Le Chronophotographe de W. D. Slade (janvier 1897)

William David Slade, marchant de chaussures à Cheltenham, qui s'intéresse depuis plusieurs années aux projections lumineuses, fait l'acquisition d'un chronophotographe Demenÿ, à la fin de l'année 1896, avec lequel il va organiser des séances de photographies animées. L'une des toutes premières a lieu aux Subscription Rooms de Stroud :

ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHS AND CONCERT AT THE SUBSCRIPTION. —One of the lest entertainments yet seen in Stroud look place on Tuesday at the Subscription Rooms. There was fair attendance at the afternoon concert, when an excellent programme was provided. In the evening the room was filled, the great attraction being a splendid exhibition of animated photographs conducted by Mr W. D. Slade, of Cheltenham. In addition to this a capital musical programme was contributed to by Sergeant Lewin's band, Mrs Leatham (Cheltenham), who sang "Alone the raft" in capital style. Mr A. E. Selwyn, a local favourite, very ably rendered “By the fountain." Mr. L. Thomasson followed with a violin solo (a) Cavatinia (b) Majourket, executed beautifully. Miss Susan having delighted the audience by her rendition of Beauty’s Eyes," Mr A. L. Russell, one of Stroud's best singers, sang "True till death” in his usual good form. Mr George Morgan next gave pianoforte sole in a truly professional manner. After some of the photographs had been shown, all the artistes who took part in the early part of the entertainment again appeared, with the addition of Mrs Liddiatt (Stonehouse), who sang splendidly, and Messrs J. and F. Lewin, who very creditably gave flute and clarionet duet. More photos were shown, and altogether a very enjoyable evening was provided. The entertainment continues to-day (Wednesday) and to-morrow (Thursday), when afternoon and evening will completely changed.

Gloucestershire Echo - Wednesday 06 January 1897, 3.

La formule consiste à faire alterner un concert dans lequel  interviennent plusieurs chanteurs et les vues animées. Malheureusement, nous ne connaissons pas les titres des vues projetées.