Les Animated Photographs de la Maskelyne and Cooke's Regional Company (septembre 1901)

La Maskelyne and Cooke's Regional Company organise des spectacles en Grande-Bretagne depuis juillet 1899. David Devant en est le responsable et il accompagne la troupe. L'équipe vient de donner quelques séances à Portsmouth. À Worthing, le spectacle a lieu au Pier Pavilion :

PIER PAVILION. Messrs Maskelyne and Cooke’s company opened here this week with their wonderful mysteries. “Orienta,” by Mr S. Devent, formed a series of novel illusionary effects which mystified the audience. M. Gintaro received rounds of applause for his brilliant display of Japanese juggling. “The Artist’s Dream” by Mr Spurr, was well worked out by Mr W. A. Bowron and the Misses Marie Curtis and Lilian Crispin. Mr David Devant performed some remarkably clever tricks, and with his comical hand shadows kept the audience in merry mood. An amusing and sensational sketch entitled Elixir Vitae is another notable item. The highly interesting entertainment concluded with fine display of animated photographs.

The Era, 31 août 1901, p. 25. 

Seul cet entrefilet publié dans la presse londienne nous informe de ces séances. L'équipe repart pour Douvres.