198 | Parallel Bar Exercises | |
<16/05/1903 | 7199 | Indian Club Exercises | |
7200 | Panorama of the Moat Farm | ||
<16/05/1903 | 7201 | Drill Work and Pastimes of the British Bluejacket Crew of H.M.S. Excellent | |
<30/06/1903 | 7201 | The Naval Gun Display | |
<30/05/1903 | 7202 | Old and New Railway Under the Mersey | |
<30/05/1903 | 7203 | The King Leaving the Municipal Building | |
<30/05/1903 | 7204 | Assault-at-Arms | |
<30/05/1903 | 7205 | Assault-at-Arms | |
<30/05/1903 | 7206 | The Making of the British BLuejacket | |
<30/05/1903 | 7207 | Burlesque on the Naval Display | |
<30/05/1903 | 7208 | The Derby Visitors | |
<30/05/1903 | 7209 | The 1903 Derby | |
<11/07/1903 | 7229 | Arrival of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales at the Royal Pavilion | |
<11/07/1903 | 7230 | Arrival of H.M. the King and Royal Party at Park Royal Station | |
<11/07/1903 | 7231 | Parade of Cattle in the Big Ring | |
<11/07/1903 | 7233 | Arrival and Reception of The Khedive of Egypt by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales at the Royal Pavilion | |
<11/07/1903 | 7234 | Snapshots of a Few Prize-Winners | |
<11/07/1903 | 7235 | Shearing Sheep by Machinery | |
<11/07/1903 | 7236 | Weighing in of the Racing Cars at Maas | |
<11/07/1903 | 7237 | Views in the Control at Kildare | |
<11/07/1903 | 7238 | Cars at Fill Speed Over the Currage | |
<11/07/1903 | 7239 | Arrival of President Loubet | |
<11/07/1903 | 7240 | Arrival of President Loubet and Reception at the Guildhall | |
<11/07/1903 | 7241 | Arrival of the President and the Royal Party on Laffan Plain, Aldershot | |
<01/08/1903 | 7242 | Chairing the Winner of the King's Prize at Bisley | |
<01/08/1903 | 7244 | Sergeant-Major Wallingford, the Champion shot | |
<22/08/1903 | 7247 | A Novelty Race | |
<22/08/1903 | 7248 | Military Display at Hurlingham | |
<22/08/1903 | 7249 | Wild Mountain Ponies on Dartmoor | |
<22/08/1903 | 7250 | A Drove of Wild Welsh Mountain Ponies | |
<22/08/1903 | 7251 | Scene on a Welsh Pony Farm | |
<22/08/1903 | 7252 | Scenes at a New Forest Pony Fair | |
<22/08/1903 | 7253 | Loading Wild New Forest Ponies into Horse Boxes | |
<22/08/1903 | 7255 | Polo Match for the Championship at Hurlingham | |
<22/08/1903 | 7256 | Wiring Pike in a Mill Sirraw | |
<22/08/1903 | 7257 | Trout Fishing Landing a 8-Pounder | |
<29/08/1903 | 7258 | The Intruders | |
<05/09/1903 | 7259 | Arrival of the Mail Steamer at Larne | |
<05/09/1903 | 7260 | Coaches Starting From Larne and Passing Through Tunnel on the Antrim Coast Road | |
<05/09/1903 | 7261 | The Waterfalls of Glenariffe | |
<29/08/1903 | 7262 | A Trip to the Giant's Causeway | |
<29/08/1903 | 7263 | A Rough Sea on the Derry Coast | |
<29/08/1903 | 7264 | Cliff Scenery at the Gobbins | |
<05/09/1903 | 7265 | Railway Panorama Between Greenisland and Kilroot | |
<05/09/1903 | 7266 | Railway Panorama Between Kilroot and Whitehead | |
<05/09/1903 | 7267 | Patrick-Street, Cork | |
<05/09/1903 | 7268 | Panorama of the Exhibition Grounds, Cork | |
<05/09/1903 | 7269 | Shooting the Chutes | |
<05/09/1903 | 7270 | Panorama of Queenstown Harbour | |
<05/09/1903 | 7271 | A Coach Drive From Glenariffe to Kenmare | |
<05/09/1903 | 7272 | Market Day at Kenmare | |
<29/08/1903 | 7273 | Panorama of the Lakes of Killarney from Lake Hotel | |
<05/09/1903 | 7274 | Tourists Leaving the Lake Hotel, Killarney | |
