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- Création : 24 mars 2015
- Mis à jour : 20 juillet 2022
- Publication : 24 mars 2015
Joseph Deyoe BAUCUS
(Bacon Hill, 1864-New York, 1928)
Jean-Claude SEGUIN
Joseph Baucus. Descendance:
- Alexander B. Baucus (-Bacon Hill, 25/09/1892). Descendance:
- Joseph Deyoe Baucus (Bacon Hill, 23/09/1864-New York, 24/03/1928) épouse (Rome, 1890) Emma Onley (-Buffalo, 06/03/1890).
- Fannie Baucus (Bacon Hill, [1868]-Hudson Falls, 30/06/1951) épouse Frank R. Sherman (Saratoga Springs, [1872]-Hudson Falls, 13/06/1951). Descendance:
- Esther Sherman
Petit-fils de Joseph Baucus, maire de Bacon Hill, et fils d'Alexander Baucus, sénateur démocrate (1882), Joseph Deyoe Baucus est diplômé de la Princeton university et de la Columbia Law School, il commence sa carrière à Saratoga Springs, dans le cabinet Butler, KIimer Hoey and Butler. Sa vie est bouleversée par un drame. : au retour de son voyage de noces, le Lake Shore Railroad dans lequel il voyage avec son épouse rentre en collision (Buffalo, 6 mars 1890) avec un Train Express provoquant la mort de 7 passagers dont Mme Baucus. Il est lui-même blessé:
One of the saddest incidents of the accident was that which befell Joseph D. Baucus, a bright young lawyer of Saratoga Springs. A week ago Mr. Baucus married a handsome young lady of Rome, N. Y. The happy couple had spent their honeymoon in the West, and were returning home on the Sallna. When the accident occurred the lady was pinioned in the wreck. Her body was horribly bruised and her skull badly crushed. Her husband was injured about the legs and head. Mrs. Baucus was brought into a sleeper and the surgeons set about mending her wounds. Portions of the skull had to be taken out. The bridegroom was stretched out on another seat, two doctors working over him. Every few minutes he jumped up to get a look at his wife. The doctors restrained him by keeping him constantly informed of her condition, but the suspense was too much for him. He jumped up and, brushing tho doctors aside, folded his arms about the dying woman's form. "She's cold," he cried in despair, and he glanced up for n look of disapproval from the physicians who stood by. "No; she's living yet," answered one the doctors.
The Critic, Washington, 7 mars 1890, p. 1.
Peu après, il se rend en Europe pour plusieurs mois:
Will sail for Europe
Joseph C. Baucus of Bacon Hill, who was hurt in the recent Lake Shore railroad accident, and J. A. Kellogg, his cousin, of Sandy Hill, will sail for Europe this week, where they will remain several months.
The Post-Star, Glens Falls, Monday 7 April 1890, p. 3.
Associé à Franck Zeveley Maguire, il devient agent du phonographe Edison et ouvre le premier kinetoscope parlor à Londres (70, Oxford Street, 17/10/1894).
Maguire and Baucus. Londres. c. 1896
Source: National Museum of Photography, Film & Television
Reproduit dans : Colin Harding and Simon Popple, In the Kingdom of Shadows, Londres, Cygnus Art, 1996, p. 15.
Les deux hommes deviennent les agents officiels d'Edison pour la commercialisation du Kinetoscope en Europe. En 1897, ils s'associent avec Charles Urban et la société prend le nom de Warwick Trading Company. En février 1903, Charles Urban quitte la société pour fonder la Charles Urban Trading Company (20 juillet 1903).
De retour aux États-Unis, Joseph Baucus tente une carrière poliltique. En septembre 1908, il est désigné comme candidat démocrate pour le Congrès pour le 25e district de New York. Il décède à New York, en 1928.