El cinematograph Lumiere (Dorris Opera House, 27-29 de septiembre de 1900)
Un cinematógrafo Lumière presenta su espectáculo a finales del mes de septiembre de 1900 en el Dorris Theater que se ha inaugurado en 1898:
The Cinematograph Luminere [sic] company, which has more views than any company on the road, is in the city and will Rive exhibitions at the Dorris theater September 27. 28 and 29. These exhibitions will afford an excellent opportunity for all who did not take part in the Spanish-American or Anglo-Boer wars, to witness an exact representation of all the principal battles. The company has a collection of 300 views, including beside the war pictures, historical, comic and magic scenes, bull fights and prize fights, animated pictures improved by the latest mechanical devices.
Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Thursday, September 27, 1900 p. 5.
La forma de fomentar el interés del público no deja de ser interesante, ya que se dirige el anuncio a los que no han tomado parte en los dos conflictos, la guerra hispano-americana y las de los Boers. El argumento no parece haber convencido a muchos:
MOVING PICTURES.-A small, but appreciative audience witnessed the cinematograph exhibition at Dorris theater last night. The show is all that it pretends to be, a good collection of moving pictures, including a pleasing variety from humorous to sublime.
Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Friday, September 28, 1900, p. 5.
Phoenix, Dorris Opera House