<05/09/1903 | 7275 | A Trip Through the Gap of Dunloe | |
<05/09/1903 | 7276 | Shooting the Rapids at Killarney | |
<29/08/1903 | 7277 | The Mono Railway Between Listowel and Ballybunion | |
<05/09/1903 | 7278 | Rock Scenery at Ballybunion | |
<29/08/1903 | 7279 | Scenes of Irish Cottage Life | |
<29/08/1903 | 7280 | Scenes in an Irish Market-Place | |
<05/09/1903 | 7281 | Potters at Work | |
<05/09/1903 | 7282 | Getting in the Hay | |
<05/09/1903 | 7283 | Milking Time-A Kerry Herd | |
<05/09/1903 | 7384 | At Work in a Peat Bog | |
<05/09/1903 | 7285 | Scenes in an Irish Bacon Factory | |
<29/08/1903 | 7286 | Irish Peasants Bringing Their Milk to A Co-operative Creamery | |
<26/09/1903 | 7292 | The Kiddie's Pets | |
<26/09/1903 | 7293 | The Stolen Cake | |
<26/09/1903 | 7294 | The Kiddies and the Poultry | |
<26/09/1903 | 7295 | The White Rats | |
<31/10/1903 | 7297 | Home From the Club | |
<31/10/1903 | 7299 | Weary Willie and Tired Tim. A Dead Shot | |
<31/10/1903 | 7300 | The Curate's Adventure | |
<17/10/1903 | 7301 | His Majesty the King Planting an Oak Tree | |
<07/11/1903 | 7302 | Great Yarmouth Herring Fishery | |
<17/10/1903 | 7303 | Scenes at the Zoo | |
<17/10/1903 | 7304 | The Razzle-Dazzle and Steeplechase Railway at Cony Island, New York | |
<17/10/1903 | 7305 | Punch and Judy Show | |
<28/11/1903 | 7314 | Gems of the Turf | |
<28/11/1903 | 7315 | The Right Honourables A. J. Balfour and Joseph Chamberlain | |
<24/01/1903 | 9129 | The Delhi Camp Railway | |
19/04/1905 | [2038] | Lancement du cuirassé "Liberté" à St-Nazaire | |
<07/10/1905 | n.c. | Cérémonie religieuse à Tsarskoie-Selo | Raleigh |
Le Plus Grand Écolier du monde | |||
La Machine à vapeur avec pieds d'éléphants | |||
Les Défenseurs de la Russie | |||
2037 | Courses de canots automobiles à Monaco | ||
S. M. Édouard VII à Paris | |||
Les Souverains anglais en automobile (vue unique) | |||
2039 | Les Contre-torpilleurs Arbalète et Dard | ||
2060 | Esquimaux | ||
2067 | Course de chevaux au trot attelé sur la glace | ||
2070 | Arrivée à Paris | ||
2071 | Réception de S.M. Alphonse XIII, au palais de l'Élysée | ||
2072 | Au camp de Châlons (b) | ||
2073 | Visite à l'École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr (carrousel militaire par l'École de Cavalerie de Saumur) | ||
2074 | Au camp de Châlons (a) | ||
2075 | Versailles et Trianon | ||
2076 | Revue militaire à Vincennes (a) (Arrivée aux tribunes) | ||
2077 | Revue militaire à Vincennes (b) (Défilé des troupes) | ||
2079 | Cherbourg-Départ du Roi pour l'Angleterre | ||
2088 | La Coupe Gordon-Bennett. Éliminatoires françaises | ||
2089 | La Coupe Gordon-Bennett (Circuit d'Auvergne) | ||
Chasse à la baleine | |||
2092 | Garde républicaine à cheval.-Garde républicaine à pied.-École militaire de Saint-Cyr | ||
2093 | Chasseurs à pied-Génie | ||
2094 | Artillerie-Dragons | ||
2095 | Infanterie-Cuirassiers | ||
7417 | Comment Dupoivrot a vu le Derby | ||
7418 | L'Attaque du Courrier | ||
7422 | Tu ne rentres donc pas ? | ||
7423 | Le Tube de l'Éléphant | ||
La Fête des vignerons à Vevey (Suisse) | |||
Le Téléphone à Paris ou le Sort futur des abonnés | |||
Plongeons par Miss Kellermann (la célèbre nageuse australienne) | |||
Exercices de natation par Paulus (le champion français de la Traversée de Pais à la nage) | |||
Match de Water-Polo | |||
Les Vétérans de Crimée | |||
Les Rapides d'Imatra (Finlande) | |||
Paris-vécu | |||
