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- Última actualización: 19 Mayo 2022
- Visto: 9050
Défilé de cyclistes
Défilé de cyclistes
LUM 1897-02
Bicycle Parade (Milan, Italy)
This is the very best picture yet taken wherein the "stee steed" is the predominating feature. Shows hundreds of male and female riders approaching the camera from around a curve in the road, all waving their caps and handkerchiefs as thay pass. Several road-skaters, followed by a crowd, lend to this scene added interest.
MB 1898
14/04/1897 | Italie, Milan, Teatro milanese | La sfilata dei ciclisti al Veloce Club di Milano | |
17/07/1897 | Italie, Savone | Giuseppe Filippi | I Ciclisti al Veloce Club (Milano) |
28/10/1897 | Italie, Fano | Giuseppe Filippi | I ciclisti del Veloce-Club Milano |
09/01/1898 | Italie, Spolète | Giuseppe Filippi | I canottieri a Milano |
16/04/1899 | France, Pau | Cinématographe Lumière | Défilé de cyclistes |
14/12/1899 | Haïti, Port-au-Prince | Giuseppe Filippi | Vélo-Club de Milan |
12/07/1902 | Brésil, São Luís | Giuseppe Filippi | O desfilar de uma sociedade de bicyclistas, composta de homens e senhoras, em Milão (Italia) |