Jean-Claude SEGUIN

Detroit est une ville de l'état de Michigan (États-Unis)


Le Kinetoscope de la Detroit Music Co. (184-186 Woodward Avenue, <12 novembre-10 décembre 1894)

Un kinetoscope fonctionne à la Detroit Music Co. en novembre.

detroit 1894 kinetoscope Detroit Free Press Mon Nov 12 1894
Detroit Free Press, Detroit, lundi 12 novembre 1894, p. 1.

L'eidoloscope (Wonderland, 16 décembre->19 décembre 1895)

L'eidoloscope va offrir des séances de vues animées au Wonderland de Detroit, dont le propriétaire est J. H. Moore, à partir du 16 décembre 1895:

The Wonders of the Eidoloscope Will be Displayed This Week.
The wonder of invention is to be the main feature of interest at Wonderland all this week, and if the reports heard of the pleasure of witnessing a display of the great Eidoloscope, which is said to be the most marvelous and at the same time enticing thing yet seen in a theater, are true, the show will indeed draw big houses. It combines the principles of Edison's kinetoscope with the work of the magic lantern; throwing the figures upon canvas, life size, and making real the life depicted. For instance, in such an exhibition one sees two champions of the fistic arena engaged in a red hot struggle: they display all the science of the ring, and one sees an actual battle by men who only need to shout to make the people believe that actual blood and flesh is before them. This curiosity is the invention of Woodruff [sic] Latham and has created great enthusiasm. Among other shows in the theatorium is a big programme, the principal feature of which is Will F. Denny, with new songs; the Valdares, champion trick bicycle riders; Brennan and Wheeler, in a pleasing skit, and the London Bowery boys in a series of comicalities. In the curio hall will be found Whale Oil Gus, who gives a practical showing of how whales are captured; Madame Meyers, the bearded woman: Apache George and Arizona George. the experts with the whip and lasso. Grace Courtland. the witch of Wall street, is also seen here.

Detroit Free Press, Detroit, dimanche 15 décembre 1895, p. 24.

Les informations restent assez vagues et approximatives - le nom de Woodville Lathman est modifié -, sans doute parce que journaliste ne connaît pas encore l'eidoloscope. L'eidoloscope est encore annoncé le 19 décembre (Detroit Free Press, Detroir, 19 décembre 1895, p. 3).