Evening Telegram Bicycle Parade


Evening Telegram  Bicycle Parade


1 Lambda Company  
2 [Otway] Latham  
3 06/06/1896  
To-day's Big Bicycle Parade.
It has been estimated that the bicycle parade arranged by The Evening Telegram for this afternoon will have in it a great crowd of wheelmen and wheelwomen. The event promises to be a grand success. The route will be up the Boulevard from the vicinity of Seventy-second Street to On Hundred and Eighth Street, through which the line will pass to Riverside Drive. the procession will proceed up this to the circle in front of the Grand Tomb and return over the same course. The review stand will be located at One Hundred and Fourteenth Street and the drive. The procession is scheduled to move at 2:30 o'clock.
The New York Times, June 6, 1896, p. 6.
4 États-Unis, New York  


12/06/1896 États-UnisNew York, Broadway, nº 156 eidoloscope Evening Telegram Cycle Parade
12/06/1896 États-UnisNew York, Saint-James Hotel eidoloscope  Evening Telegram Cycle Parade 
24/06/1896 États-UnisDetroit eidoloscope  The New York Times Bicycle Parade
Evening Telegram Bicycle Parade

Last present week will conclude the exhibition by the eidoloscope at he Detroit opera house, and a new picture has been added which should prove a great attraction. It is a reproduction of the New York Times [sic] bicycle parade and is very clearly shown. In the background can be seen the immense grand stand crowded with people, while the cyclists go wheeling past in clubs, each with a distinctive uniform. the scene is so vividly portrayed that it appears life-like in every way. The pictures of the bull fight, rapids of Niagara Falls and scene on Fifth avenue are also retained.

Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Wednesday, June 24, 1896, p. 10.


États-UnisNew York, Bijou


Bicycle Parade


new york bicycle parade 1896

Bicycle Parade, New York. Francy Costume Division
