el grimh



Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Saint-Louis est une ville de l'état du Missouri (États-Unis).


Le kinetoscope parlor (812, Olive Street, <25 novembre->23 décembre 1894)

En novembre, un kinetoscope parlor fonctionne sur Olive Street.

saint louis 1894 kinetoscope St Louis Post Dispatch Sun Nov 25 1894
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Saint-Louis, dimanche 25 novembre 1894, p. 29.

De nouveaux appareils sont installés à la fin du mois de novembre :

The Edison Kinetoscopes.
With more machines added, the Edison kinetoscope exhibition in the Fagin building draws more people than ever. Everybody who has not seen it naturally wants to see this new invention. Then the marvel is so great and the different subjects so interesting that people see it again and again, and many take their friends along. There is a "barber shop scene that is complete. You can see the customer wince under a quick shave; a bothering bootblack, and a waiting customer, whose cigar smoke you see rising. There are a pair of trained cats, whose photographs were taken while they were boxing, as natural as lire. Then there is dancing by famous artists, which is even more attractive than when seen on the stage.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Saint-Louis, mardi 27 novembre 1894, p. 8.

saint louis 1894 kinetoscope St Louis Post Dispatch Wed Dec 5 1894
St Louis Post-Dispatch,Saint-Louis, mercredi 5 décembre 1894, p. 5.

En décembre, des vues sont toujours proposées :

Edison's kinetoscopes have only been on exhibition at the parlors, 812 Olive street, a short time, but they have already became quite popular. The progrmmes are varied on different days to suit different tastes. On Tuesdays. Thursdays and Fridays, for instance, a prize fight is shown. As this might offend some, it is not exhibited on the other days of the week. Among other pictures displayed are a skirt dance, a cock fight, and others showing a man and kindred subjects. The machines reproduce every action, and are simply marvelous.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Saint-Louis, dimanche 9 décembre 1894, p. 26.

saint louis 1894 kinetoscope St Louis Post Dispatch Fri Dec 14 1894
St Louis Post-Dispatch, Saint-Louis, vendredi 14 décembre 1894, p. 5.

Le kinetoscope connaît un vrai succès :

The Kinetoscopes.
The exhibition of Edison kinetoscopes and talking machines at 812 Olive is proving a very popular resort. Everybody who sees the kinetoscope wants to see it again and is sure to send his friends to it. Then there are changes of programme every day in the graphophones, and always good songs and popular music.

St Louis Globe-Democrat, Saint-Louis, lundi 24 décembre 1894, p. 7.

Et le programme est renouvelé comme l'indique l'annonce suivante:

saint louis 1894 kinetoscope St Louis Globe Democrat Thu Dec 27 1894
St Louis Globe-Democrat, Saint-Louis, jeudi 27 décembre 1894, p. 7.

Répertoire (autres titres): SandowCaicedoRuth DennisFairies' Fance (St Louis Globe-Democrat, Saint-Louis, jeudi 27 décembre 1894, p. 7.)