La Midinette au bois | |||
Le Cadre noir de Saumur | |||
La Geisha (danse japonaise) | |||
2131 | Les Hallebardiers et la musique, précédant S.M. Alphonse XIII | ||
2132 | Course de taureaux officielle | ||
2134 | Chasse royale à la Casa de Campo | ||
2132 | Revue militaire à Carabanchel | ||
2180 | Les Trésors de la mer | ||
Procession au Temple du dieu de la Guerre, à Tokio, pour demander la victoire | |||
Le Deuxième régiment de la Garde impériale japonaise quittant Tokio pour le théâtre de la guerre | |||
Garde impériale japonaise répétant l'assaut de Port-Arthur | |||
Funérailles japonaises à Tokio |
4789 | The Photographer's Dilemma | Star Films | |
4807 | The Mad Musician | Star Films | |
4810 | Conjuring in All Ages | Star Films | |
4813 | His Honour Satisfied | Star Films | |
4821 | An Animated Hoarding | Star Films | |
31/05/1906 | The Royal Wedding at Madrid | ||
<02/06/1906 | The Ticket Mania | ||
<09/02/1906 | The Royal Wedding Stakes | ||
<09/02/1906 | England is Awake! | ||
<09/02/1906 | H.M.S. Montagu on the Rocks at Lundy | ||
<09/02/1906 | The Launch of the New Cunarder, s.s. LUSITANIA | ||
<10/03/1906 | 8002 | A Lucky Pig | |
<10/03/1906 | 8005 | A Life for a Life | |
<17/03/1906 | Oh! That Toothache | ||
<24/03/1906 | 8006 | Me and My Two Pals | |
<24/03/1906 | 8007 | The Swiftest Dogs in the World | |
<31/03/1906 | Arrival of Togo's Heroes in London | ||
>31/03/1906 | 8009 | A Gambler's Nightmare | |
>07/04/1906 | Rescued Miners at Courrieres | ||
<14/04/1906 | 9012 | Vesuvius in Eruption and the Ruins of Pompeii | |
<21/04/1906 | 9013 | Dick Turpin's Last Ride to York | |
<01/06/1906 | 3321 | Caravane de Chameaux | |
<01/06/1906 | 5390 | Nourriture des tigres dans le Jardin zoologique de Londres | |
<01/06/1906 | 5391 | Agacerie des lions | |
<01/06/1906 | 5397 | Nourriture des phoques dans le Jardin zoologique de Londres | |
<01/06/1906 | 5428 | Les Exercices de l'éléphant | |
<01/06/1906 | 5454 | Domptage d'un lion | |
<01/06/1906 | 5458 | Capitaine Taylor et son ours dressé, Cinnamon | |
<01/06/1906 | 6178 | Capt. Delaware, the Lion Tamer, in Den of Performing Lions and Tigers | |
<01/06/1906 | 6634 | L'Ours polaire plongeant | |
<01/06/1906 | 7371 | Procession d'éléphants | |
<01/06/1906 | 7392 | Le Jardin zoologique de Londres | |
<15/06/1906 | 8025 | San Francisco Disaster! (1re bande) | |
<15/06/1906 | 8026 | San Francisco Disaster! (2e bande) | |
6132 | Ascent of Vesuvius by Carriage, Funicular, Railway and Porters | ||
6133 | Visit to Pompeii. All the principal Ruins | ||
6134 | The Forum at Pompeii. Vesuvius in the distance | ||
6135 | A Trip to Capri, Sorrento, and Naples | ||
6237 | Corpus Christi Procession in Naples | ||
6256 | Panorama of Naples Harbour | ||
6257 | Bay of Naples and Vesuvius. Panorama from Harbour | ||
9018 | Algy's New Suit | ||
9019 | The Price of a Dinner | ||
9020 | Mechanical Dog | ||
M. Fallières | |||
6882 | Le Jiu-Jitsu par des marins japonais | ||
AU MAROC | |||
7034 | Aux portes de Fez | ||
7036 | Les Rues de la ville sainte de Macquinez. | ||
7037 | Musicien dans une rue de Fez | ||
7039 | Troupes marocaines en marche dans le désert | ||
7040 | Troupes marocaines traversant un gué | ||
7041 | Le Ministre de la Guerre quitte Fez avec ses troupes | ||
7043 | S.M. le Sultan recevant les cadeaux des chefs de tribus dans la cour de son Palais. | ||
<15/11/1906 | Le Cauchemar d'un cocher |